Settlement Printing Model


This document explains:

  • How the settlement process for Grower Agreements is configured to define the order in which an attribute connected to a QMS-test should be added to the item.
  • How the settlement printing process for Grower Agreements can be configured to print a pre-defined list of applicable quality test results and attributes.


The sequence of quality test results and attribute information for the Grower Agreement is defined

The test results and attributes required on the settlement document are defined

Main programs

  • 'Settlement Printing Model. Open' (PPS385)
  • 'Connect Test and Attribute Lines. Open' (PPS386)

Before you start

  • Parameter 'Grower Contract Management' must be set on the K panel of 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100).
  • The business is familiar with the rules required to order quality results and attributes along with their impact on the settlement calculation.

Follow these steps

Follow these steps to configure the following:

  • Sequence in which test results and other required information is pulled into the settlement process.
  • Test result information to be included on the Settlement Document print output.
  1. Open 'Settlement Printing Model. Open' (PPS385)

  2. Either enter the costing model ID that the sequencing rules will be applied to or use F4 browse on the Model field.

  3. Select the date from which the sequencing rules should be active against the specified costing model

  4. Choose Options \ Create

  5. New model displayed

  6. With the new model highlighted, right click and choose related option 11 (connect test and attribute lines)

  7. B panel of 'Connect Test and Attribute Lines. Open' (PPS386) displayed, with previously selected costing model, valid from date and sequence number listed in the panel header frame.

  8. Enter sequence number and choose Options \ Create

  9. E panel displayed

  10. Populate the following fields on the details frame:

    • Element Type (QMS test or attribute)
    • Test/attribute
    • If QMS test has been selected, use the F4 Browse action to select the required test. Using the browse action twice against this field will display 'Test Template. Open' (QMS100).
    • If Attribute has been selected, use the F4 Browse action to select the required attribute. Using the browse action twice against this field will display 'Attribute. Open' (ATS010).
    • Print on Settle. Select one of the following options to specify whether or not, and under what conditions, the specified attribute or QMS test should be included on the settlement document:
      • 0 – Value not printed
      • 1 – Value printed
      • 2 – Value printed if <> 0
  11. Click next.

  12. 'Connect Test and Attribute Lines. Open' (PPS386) is displayed.

  13. Repeat as required for all required QMS tests and attributes to be included in the calculation and printing model.