Connect a Purchase Order to a Purchase Delivery Schedule

This document explains how you connect a planned purchase order and a purchase order to a purchase delivery schedule.


A planned purchase order and a purchase order with a purchase delivery schedule are created.

The purchase order for a purchase delivery schedule is delivered as ordered goods in 'Purchase Order. Receive Goods' (PPS300).

The following files are updated:

  • Purchase Order Header (MPHEAD)
  • Purchase Order Line (MPLINE)
  • Planned Purchase Orders (MPOPLP)

Before You Start

Follow These Steps

Display Purchase Order Attached to the Purchase Delivery Schedule

  1. Start 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200).

  2. Select the purchase order attached to the purchase delivery schedule. Select option 11= 'Lines' to continue to 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201).

  3. Select the purchase order line and then select the Display option.

    • The first line, 'Ln blank' with Status 00, indicates that the order is connected to a delivery schedule and the line cannot be deleted.
    • New deliveries are created as new lines in 'Purchase Order. Open lines' (PPS201).

Use Purchase Delivery Schedule in a Planned Purchase Order

  1. Start 'Planned Purchase Order. Open' (PPS170).

  2. On the P panel, set the panel sequence to E.

  3. Press Enter to continue to the B1 panel.

  4. Select the planned purchase order for the delivery schedule and select the Display option.

    • The E panel displays the planned delivery date. This date is the date displayed in the delivery schedule when the order is not released.
    • The delivery schedule agreement number is also displayed in the 'Our reference number' field.
    • The status and action messages help determine the action for the planned purchase order.
  5. Select the planned purchase order that needs to be released and then select option 11 = 'Release line'.

  6. Press F3 to close and continue to 'Purchase Order. Create from Planned' (PPS913).

  7. On the E panel, enter the buyer, supplier number, facility, and purchase order number.

    • Two different period ranges can be selected.
  8. Repeat the initial steps to check if deliveries are created as new lines in 'Purchase Order. Open lines' (PPS201).