Define Purchase Authorization for User

This document explains how you define authorization to place purchase orders and/or limit the purchased amount on a certain order.


The authority settings are done on the line level when the planned purchase order is processed and/or on the order level when purchase orders are manually or automatically created

The information is stored in the purchase authority (MPAUTD) table.

Users are entered in a special file where a hierarchy by authorization level is built. A user with authorization level 1 can change and update all authorization information for other users

Before you start

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …


070 Authorization check

… if and when authorization should be checked.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = No check

2 = Authorization checked at line level while the planned purchase order is processed (PPS170)

3 = Authorization checked at order level while purchase orders are manually or automatically created (PPS200)

4 = Authorization checked in accordance with both 2 and 3 above (PPS170 and PPS200).



…the name of the user to whom system access will be given


Authorization Level

… the user's authority level. The user can be defined with authority levels 1 to 9, where 1 is the highest authority.

Users with authority level 1 have full authority to make changes to other users' authority.

Users with authority level 2 to 9 are authorized to access and change the authority for users with the same or lower authority levels.



…a pin code of four alphanumeric characters used to authorize planned purchase orders and purchase orders.


Max Line Amount

...the maximum order line amount that the user is authorized to approve.

Example: If the user is defined with an authority of order lines for EUR 100 the system will check if the estimate value of the purchase order line is less than or equal to EUR 100. A user cannot release a purchase order line that is over that budget.


Max Order Amount

…the maximum order amount that the user is authorized to approve.

Example: If the user is defined with an authority of EUR 1000, the system will check if the estimated value of the purchase request in (PPS235) is less than EUR 1000. A user cannot release or edit a request that is over that budget.


Order Type

…an order type or range of types to which the user has authorization. If maximum authorization should be given to the user, these fields should be left blank and the include/exclude flag should be set to '2'.



…a facility or range of facilities to which the user has authorization. If maximum authorization should be given to the user, these fields should be left blank and the include/exclude flag should be set to '2'.



…a warehouse or range of warehouses to which the user has authorization. If maximum authorization should be given to the user, these fields should be left blank and the include/exclude flag should be set to '2'.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'PO Type. Open' (PPS095/E). Activate the 'Authorization check' field by selecting between parameters 1, 2 or 3.

  2. Start 'Purchase Authority. Open' (PPS235).

  3. Select an sorting order.

  4. Select a user ID and an authorization level (if sorting order 2 is used), and select New to display the E panel.

  5. On the E panel, specify an authorization level (when sorting order 1 is used), a signature, maximum line amount and a maximum order amount (optional).

  6. Specify the restrictions if any (order type, facility and warehouse). Also specify whether the selected objects are to be included in or excluded from the user's authority.

    If, for example, all fields are left blank and the flag is set to 2, the user will be fully authorized.