Create Packing Instruction and Make Available for Supplier


The solution for packing instructions to suppliers covers "how to pack" as well as mark-for instructions. It can be used both when using pre-packs (stocked kits) and when using discrete items (SKUs).

Data Model - Principal Solution

In the fashion industry, there is a strong requirement for functionality which makes it possible to work with pre-packs. A pre-pack is a predefined package with items in certain quantities as content. Examples can be pre-packs with items of the same style and with the same color and size (example: 10 T-shirts, White/Medium), or items with the same style or color (example: white T-shirts; 10 Small, 10 Medium, 10 Large), or items of different styles (assortment pack). The requirement is based on the fact that the pre-pack is the entity or level on which companies within the industry would like to use for planning and within logistics.

One possible way of setting up M3 BE to use pre-packs is to use stocked kits. A stocked kit is an item (inventory accounted) set up as a product in 'Product Structure. Open' (PDS001), and with the different items/SKUs defined in 'Product. Connect Materials/Operations' (PDS002) as included material. The program 'Kit. Create' (PDS017) is used to create fashion kits, which is a kit consisting only of SKUs for a specific style.

A requirement when creating purchase orders for pre-packs in the fashion industry is to provide information to suppliers about how many packages must be sent or forwarded to which final consignee, which is also called 'mark-for' information in a mark-for/ship-to scenario. This scenario is similar to other fast-moving environments with cross-docking or direct shipments from supplier to the store or to the customer, without going through a Distribution Center. In M3 BE, packing instructions and mark for information can be created and connected to the purchase order lines. The packing instructions contain information about how to pack the ordered goods and how to mark the packages with information regarding the identity of the package (license plate) and what address label to put on it. This information is included on the purchase order document.

Packing instructions can however also be used in situations discrete items (SKUs) are used, that is, not only pre-packs. In such a scenario, the purchase order lines are set on SKU level, and the packing instructions are used to specify which of the ordered items should be packed together in which quantities and optionally, in which packaging material.

Package definition data

A package definition is a generic and reusable description of a package. It consists of a package definition header, which holds information like packaging and origin of the package definition, and package definition lines, which consists of item numbers and quantities. A package definition can be manually defined, and will then be a package definition type 1, or it can be created based on a kit (pre-pack) and will then be a package definition type 2. If it is a type 2 (a pre-pack), there is a reference to the Product number of the kit in the package definition header.

The package definitions are basic data tables and can be re-used by several packing instructions to carry package information.

Packing instruction data

A packing instruction always has a packing instruction header. The packing instruction is the entity that keeps a whole packing instruction together, and can be seen as a proposed delivery header.

The packing instruction line is the reference from the packing instruction to the purchase order to which it is connected. A whole or a part of a purchase order line can be connected to a packing instruction. Several purchase order lines can be connected to one packing instruction. The data model as such allows for lines from several purchase orders to be connected to one packing instruction, but the current solution will auto-create new packing instruction headers for each new purchase order (if set up on purchase order type)

The packing instruction package table is the link between the packing instruction and the package definition. It contains information about how many packages of each kind (that is, package definitions) the supplier should deliver within one packing instruction

The packing instruction consignee table is the carrier of the marking information for a pack-age. It contains information about the final consignee of a package (customer number, warehouse, and so on) and address information. It can also contain an SSCC number in the case the supplier should receive information about which SSCC number to label each package with.

The packing instruction quantity table is a table used to keep track of quantities of items per package definition, and contains data that is not visible to the user. The above described principal data model is used regardless if the packing instructions are used in a pre-pack (kit) scenario or in a discrete item (SKU) scenario.

Before you start

Settings for activating the packing instructions functionality is done on the purchase order type on the 'Purchase Order Type. Open (PPS095/I) panel:

  • Parameter 560

    The field indicates whether to automatically create packing instructions when a purchase order line is created. For alternative 1: When you create a purchase order line for a stocked kit item, packing instructions are created in order to inform the supplier about the content of the kit.

  • Parameter 570

    The field indicates whether mark-for consignee instructions are automatically created when a purchase order line is pre-allocated to an outbound order line. This functionality is limited to kit items only.

    A mark-for consignee instruction is a packing instruction that indicates to the supplier the final destination of the goods.

  • Parameter 580

    The field indicates whether SSCC numbers should be generated for the created mark-for consignee information records. Either, the SSCC number information can be created for each package in a packing instruction, at the time the packing instruction is created. Or, SSCC number information can be created for each package that has any kind of mark-for consignee information connected to it.

  • Parameter 590

    The final parameter indicates how to activate the automatic printing of connected packing instructions when the purchase orders are printed.

Packing Instructions for pre-packs

Package definition based on kit

Package definitions are stored and maintained in 'Package Definition. Open Header' (MMS460) and 'Package Definition. Open Line' (MMS461).

The package definition for a kit can be created using F14 in (MMS460/A) based on a stocked kit in (PDS001) and (PDS002). It can also be created entirely automatically for a kit on a purchase order line. Then packing instructions are created in order to give information to the supplier about the content of the kit.

When a package definition has been created and the kit structure is changed, you must manually update the pre-pack structure, and vice verse, in order to keep the kit structure and the package definition structure synchronized. When you try to update one of these entities under these circumstances, a warning message will be given in order to inform about the needed manual update.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start (MMS460/A). If no package definition number is entered, the new package definition number will become the same as the product number.
  2. Specify facility and kit product number on (MMS460/A).
  3. Press F14 to create the new package definition.

    A package definition header is created in (MMS460) for the KIT item. Package definition lines are created for all items included in the KIT in (MMS461). The detail panel of the package definition line holds the fashion specific information for the SKU features.

    This fashion-specific information is also available in the packing instruction printout and in the list-transactions of the APIs for packing instructions (MMS450MI).

Packing instructions automatically created for a kit PO

To create a package definition of type kit automatically, the purchase order line needs to be on the stocked kit level. Before this can be done, the parameter 560-'Packing instructions' must be set to 1 on the used purchase order type to enable the creation of packing instructions and package definition for stocked kits.

When a PO line is created (using PO proposal in 'Planned Purchase Order. Open' (PPS170) or manually in 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201)), a check is done if there exists a package definition that corresponds to the ordered kit product. Otherwise, it is automatically created according to above, and then the packing instruction is automatically created using the package definition.

These are created for a PO line:
  • a packing instruction header in 'Packing Instruction Header. Open' (MMS450)
  • a packing instruction line in 'Packing instruction line. Open' (MMS451)
  • a packing instruction package record in 'Packing instruction package. Open' (MMS452)

The packing instruction can be found by using related option 29 from 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200), 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201), or 'Purchase Order. Display Lines' (PPS220).

Mark for consignee information automatically created for kit PO

In 'Packing instructions consignee. Open' (MMS453), you can connect mark for consignee information to existing packing instructions. This marking information splits up the packing instructions into more detailed instructions, saying whom a package should be sent to. For example, for a packing instruction saying that 52 packages should be delivered, the mark for consignee information is saying “20 packages should be sent to store A and 32 packages to store B”, including address information to the final consignee.

The trigger for creating mark-for information is a purchase order being pre-allocated to an outbound order, that is, Distribution Order or Customer Order. It is also possible to create mark-for information for a planned distribution order. The reason for this is to make it possible to send mark for information to suppliers earlier than the planned orders are actually released, as some customers want to be able to re-plan their orders until just before it is time to deliver the goods, and when it is usually too late to send the mark for instructions to the suppliers. Whether to create mark-for information also for planned orders is controlled via the parameter 570-‘Create mark for instruction’ on the purchase order type.

When a distribution order line is pre-allocated to a purchase order line, the logic will check if the DO has been created by a DO proposal and if so, check if there already exists a mark-for instruction that should be updated with the firm order number instead of creating a new instruction. Parameter 570 on the purchase order type should not be changed after order proposals or released orders have been pre-allocated to the purchase order as this might result in incorrect data.

For instance, if parameter 570 is changed from 2 to 1 on the purchase order type, after the planned distribution order has been created, and this is after this released, then the mark for details will not be deleted for the proposal when the mark for is generated for the released order line. The result is that invalid mark for data will remain for the proposal besides the information for the released lines.

At pre-allocation of an outbound order the package instruction is updated with mark for information in (MMS453).

On (MMS453/E), the package records are marked with the order category of the outbound order, the consignee, number of pre-allocated packages, the order number and order line number.

On (MMS453/F), the delivery address information will be populated, making it possible to put correct address labels on each package

SSCC marking information automatically created for a kit PO line

This functionality enables automatic generation of SSCC-numbers as marking information. The purpose is to be able to send complete ‘mark for’ information to the supplier or forwarding agent. The effect will be records in (MMS453) with a filled value in the SSCC number field. Since an SSCC number is unique for one package, the “number of packages” quantity field must always be 1 if an SSCC number exists on a record.

SSCC-numbers in M3 are created according to these logic:

  • Initial digit: Hard coded to 3
  • GS1-number: Unique for company / division in 'Settings - Packing' (CRS706)
  • Sequence number: 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165), number series 05 A
  • Check digit: Calculated

With the parameter 580 on the purchase order type (PPS095), it is decided if SSCC should be automatically created or not, as well as when they should be created.

If the pre-allocation is updated or deleted, the mark-for instructions are updated accordingly, that is,. records are deleted if the pre-allocated quantity is reduced, or new ones are created if the pre-allocated quantity is increased."

Example 1) If parameter 580=1 – Create SSCC when mark-for instruction created

A packing instruction already exists with 14 pre packs ordered. 8 packages are are being pre-allocated on a outbound order. 8 package instructions consignee records is created in (MMS453), each with a unique SSCC number and are marked for the outbound order.

Example 2) If parameter 580=2 – Create SSCC when packing instruction created

At the same time as the packing instruction is created for a Purchase Order line with 14 kits/prepacks, the same amount of (MMS453) records are created automatically, each with a unique SSCC number. When all or parts of the PO line are pre-allocated against a outbound order, the records in (MMS453) are updated/modified with mark-for instructions against the pre allocated outbound order.

Packing instructions for Discrete items/SKUs

Package definitions manually defined

Package definitions in (MMS450/MMS451) cannot only be based on kits/pre-packs, they can also be manually defined. A manually defined package definition will have package definition type 1. Manually defined package definitions can be used when manually creating packing instructions for purchase orders that are not based on pre-packs, but rather on discrete items (SKUs).

For a Purchase Order, it is possible to manually create packing instructions by using existing or creating new package definitions to describe the packages.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new package definition on (MMS460/B).
  2. On panel E, set the pkg status to 20-'Definite' and specify the 'packaging' to use.
  3. In (MMS461), create the package definition lines one by one (using the option 'Create') or by using the Fashion Matrix. To use the Fashion Matrix, (MMS461/P) must be set up with these:
    • Full-screen opt=2
    • Search seq ali=8

    When specifying a value that matches a selected alias type in the search sequence and selecting option 1-'Create' on (MMS460/B) opens (CRS207) where the quantities of the selected items can be specified.

    You can repeat the step above several times to add SKUs from different style in to the same package definition. Several package definitions can be created for one style and a SKU can be included in several different package definitions.

Manual creation of package instructions for SKUs

If a purchase order exists, follow these steps:

  1. Open (MMS450) by using related option 19 from (PPS200) or (PPS201) (or related option 29 from (PPS220)).
  2. Click 'Create New' in (MMS450) to create a new packing instruction.
  3. In (MMS452), all relevant available package definitions are displayed and possible to select.

    By specifying a number of packages”and pressing enter, the remaining quantity for each of the included items is reduced with an amount depending on the number of each item in the selected package definition (the standard quantity).

  4. Select related option 11 to reach (MMS451). Here, the items in specified quantities included in the packing instruction are presented.

SSCC marking information in packing instructions for SKUs

When parameter 580-'Create SSCC for mark-for consignee instruction' in 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095) is set to 2-'Create SSCC when packing instruction created', an SSCC number instruction is created in 'Packing instruction consignee. Open' (MMS453) for each package that is being created in 'Packing instruction package. Open' (MMS452).

If parameter 580 is set to 0 or 1, no SSCC number instructions are automatically created when the packing instructions are created.

Manual mark-for consignee instructions

There is no functionality for automatically creating mark for consignee information for packing instructions when the related Purchase Order is on SKU level, but it is always possible to manually enter marking instructions for the packages in (MMS453), for example, address information for the final consignee.

Packing instruction printout

A document has been created for the printout of packing instructions. In the end of the How to pack part of the packing instruction printout, the Fashion Matrix has been added. The Fashion Matrix is a summation of the SKUs that a pre-pack contains.

The control of who to send to has been solved by introducing two control fields for the packing instruction document, document number 260. The first field holds a value that says which type of receiver it is and the second field holds the value of the receiver. The two control fields are set up in 'M3 Document. Open' (CRS928).

Manual printout of packing instructions

The purpose is to be able to order printout of a selection of packing instructions. When ordering a printout manually it is possible to select receiver of the document and the content of the document.

The selection of packing instructions to print is made in program 'Packing Instruction. Print' (MMS456).

Automatic printout of packing instructions

To control the automatic print of the packing instructions, parameter number 590 is added to the purchase order type. This parameter controls if packing instructions connected to purchase orders with this purchase order type should be printed automatically when the purchase order document is printed.

Sent to fields in (MMS453)

Three additional fields display when packing instructions for consignee are sent to supplier, forwarding agent or warehouse. The field is automatically updated when the mark for information is printed. The date is displayed on (MMS453/B), (MMS453/E) and in API MMS450MI.

Packing instruction printout for purchase orders

This functionality enables printing packing instructions together with purchase order documents. It affects both when purchase order documents are printed automatically for purchase orders via (PPS914), as well as when these are printed manually through selection in ‘Purchase Order. Print Document’ (PPS600).

Parameter 590 ‘Print packing instruction’ on the purchase order type on (PPS095/I) is used to control if packing instructions connected to purchase orders of the purchase order type should be printed automatically when the purchase order documents are printed. This parameter controls also which part of the packing instruction that should be printed - whether both the How to pack and the Mark for part of it should be printed, or only either one of them.

An equivalent parameter is also added to supplier on 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620/E), making it possible to control based on supplier whether and what part of packing instructions should be printed when purchase order documents are printed.

Media management functions

This functionality enables the user to manage the media control for the packing instruction printout. The printout is set up with its own document number 'Standard Document. Open' (CRS027) and is managed using the media control settings 'Std Document. Connect Media Ctrl Object' (CRS945).

API transactions for packing instructions

Packing instructions can be read out from M3 BE through API transactions in MMS450MI. There are three different transactions that can be used in different situations:

  • LstPckInstByOrd lists all packing instruction header records that are connected to a purchase order or purchase order line.
  • LstPckInstDet returns all details on a packing instruction and the related package definitions.
  • LstPckInstCons returns all mark-for information records for a packing instruction header number.