Receive Purchased Goods

This document explains how you receive the goods connected to your purchase order (PO). You will also learn how to reverse a goods receipt and how to display the created transactions.


The goods are received at your plant and are assigned unique receiving numbers. Supplier statistics are updated with lead times and interest costs for early deliveries. The inventory value rises. Documents may have been printed.

If direct put-away has been chosen, the goods are now part of the available stock and the goods receiving process is finished. For all other flows the goods are now ready for quality inspection (QI) or separate put-away.

You can view the balance identity of the goods in 'Balance Identity. Open Toolbox' (MWS068), and the historical stock transactions in 'Stock Transaction. Display History' (MWS070). Also, you can monitor the status development in 'Purchase Order. Display Lines' (PPS220).

It is possible to reverse the registering of a goods receipt in 'Purchase Order. Display Line Transactions' (PPS330).

Important files used for the flow program are:

  • MPHEAD Purchase Order Header
  • MPLINE Purchase Order Line
  • MPLIND Purchase Order Line transactions
  • MPGRMT Goods receiving method
  • MPGRDO Goods receiving method – documents
  • CINACC Internal account entries

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Purchase Order. Receive Goods' (PPS300/A).

  2. Select the warehouse for this goods receiving.

  3. Fill in the purchase order number and delivery note number. Press Enter.

    If the delivery note number is specified, the number will be displayed on each order line. The delivery note number is useful for identifying purposes.

    If the goods are delivery-scheduled items, the Item number and Quantity must be specified instead of the purchase order number.

Report order lines as received directly

  1. On the B panel, specify the received quantity for the order lines you want to receive, and specify 1 in the 'Completion flag' field if any potential remaining quantity should not be back-ordered.

    'Received quantity' and 'Completion flag' are proposed on the B panel if 'Propose approved quantity' has been selected in (PPS300/P).

    Note: Set 'Completion flag' to 1 if any remaining quantity is not to be back-ordered. If it is not set, purchase and supplier statistics will never be updated, and the order line will be processed as non-completed.
  2. Ensure that the proposed location is correct and that it has the correct location status.

    You can only change the location while you are on the B panel if direct put-away (flow A) is used. If you need to change location and direct put-away is not used you have to open the order line (go to step 7).

    If the storage method on the item is multiple, as determined in (MMS002), you can also select option 11 to start 'Location. Select' (MMS160). This is valid when using direct put-away.

  3. Press F14=Confirm Update.

    The received order lines now have one of three statuses: 50='Goods received' for lines with flow 2, 3 and 4, 51='Put away, but not quality inspected' for lines with flow 5, or 75='Put-away complete' for lines with flow 1 (direct put-away).

    When you quit the program, one or more documents are automatically printed, if defined by the goods receiving method.

Add/Change information to order line

  1. On the B panel, open the order line you want to adjust.

  2. On the E panel, specify a remark (optional) and the received quantity. Select 'Flagged as completed' if any potential remaining quantity should not be backordered.

    The text in the Remark field will be seen in the balance identity if the quantity has a unique identity, such as a lot number or a receiving number.

    'Received quantity' and 'Completion flag' are proposed on the B panel if 'Propose approved quantity' has been selected in (PPS300/P).

    If lot control is used, you can create lots by pressing F17=Create lots.

    If lots are used, you may split an order line into smaller lots by pressing F14=PO line split.

    See how goods receive lots in: .

    Note: Select 'Flagged as completed' field if any remaining quantity is not to be backordered. If the field is not selected, purchase and supplier statistics will never be updated, and the order line will be processed as non-completed.
  3. Ensure that the proposed location is correct and has the correct status.

    If 'Receive Goods with QI before put-away' (flow B) is used, a location with status 1='under inspection – awaiting approval' is needed.

    If 'Storage method' on the item is multiple, as determined in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002), you can also select F16 to start 'Location. Select' (MMS160). This is valid when using direct put-away (flow A).

  4. Specify the number of packages (optional field).

    The number of packages determines how many labels, such as hazard labels and marking tags, should be printed per location ID.

  5. Press Enter to save your changes and to redisplay the B panel.

    The received order line now has one of three statuses: 50='Goods received' for a line with flow B, C or D, 51='Put away, but not quality inspected' for a line with flow E, or 75='Put-away complete' for a line with flow A (direct put-away).

    Upon quitting this program one or more documents are automatically printed, if defined by the goods receiving method.

    You can view and reverse the line transactions in 'Purchase Order. Display Line Transactions' (PPS330), which is reached via option 14=Display PO Transactions. Note: By reversing the line transaction, you also reverse the status.

    In 'Balance Identity. Open Toolbox' (MWS068) you can view the balance identity for an item. The current location for a selected item is displayed. The balance-ID statuses are:

    1 = Under inspection - awaiting approval

    2 = Approved - available

    3 = Rejected.

Reversing a goods receipt

A goods receiving transaction can be undone by selecting option 4 in 'Purchase Order. Display Line Trans' (PPS330). The delete option does not take the transaction away from the transaction file, but instead it undoes the transaction by zeroing the quantity.

Displaying goods receiving transactions

In 'Purchase Order. Display Line Trans' (PPS330), different transactions on a special purchase order and line are displayed. This functions as a sort of log of the transactions done in the flow. A transaction could be, for example, a purchase order confirmation transaction or a goods receiving transaction.

  1. On this panel the receiving number is also displayed. Every order line gets a receiving number after the goods receipt. This number is used as identification on a special goods receipt in the following flow and is also printed on the goods receiving documents.

  2. On the E panel some information is displayed. One of the fields, 'Next Activity', specifies the next planned activity in the goods receiving flow and is automatically set on the order line. The next activity is displayed with different codes with the following meanings:

    1 = Quality inspection and then put-away

    2 = Put-away and then quality inspection

    3 = Put-away

    4 = Quality inspection (nonstock items checked)

    9 = No more activities.

Cross-docking of received goods

The cross-docking function in M3 identifies when stock being received is required for issue within a short time. It then directs the stock to the appropriate cross docking location instead of to the ordinary location. The triggers that cause cross-docking are demand in combination with a stock shortage.

The goods connected to an acquisition order (PO, DO, RO or MO material) are received, cross-docked and put in a location where they are available for dispatch. See .