Display Delivery Time Statistics

This document explains how you display and print delivery time statistics. It also explains how you print the internal lead time and the transport lead time.


Detailed delivery time statistics are generated and printed. The purchase statistics are updated in the MPURST file.

Use the delivery time statistics to do the following:

  • Display a specified supplier's delivery times on delivered lines, for an item as well as in a summarized format.
  • Check the supplier delivery status
  • Check how the total order amount is divided.

Before you start

The parameters in Define Settings for Supplier Evaluation and Statistics must be defined.

Follow These Steps

Display Delivery Time Statistics

  1. Start 'Delivery Time Statistics. Display Detail' (PPS460).

  2. On the B panel, enter the supplier number, facility, warehouse, priority, actual delivery date, number of discrepancy days, and scale.

  3. Press Enter.

    • The Discrepancy days field indicates the difference in days between actual delivery date and planned delivery date.
    • A negative value indicates an early delivery and a positive value a delayed delivery.
    • The percentage displayed on the panel is the discrepancy amount compared with the discrepancy factor in the header.
  4. Select Option 15 = 'Summary' to move to 'Delivery Time Statistics. Display Sum' (PPS461).

  5. On the B panel, enter the supplier number, facility, warehouse, priority, actual delivery date, number of discrepancy days, and scale.

  6. Press Enter.

    • The summarized delivery time statistics is displayed.
    • An optimal delivery time performance must have all orders (100%) in the middle, interval 0-0.

Print Delivery Time Statistics

  1. Start 'Delivery Time Statistics. Print' (PPS870).

  2. On the E panel, enter the supplier group, supplier number, buyer, order type, facility, warehouse, priority, item type, item group, procurement group, ABC classification, volume, item number, and number of discrepancy days.

    • Two different ranges can be selected.
    • Sorting order can be marked using numerical values. The lowest numerical value is given the highest priority.
    • Activate the 'Page break' check box to print totals at line breaks.
    • Activate the 'Prt Tot' check box to print totals at line breaks.
    • Activate the 'Prt Pct' check box if percentages must be included when the total is printed.
  3. Press Enter.

    The printing job is submitted.

Print Internal Lead Time

  1. Start 'Purchase Order. Print Internal Lead Time' (PPS680).

  2. On the E panel, enter the facility, warehouse, buyer, supplier number, order type, purchase order number, receiving date, goods receiving method, and item number.

    • Two different ranges can be selected.
    • Sorting order can be marked using numerical values. The lowest numerical value is given the highest priority.
    • Activate the 'Page break' check box to print totals at line breaks.
  3. Press Enter.

    The printing job is submitted.

Print Transport Lead Time

  1. Start 'Purchase Order. Print Transport Lead Time' (PPS685).

  2. On the E panel, enter the facility, warehouse, buyer, supplier number, order type, purchase order number, receiving date, goods receiving method, and item number.

    • Two different ranges can be selected.
    • Sorting order can be marked using numerical values. The lowest numerical value is given the highest priority.
    • Activate the 'Page break' check box to print totals at line breaks.
  3. Press Enter.

    The printing job is submitted.