Create Core Policy

The core policies are used to control how the customer return and supplier return records are managed.

For customer returns, this controls where the inventory cost should be taken from; how the system will recognize core attritions; how the lot number structure is used and which screen to use when performing the inspection.

For supplier returns, this controls how to combine worn or dirty remanufactured parts into one return record and what can be included (i.e. excess cores).

The policies are applied based on a control table via program 'Core Policy Selection Table. Open' (CRS161) and are not directly connected to the item number.


You have created a new Core Policy.

Before you start

A costing element for core charge must exist in 'Costing Element. Open' (PPS280).

Required attribute ID's must be created in 'Attribute. Open' (ATS010).

Attrition attribute values must be created in 'Option. Open' (PDS050).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Core Policy. Open' (CRS162).

  2. Enter a core policy ID.

  3. Select Options > Create.

  4. E-panel open.

  5. Configure relevant values and connect attribute ID’s and costing element created.

  6. Click 'Next'.

  7. A new core policy is created.

  8. 'Close' to finish.