Settings for Purchase Order Batch Entry

This document explains how you define the settings for purchase order batch entry.


The parameters that control purchase order batch entry are defined.

Use the settings for purchase order batch entry to enter a purchase batch order in 'Purchase Order Batch. Open' (PPS370).

The following tables are updated:

  • Purchase Order Batch Origin (MPPBOR)
  • PO Batch Origin. Connect Exceptions (MPPBOX)

Before You Start

  • A number series of type 20 must be defined in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).
  • A number series of type PE with number series ID 1 must be defined in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).
  • A number series of type 44 with number series ID D must be defined in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).
  • The application message type 175 must exist in 'Settings - Application Messages' (CRS424).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Purchase Order Batch Origin. Open' (PPS090).

  2. On the B panel, specify the batch origin and select 'New'.

  3. On the E panel, specify these parameters: '10 number series', '20 level of automation', '30 process method', '40 deletion method', and '50 existing PO'.

  4. Press 'Enter'.

  5. To create 'Exceptions for a Supplier', start 'PO Batch Origin. Connect Exceptions' (PPS091), through option 11='Exceptions', on the (PPS090/B) panel. Specify the supplier and open the E panel. Specify the exceptions for this supplier.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/ Panel Field The field indicates …
(PPS090/B) Batch origin

…the purchase-order batch origin.

The batch origin uniquely identifies each external or internal system using the PO batch entry in order to create purchase orders in M3. Controlling parameters for this process are defined per batch origin (PPS090) or per batch origin and supplier (PPS091).

(PPS090/E) 10 number series

…the number series used for PO batch entry.

The number series type is 20. The purchase order number used in the interface (PPS370) will be kept in M3 (PPS200).

(PPS090/E) 20 level of automation

…the level of automation when you use PO batch entry.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Order entry. The purchase orders created via the POBE in the interface (PPS370) will stop in status 20 and wait for manual processing of the records.

2 = Process. The purchase orders created via the POBE in the interface (PPS370) will be automatically processed to status 90 if no errors are detected.

(PPS090/E) 30 process method

…the process method when you use PO batch entry.

This parameter is only valid if the auto level is 2 (Process).

The valid alternative is:

1 = Batch job. A job is submitted for the processing of records entered via the MI program (PPS370MI) or manually in the interface (PPS370).

(PPS090/E) 40 deletion method

…the deletion method for records in the PO batch entry (PPS370).

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Raise status. The status is raised to 90 on the record when it is completed.

2 = Delete record. The record is deleted when it is completed.

(PPS090/E) 50 existing PO ...if PO batch entry is allowed for the existing POs or not.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = PO batch entry not allowed for existing PO.

1= PO batch entry allowed for existing PO.