Connect Manufacturer to a Control Object

This document explains how to use the advanced manufacturer control solution to connect manufacturers to a control object. The manufacturer information is then retrieved, validated on a purchase order line, and received into stock.


A generic control object table is created with defined priority for setting up manufacturers.

A purchase order is created for goods requiring an approved manufacturer which are then received in the ordered warehouse.

A generic control table is used to retrieve default manufacturer to a purchase order line.

A generic control table is used to check that the specified manufacturer on the purchase order line is approved.

These tables are updated:

Table Program
CROBJC 'Generic Object Control Table. Open'(CMS017)
MPAPMA 'Advanced Manufacturer Control. Open' (PPS042)
MPLINE 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201)

Before you start

Define warehouse, facility, supplier, item, goods receiving method, and purchase order type.

Table 1.
Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates...
(PPS095/K) 780 Check appr manufacturer PO entry

...whether to validate against approved manufacturer in (PPS042) for the specified record of the purchase order line.


0 = No check of the approved manufacturer.

1 = Yes, check that the manufacturer is approved if a value is specified.

2 = Yes, approved manufacturer must be specified.

When alternative 0 is selected, the field manufacturer is blank on the created planned purchase order and purchase order line.

In this case, set the parameter to 2.

(PPS095/K) 790 Check appr manufacturer PO receipt

...whether to validate against approved manufacturer in (PPS042) for the specified purchase order receipt.


0 = No check of the approved manufacturer.

1 = Yes, check that the manufacturer is approved.

2 = Yes, but with a warning for unapproved. Allow goods receipt for both approved and unapproved manufacturer. Receipt for unapproved manufacturer must be rejected in quality inspection. This setting does not support the goods receiving methods Goods receipt/Put-away or Direct put-away to a status 2 location.

In this case, set the parameter to 2.

(CRS780/F) (CRS780/F)

...the check box to enable advanced manufacturer control from (PPS042). If you do not select the check box, manufacturers are managed from (PPS041).

In this case, the check box must be selected.

(CMS016/B) Object control parameter ...the available object control parameter where you can define your objects and values.
(CMS017/B) Program name ...the program that is used for the object control table.

In this case, specify (PPS042).

(CMS017/E) Status

...the status for the generic object control table.
The valid alternatives are:
  • 10='Preliminary'
  • 20='Definite'
  • 90='Block/expired'

(CRS109/B) Field group

...a grouping of several fields from different files that regulate matrix entries.

In this case, the APMFR field group must be selected.

Field groups are system-defined and cannot be changed.

Follow these steps

Create an object control table
  1. Start 'Available Object Control Parameters. Open' (CMS016). Highlight 'Adv. Manufacturer' and select option 11='Object table detailed lines'.
  2. Specify (PPS042) on the 'Generic Object Control Table. Open' (CMS017/B) panel.
  3. On the E panel, set the status to 20.
    • Priorities from 0 to 9 in the sequence field:

      By default, sequence 10 corresponds to priority 0, sequence 20 corresponds to priority 1, and so on up to sequence 100, which corresponds to priority 9.

    • From fields 1 to 5, specify which field is selected from the field group. Press F4 twice to select fields. This starts 'Field Group. Display Permitted Fields' (CRS109).
  4. Specify APMFR in the ‘Field group’ on the (CRS109/B) panel.
  5. Select fields to redisplay (CMS017/E).

    Specify the facility, warehouse, and supplier as object field keys on the desired sequence.

  6. Press Enter until 'Advanced Manufacturer Control. Open' (PPS042) is started.

Create values for the object control table
  1. On the (PPS042/B) panel, define values for the fields in each priority.
  2. The 'Start value 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5' fields are the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth values to be compared with the contents of a control object. From date is required but can be left blank, just make sure to specify the manufacturer valid for object field combination (X).

    In this case, create a record for the facility, warehouse, and your supplier which is to be used in a purchase order. Click create to open panel E.

  3. Specify the 'To date' (can be set to blank), priority from 0-9 and status. Set a manufacturer's priority to 1 for this record and specify status 20. Note that on the same object field combination, different manufacturers can exist on the same priority if it falls within the date range specified.
  4. Repeat step 2 for a different manufacturer (Y). Set a priority for this record, and specify status 20.
  5. Repeat step 2 for a different manufacturer (Z). Set a priority for this record, and specify status 90-‘Blocked’.

Create a purchase order line
  1. Start 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200/A). Specify the Facility, Warehouse, and Supplier pointing towards your newly created records in (PPS042).

    Set the requested delivery date to today, specify an order type with a goods receiving method having Goods receipt/Quality inspection activities, and set the panel sequence to 1. Click Create to start 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201/B).

  2. On the (PPS201/B) panel, specify your desired item with an ordered quantity of 5. Before pressing Enter, set the panel sequence to EF.
  3. On the (PPS201/E) panel, press Enter to start (PPS201/F). On this panel, notice that field manufacturer is defaulted with the priority 1 record you defined in (PPS042/B).
  4. On (PPS201/F), try to change the manufacturer to Z as defined in step 5. The error message “Manufacturer <Z> is not approved for item <item>” is displayed because the record in (PPS042) is in status 90 (blocked).
  5. Change back to manufacturer X and press Enter on (PPS201/F). Save your PO number then close (PPS201).

Perform a purchase order confirmation with a new manufacturer
  1. Start ‘Purchase Order. Confirm’ (PPS250/B), specify your purchase order number, and click change on the order line to start (PPS250/E).
  2. Change the Conf manufacturer to Z, as previously defined in (PPS042). Confirm the full quantity and press Enter to display (PPS250/B) again.
    • Note that no validations exist against (PPS042) in this program. This is due to the supplier controlling the confirmation process and manufacturer for delivery.
    • The confirmed manufacturer is updated on table MPLINE and is displayed on (PPS201/G).

Receive the goods
  1. Start 'Purchase Order. Receive Goods' (PPS300/B). Specify the purchase order number and click change on the line to start (PPS300/E).
  2. On (PPS300/E), report the receipt by specifying the location, lot number, and received quantity. Notice that the manufacturer value is taken from the confirmed value on (PPS201/G). If no confirmation is done on (PPS250), the manufacturer is taken from the specified value on the purchase order line (PPS201/F).
    • In this case, a warning message will be displayed indicating that it is acceptable to receive goods from an unapproved manufacturer, but the goods must be rejected later during quality inspection (PPS310). Approval of goods will not be allowed.

      Note that if the goods receiving method does not contain a quality inspection step at this point of the report, an error message will be displayed indicating that this is mandatory for receival.

    • Note that the manufacturer field will not be visible on (PPS300/E) if parameter P790 is equal to 0 in 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095/K).
    • The new manufacturer specified in (PPS300/E) is always updated to table MPLINE (PPS201/F).