Defining Internal Sales
Defining the internal supplier
The internal supplier must be defined as supplier type 7-'Internal' in Internal supplier in 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620).
Defining the internal customer number
The customer number that is used for the internal customer order is assigned per supplier number and receiving warehouse in 'Supplier. Connect Our Customer Number' (CRS680). The receiving warehouse is defined as the warehouse of the purchase order header in 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200). The supplier can thereby assign the same customer number to several warehouses placing a purchase order against the supplier.
Defining the selling facility of the internal customer order
The financial owner of the customer order is defined by its selling facility. The selling facility can, for an internal sales order, either be defined per the customer or supplier record.
Each customer can be assigned to a facility on 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/B). This facility can be used as the selling facility of the internal customer orders. This is controlled by defining the 'Facility' default setting *CUS in 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014).
For the scenario that the selling facility differs for the same customer number, it can instead be defined per supplier in 'Supplier. Define Purchase Financial' (CRS624).
If a facility is defined in (CRS624), it is given the highest priority and always be used on the internal customer order. If left blank, the rule defined per order type in (OIS014) is used.
Defining the supplying warehouse of the internal customer order
The supplying warehouse defined per main supplier in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) is used for both the demand calculations and as the default supplying warehouse for the internal customer order.
Note: If a supplying warehouse is defined in (CRS624), it is set as supplying warehouse for that specific supplier in (MMS002) by default.
Once the purchase order is printed, the supplying warehouse is retrieved based on the purchase order line’s item and receiving warehouse settings in (MMS002).
For business scenarios where a supplier number always equals a specific warehouse, it can be defined as the supplying warehouse per supplier in (CRS624).
In addition, each customer can be assigned to a supplying warehouse in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610), which may be used as the selling facility of the internal customer orders. This is controlled by defining the 'Warehouse' default setting *CUS in 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014).
The search for a default supplying warehouse on the internal CO header is performed in this hierarchy:
- The supplying warehouse in (CRS624).
- The supplying warehouse based on the CO type setting in (OIS014).
The search for a default supplying warehouse on the CO lines is performed in this hierarchy:
- The supplying warehouse in (MMS002) for the purchase order line’s item and receiving warehouse. If the supplier of the purchase order and the main supplier in (MMS002) are the same, then this supplying warehouse is used on the CO line.
- The supplying warehouse in (CRS624).
- The supplying warehouse based on the CO type setting in (OIS014).
To manage more advanced sourcing rules of supplying warehouses, a supply model may be defined for the internal customer order. The supply model is, however, only supported for sourcing of a firm purchase order and not the demand driven off a planned purchase order.
Defining warehouse interface settings for internal sales
Internal sales uses the warehouse interface functionality to transfer outbound delivery information to the purchase delivery note which is used for the goods receipt.
Number series 1 with number series type 17 must be defined in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165). Qualifiers must exist in 'Order Init Stock Trans Qualif. Open' (MHS860).
Stock message partner and message type must be defined in 'Stock Msg Partner. Open' (MMS865) and defined in 'Settings - Deliveries' (CRS721) for internal sales.
Auto start jobs for warehouse interface must be active for creation of purchase delivery (MHS855 and MHS855T9).
Settings on the delivery term
'Goods responsibility' (DELT) controls how goods in transit are updated when the goods in transit functionality is activated in 'Settings - Cost Accounting' (CAS900). Depending on the goods responsibility set for the delivery term in 'Delivery Term. Open' (CRS065), goods in transit transactions are created either for outbound or for inbound transactions.
Settings on the dispatch policy
The dispatch policy parameter '470 Ship-via control' must be set to 1-'Consignee' on 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010/H).
Batch order entry settings
An entry for batch source I-'Internal sales' must exist in 'Settings - Batch Orders' (OIS278). All the batch origin settings are similar as for the external batch origin A-'API'.
The setting 'Source sales price' in (OIS278) controls whether the purchase price is accepted or disregarded as the sales price. In addition, the setting 'Price/discount origin' is always activated for internal sales implying that the sales price origin is set to A-'API or internal sale' when the purchase price is used as the sales price of the CO.
Customer order type settings
A specific customer order (CO) type must be defined for internal sales, since there are specific CO type settings required for an CO to be created based on an internal purchase order. This implies that the same CO type cannot be used for other types of orders, for example sales to external customers.
The CO type is enabled for internal sales through activating the 'Internal sales' setting on the E panel in 'CO Type. Open' (OIS010). Once activated, there are several CO type settings that are disabled both in (OIS010) and 'CO Type. Update Field Selection' (OIS014). Upon copy, the new CO type can be defined as internal sales by activating the 'Internal sales' setting on the copy panel C in (OIS010). The CO type settings are upon copy automatically set to qualify for internal sales.
The table outlines the required CO type setting in (OIS010) for internal sales.
Field in (OIS010) | Comment |
Order category | The customer order category must be 1-'Normal order' for internal sales. Other order categories, such as 4-'Quotations', are not supported. |
Preliminary CO | The setting must be set to 0-'Not allowed'. |
Validate S/N | The setting must be set to 0-'No validation'. No support for sold against equipment information for spare part items. |
Cash dsk active | The setting must be disabled. Cash desk payments are not supported for internal sales. |
Chk plan split | The setting must be set to 0-'Not used'. Split of CO lines is not supported for internal sales. |
Advance invoicing | The setting must be set to 0-'Adv invoicing and pmt req not allowed'. |
Dispatch policy | The settings 540 or 545-'Consolidation fields' must be set to the field value OAICTR to ensure that only internal sales orders are consolidated into one delivery. |
Packaging action | The setting must be disabled. There is no support to create an additional CO line and push the information to the internal PO. |
Opening panel | The setting must be set to B-'Normal'. |
Check sequence | The 'Check sequence - item ID' used to define the item search hierarchy at CO line entry in (OIS101) only allows for alternative 1-'Item file'. The reason for this setup is that the item number is always given by the internal purchase order. For kit items, the check sequence is hard coded to 3-'Kit items' and the product structure applied on the internal PO is always respected. |
Shortage panel | The setting cannot be set to 2-'Alternate item'. Replacement items are not supported for internal sales. |
Qty sign | The setting must be set to 2-'Only positive'. There is no support to create a credit order based on the internal purchase order. |
Chk duplicates | The setting must be set to 0-'No check'. There is no support to control duplicates once placing the internal purchase order. |
Several whs | The setting must be enabled. There is no support to control only one supplying warehouse once placing the internal purchase order. |