Settings for Goods Receiving, Quality Inspection, Claims and Put-Away

This document explains how you define settings for the purchase order goods receiving flow:

The following areas are included:

  • Goods receiving
  • Documents
  • Quality inspection
  • Claims
  • Put-away


All the above-mentioned settings are defined.

After goods receiving and put-away are performed, the supplier invoice can be reported.

Important files used for these settings are:


Purchase Order Header


Purchase Order Line


Purchase Order Line transactions


Goods receiving method


Goods receiving method – documents


Internal account entries

Before you start

Lot control in the purchase flow

  • If you control lots and serial numbers in the purchasing flow, the conditions must be fulfilled in:

Follow these steps

Settings for goods receiving

  1. Start 'Settings – Purchase' (CRS780). These settings are maintained from division blank, but they can be overridden per division.

  2. Fill in the fields on the E, F, and G panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

  3. Start 'PO Type. Open' (PPS095).Fill in the fields on the E and I panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

  4. Start 'Goods Receiving Method. Open' (PPS345). Fill in the fields on the B, E, F and G panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

    Parameters to set - Settings for goods receiving

    Program ID/Panel


    The field indicates...


    10 Accepted deviation

    … the limit for when receipts deviating in quantity are still accepted. The limit is expressed as a percentage and is calculated on the ordered/confirmed quantity.

    All received quantities up to the upper limit of deviation are accepted by the system. If the limit is exceeded, a warning is issued. To stop an order that exceeds the limit and make it impossible to receive the order, parameter 510 in (PPS095) must be selected.


    19 Print external instr on goods rec doc

    … whether the external instructions for an item should be printed on the detailed receipt document in (PPS307).

    The text to be printed must be defined in (MMS135) and then connected to the item in (MMS001).


    38 Goods receipt allowed in (PPS220)

    … whether goods receipt can be done in (PPS220).


    021 Number series - goods receiving doc

    … the number series to use for the receiving number during entry in the goods receiving routine. The number series is set up in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165), series type 21.


    040 Goods receiving method

    … the method that controls processing of the goods receiving flow.

    The goods receiving method is defaulted on the purchase order line from the following places and in the following order:

    1 Item/supplier file (PPS040/E)

    2 Item master file (MMS001/F)

    3 Purchase order type (PPS095/E)


    510 Stop if excess delivery

    … whether a purchase order should be stopped if received quantity exceeds the ordered/confirmed quantity plus the tolerance/deviation limit.

    The tolerance limit can be found in the item/supplier file (PPS040). If it is not entered there, it can be found in parameter 10 in (CRS780).


    540 Completion flag open - goods receipt

    … whether it should be possible to update the completion flag of the purchase order line during goods receipt reporting.


    550 Packaging action

    … whether a packaging action is taken. For more information about packaging actions, see:



    Goods receiving method

    … the method that controls processing of the goods receiving flow.

    The goods receiving method is defaulted on the purchase order line from the following places and in the following order:

    1 Item/supplier file (PPS040/E)

    2 Item master file (MMS001/F)

    3 Purchase order type (PPS095/E)


    080 Create lot number during goods receipt

    … where, in the goods receiving process, the manual lot number should be entered. For more information, see:


    110 Shortage check - goods receipt

    … whether reservations should be checked against the on-hand balance when received goods are reported.

    If the check shows a shortage, then this information is displayed on the detailed goods receiving document (PPS307) and on the inquiry purchase order transactions (PPS330).


    220 Display attribute screen at quality insp

    … whether the attribute screen should be displayed during goods receipt in (PPS300).

Settings for documents

Basic settings for document output must be specified according to:

Different kinds of receiving documents can be printed automatically after goods receipt is reported. Which documents are printed is controlled by the goods receiving method.

'Goods Receiving Method. Connect Documents' (PPS346) displays all documents connected to a goods receiving method. These documents must also be defined in 'Std Document. Open' (CRS027).

Program ID/Panel


The field indicates...



Document number

… the unique ID of a document.

See step action list for goods receiving documents.


Number of copies

… the number of copies that should be printed.


External or internal document

When you print internal documents, the local language is used. When you print external documents, the language of the customer is used.


Print document

… if a document should be printed automatically.

  1. To Generate Standard Documents, start 'Document. Open Standard' (CRS027). Document numbers connected to the goods receiving flow are:

    Goods receiving - purchasing:



    Hazardous goods label



    Quality inspection



    Receipt document totaled



    Receipt document detailed



    Receipt document item number/package

    Quality inspection - purchasing:



    Marking label



    Quality inspection result



    Picking list for inventoried items after rejection in the inspection report

    Put-away - purchasing:



    Receipt document



    Receipt document



    Marking label PO receipt report



    Way bill Variant 20=CMR variant 60=Swedish

  2. Press F14='Generate standard' to generate these standard documents.

    Connect Documents to a Goods Receiving Method

  3. On the (PPS345/B) panel you select option 11=Documents, to start 'Goods Receiving Method. Connect Document' (PPS346).

    On the top of the (PPS346/B) panel the selected goods receiving method is displayed.

  4. Press F4 in the 'Document number' field and select a document. Press Create and fill in the fields in the E panel.

  5. Repeat for all documents you want to connect to this goods receiving method.

Settings for quality inspection

  1. Start 'Settings – Purchase' (CRS780). These settings are maintained from division blank, but they can be overridden per division.

  2. Fill in the fields on the E and F panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

  3. Start 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) Fill in the 'Inspection location' field on the G panel, described in the Parameters to set table.

  4. Start 'Goods Receiving Method. Open' (PPS345). Fill in the fields on the B, E and G panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

    Parameters to set - Settings for quality inspection

    Program ID/Panel


    The field indicates...


    05 Default location - rejected quantity

    … the stock location proposed for a rejected quantity when reporting quality inspection in (PPS310).


    11 QI result - auto claim

    … which quality inspection results reported in (PPS310) automatically create a claim in (PPS390).


    19 Print external instr on goods rec doc

    … whether the external instructions for an item should be printed on the detailed receipt document in (PPS307). The text to be printed must be defined in (MMS135) and then connected to the item in (MMS001).


    Inspection location

    … the location where goods received are stored while waiting to be quality inspected in the purchase component group.

    This location must be of status 1 (MMS010/E, the 'Status proposal' field). If the item is to be inspected, this location is proposed by default in (PPS300).

    If the location is blank per item/warehouse, the location is proposed by default from the goods receiving method (PPS345).


    Goods receiving method

    … the method that controls processing of the goods receiving flow.

    The goods receiving method is defaulted on the purchase order line from the following places and in the following order:

    1 Item/supplier file (PPS040/E)

    2 Item master file (MMS001/F)

    3 Purchase order type (PPS095/E)


    020 Inspection point

    … when the quality inspection should be reported.


    030 Copy standard parameters

    … if the standard quality inspection parameters defined in the goods receiving method should be copied when you set these parameters for the item/supplier combination in (PPS040/G). Proposed values can be changed on the panel.


    040 Quality inspection reporting

    … whether quality inspection reporting should be performed and whether it should be done dynamically according to user-defined rules.


    050 Quality inspection address - default

    … the default location for the quality inspection.


    060 QI address if default is missing

    … the default administrative location. It is proposed during receipt for quality inspection if the inspection address is missing for the item/warehouse and if the inspection address of the goods receiving method is blank.


    070 Inspection lead time

    … the time normally required for goods receipt, quality inspection, and put-away. Inspection lead time is not allowed for direct put-away.


    090 Put-away address - default

    … the location proposed by default when the next step is put-away. Used after quality inspection but before put-away.

    The location must have status 1 in (MMS010) and may not have the same ID as the location before quality inspection according to parameter 050 in the goods receiving method.


    Inspection text

    … text to be printed on certain goods receiving documents when quality inspection is performed.

    This information is entered for the item/supplier combination and may be proposed by default from the goods receiving method.


    150 Are quality inspection tasks used

    … if several inspection operations for a quality inspection are possible for an item number. If No is selected, no search for inspection operations will take place during goods receipt reporting.


    160 Lowest permitted quality inspection lvl

    … the lowest possible quality inspection level in the goods receiving routine.


    170 Quality inspection level - new revision

    … the quality inspection level for the next receipt, if this is made on a new construction level.


    180 Quality inspection plan

    … contains several user-defined values for dynamic quality inspection in the goods receiving routine.


    190 Sample table

    … a sample table.

    Sample tables are used if random sampling methods are used during quality inspection.


    200 Minimum quality inspection interval

    …the minimum number of days between the quality inspections in the goods receiving routine.


    210 QI level after minimum QI interval

    … the quality inspection level for the next receipt after the minimum inspection interval in days has been passed. This means that quality inspection should be performed, because the number of days since the previous inspection is greater than the value indicated in the field.


    220 Display attribute screen at quality insp

    … whether the attribute screen should be displayed during quality inspection in (PPS310).

Settings for claims

  1. Start 'Settings – Purchase' (CRS780). These settings are maintained from division blank, but they can be overridden per division.

  2. Fill in the fields on the E and F panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

    Parameters to set

    Program ID/Panel


    The field indicates...


    06 Default order type claims

    … the order type to be proposed on the claim header. This order type will handle the requisition order for issuing the rejected goods from the location if a replacement delivery is demanded.

    The requisition order type is entered in 'Requisition/Distribution Order Types. Open' (CRS200).

    Here you must select stock transaction type 41 =Requisition order issue.


    11 QI result - auto claim

    … which quality inspection results reported in (PPS310) automatically create a claim in (PPS390).

    The valid alternatives are:

    1=No transfer

    2=QI result 3 and 4 create claims

    3=QI result 2, 3 and 4 create claims.


    20 Several lines per claim

    … whether it should be permitted to have more than one order line on each automatically created claim transferred from (PPS310).

    By allowing only one line the claim process is simplified, such as when a request for a replacement delivery is made on the claim header and not on the claim lines.


    Lead time for replacement delivery

    … the lead time for a replacement delivery. It is used when calculating a default delivery date for a replacement delivery. This value is displayed in the claim routine.

  3. Start 'Supplier. Connect Item' (PPS040/E) and fill in the 'Lead time for replacement delivery' field.

Settings for put-away

  1. Start 'Settings – Purchase' (CRS780). These settings are maintained from division blank, but they can be overridden per division.

  2. Fill in the fields on the E and F panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

  3. Start 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002) Fill in the 'Location' field on the G panel, described in the Parameters to set table.

  4. Start 'Item. Connect Supplier' (PPS040) and fill in the 'Tolerance limit' field on the F panel.

  5. Start 'Goods Receiving Method. Open' (PPS345). Fill in the fields on the B, E, F and G panels, described in the Parameters to set table.

    Parameters to set - Settings for put-away

    Program ID/Panel


    The field indicates...


    02 Flag as completed permitted

    … whether it is possible to flag an order as completed at put-away. The use of a completion flag permits put-away with a lower quantity than the received quantity without the system having to wait for any remaining quantity.


    04 Deletion limit - put-away deviation

    … the limit for when a balance ID with a remaining quantity is automatically deleted at put-away. The limit is expressed as a percentage and is calculated on the received quantity.

    A remaining quantity is created when a quantity is reported with a lower number at put-away than what was reported at goods receipt. A remaining quantity measured within the deviation limit is automatically deleted.


    15 Page break for stock zone - put-away doc

    … whether a page break should be made for each new stock zone on the put-away document.


    16 Print supplier on put-away document

    … whether the supplier name should be printed on the put-away document in (CRS676). The supplier name is then printed for each line where the supplier is different than the previous.


    Tolerance limit

    … the tolerance limit, as a percentage, for automatic finish marking in the goods receiving routine.



    … the default location that is proposed upon receipt, issue, etc.

    The location in 'Purchase Order. Put Away Goods' (PPS320) is defaulted from the location entered in this field.


    Goods receiving method

    … the method that controls processing of the goods receiving flow.

    The goods receiving method is defaulted on the purchase order line from the following places and in the following order:

    1 Item/supplier file (PPS040/E)

    2 Item master file (MMS001/F)

    3 Purchase order type (PPS095/E)


    010 Direct put-away

    if put-away should be reported directly or if the goods receipt, including any quality inspection, should occur before put-away. Direct put-away means that one report covers both goods receipt and put-away.


    140 Two step put-away

    … whether the two-step put-away is activated.

    This activation occurs in two places: in the stock zone and in the goods receiving method or order type.

    See more about this in:


    220 Display attribute screen at put-away

    … whether the attribute screen should be displayed during put-away in (PPS320).

Settings for cross-docking

For more details, see