Repair Order - Purchasing

A repair order is a purchase order for the repair of one or more items. These items usually have a serial number. With a repair order, these items can be sent to a repair supplier with a traceable on-hand balance but with the item remaining in the total on-hand balance.

The purchasing of a repair takes place in much the same way as the purchasing of material or service in M3 Procurement.

When purchasing a repair, repair IDs are used. These are the item or supplier number, service process, or service.

Repair order category

Repair orders are defined with a specific order category in the purchase order type. The order categories are:

  • 60 Repair
  • 65 Warranty repair.

The difference between these two is purely informative. They can be easily changed from one to the other.

Note: The following repair order settings are required:
  • Define the order type in 'PO Type. Open' (PPS095)

    When the repair order is to be integrated in the Inventory Management module, the following settings should be used.

    Parameter 150 Update Material Requirements 1

    Parameter 380 Inventory Accounting 1

    Parameter 381 Requisition type - repair order xx

    By re-setting parameters 150 and 380 to 0, the intended functionality for traceable on-hand balance cannot be used, even though a repair order can be processed in other ways. The value for parameter 381 is set by the user.

  • Define Location Values in 'Stock Location. Open' (MMS010)

    When an item is shipped for repairs using a requisition order, its item number and serial number are moved to a location with the same ID as the supplier number.

    If this location is not defined in 'Stock Location. Open' (MMS010), it is created automatically. The values used for this are copied from the location ID entered in parameter 34 in 'Settings – Purchasing' (CRS780). If more than one warehouse is used, then the location must exist for these in (MMS010).

  • Define Value for Requisition Order Type Using 'Req/Distr Order Type. Open' (CRS200)

    Integration with the Transportation Planning is also possible. This is necessary, for example, for freight processing. For this, an appropriate dispatch policy must be connected to the order type.

Enter and print order

Consider the following when specifying purchasing orders.

  • Addresses for shipping to the supplier

    Address codes for delivery-to-address are displayed in the G panel in the order header in 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200). The user can override this code. The address code is proposed from the first address code with address type 5 (Final delivery address) listed for the supplier. Only addresses with this address type can be overridden for the same supplier.

    In the order line overview in 'Purchase order. Open Lines' (PPS201), service process, service and serial number are opened for entry together with item number and amount.

    Purchase order type parameter 110 controls whether predefined service processes or services are required. The actual item number can be changed in existing order lines. This is unique for repair orders. However, no new basic data from the new item number is displayed in the order line. If this basic data is questionable, then this functionality should not be used.

    When using (PPS201), the panel (PPS202/E) will always be displayed last in sequence, regardless of selected panel sequence. This panel is unique to repair orders and contains information specific to these, such as bill of lading number.

    Purchase order type parameter 177 controls if a specific costing model is applied to the planned purchase order or purchase order line. If left empty, the costing model is retrieved with 'Item. Connect Facility’ (MMS003) or (CRS780).

    When specified by PO type parameter 381, requisition transactions are created when the repair order is printed. However, the specified repair ID must be entered and have status 3 for this to happen. Stock locations with status 3 and the same serial number as the repair order will then be indicated on the requisition picking list.

  • Receiving

    When receipt is reported, the item is automatically transferred to the reported stock location. This transfer is made without a minus transaction being entered in the transaction history (MWS070). The status is automatically reclassified from 3 to 1 or 2. With direct put-away the status becomes 2, otherwise it is 1.