Managing Purchase Quotation Requests

This document explains how you create a request for quotation, print and send quotation, report and evaluate quotation, accept and reject a quotation, and create a purchase agreement from an accepted quotation.


A purchase agreement is created for the accepted quotation. The supplier quoting the best price is selected and the supplier details are copied to a purchase agreement. 'No thank you' letters are printed and sent to the other suppliers.

The following files are updated:

  • Purchase Quotation Header (MPPQTH)
  • Purchase Quotation Line (MPPQTL)
  • Purchase Quotation current price (MPPQTC)
  • Purchase Quotation new price (MPPQTCN)
  • Agreements Header (MPAGRH)
  • Agreements Line (MPAGRL)

The purchase agreement created from the purchase quotation can be used both in planned purchase orders and purchase orders.

Before you start

The parameters mentioned in Create Request for Purchase Quotation must be defined.

Follow These Steps

  1. Enter Mass Request for a Quotation

    The purchase quotations can be entered manually or created automatically through mass creation or copied from another quotation.

    You can mass create quotations in 'Request for Quotation. Mass Create' (PPS131).

  2. Enter Request for Quotation for a Single Supplier

    You can create a request for quotation for a single supplier in 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130).

  3. Print and Send Quotation

    You can print a completed purchase quotation by using option 33 = 'Print RFQ' in 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130) or by using 'Request for Quotation. Print' (PPS550).The status of the purchase quotation changes to 20 after printing.

    A quotation report can be printed using 'Suppl Quotation. Print Report' (PPS560). You can also print it using option 35 = 'Quotation list' in 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130).

    The quotation analysis can be printed as an analysis report using option 34 = 'Quot Analys Lst' from 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130). You can also print it from 'Suppl Quotation. Print Analysis' (PPS555).

    A negotiation report can be printed using option 36 = 'Negotiatn list' from 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130). You can also print the negotiation report from 'Suppl Quotation. Print Negotiation Report' (PPS565).

  4. Report and Evaluate Quotation

    The replies from the suppliers are entered using 'Request for Quotation. Open Lines' (PPS133). You can also use option 11 = 'Details' from 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130).

    The Purchase quotation is evaluated using the calculation program in 'Purchase Inquiry Costing. Calculate' (PPS292). You can also use option 37 = 'Costing Calculation' from PPS130.

    The calculation is then run using option 31 = 'Calculate Priority' from PPS130.

    You can print 'No thank you' letters for the rejected purchase quotation from 'Request for Quotation. Print Reply Doc' (PPS612). You can also print the letters using option 38 = 'Prt answer' from 'Request for Quotation. Open' (PPS130). The status of the rejected quotations is automatically set to 70 after printing.

  5. Create a Purchase Agreement from Quotation

    A purchase agreement for the accepted quotation can be created using 'Purchase Agreement. Create fr Quotation' (PPS150). You can also use option 32 = 'Crt Agreement' from PPS130.

    If the quotation is not complete or some data is missing in the header and/or on the lines, you can select the copy code to copy the purchase agreement. The purchase quotation status is automatically set to 90.

    The created agreement can be displayed and changed in 'Purchase Agreement. Open' (PPS100)