Internal Sales Process Limitations

General limitations

  • The customer order (CO) and purchase order (PO) must have the same currency for internal sales.
  • Only the item basic unit of measure is allowed for internal sales.
  • Item replacement on internal sales is not supported.
  • The internal sales functionality is only available if you use ASN (Advance Shipment Notice).
  • Rescheduling of PO when CO is postponed depends on being triggered by a new CO confirmation.

Finance limitations

  • Goods in transit transactions for internal sales CO and PO are not included in the inventory reconciliation list created in 'Inventory Value. Print Reconcil List' (CAS530) or in the inventory valuation list created in 'Inventory Value. Open' (CAS180). Use 'Goods in Transit. Print' (CAS540) for reconciling goods in transit instead.
  • Historic actual cost cannot be used in combination with goods in transit.
  • Corrective invoicing or credits are not supported for internal sales.
  • Costing limitations: You cannot transfer a distribution costing model to internal sales, since the internal sales orders are based on PO and CO. Therefore, in the receiving facility, the amount of goods cannot be split based on the costing model.