Quality Management System (QMS) Setup and QMS Transactions for Procurement

In order for the Quality Management System (QMS) to function properly in procurement processing, there is setup required to enable quality processing in transactions when procuring an item and attaching quality specifications, tests, and the associated quality-controlled attributes to a purchase order (PO) line. This document explains the setup required.

Note: Item attributes and their values are visible in the 'Attribute Value. Connect to' (ATS101) program. After the PO line is processed, you can view the quality attributes by accessing the attributes from the 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201) program. For a particular PO line, select the Related option to navigate to the 'Attribute Value. Connect to' (ATS101) program.


The 'Goods Receiving Method' (PPS345) program includes a setting to determine the test frequency basis in QMS for the PO. The test frequency basis options are: '1 - Create test sequence' (where a test sequence is created on an existing QI request) and '2 - Create a separate QI request per sequence' (where a QI request is created for each test sequence). The default setting for the test frequency basis is '1'.

The Goods Receiving Method contains settings pertinent to how the PO line item is received, inspected, and put away into stock. There are several programs where a Goods Receiving Method can be specified. On the PO line, the default Goods Receiving Method is proposed. This method may be overridden for that particular PO line. The proposal comes from one of three sources according to these priority rankings:

  1. Combination of Item and Supplier - 'Supplier. Connect Item' (PPS040)

  2. Item - 'Item. Open' (MMS001)

  3. Purchase Order Type - 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095)

There is a function program (QMS701Fnc) that auto-attaches specifications. The specifications are attached based on the specification entities, having an Auto-attach (AUAT) value of '1', associated with the PO line. In addition, the quality tests are auto-attached along with the related specifications. This function program contains an additional operation which attaches the quality-controlled attributes that have been associated with a specification test.

Depending on the test frequency basis defined on the Goods Receiving Method, a new QI request will be created or an existing QI request will be updated with new sequences for the quality tests in question.

When QMS is enabled at the division, the system prevents certain settings. On the E panel of the 'Goods Receiving Method' (PPS345) program, the system limits your selection for the '080 Create lot number during goods receipt' field. The '2 - At quality inspection' value for this field is used to determine when a lot number can be assigned manually to the item in the receiving process. With QMS, this setting could cause a problem because the QMS800Fnc (QI request) function program is called when the lot number is specified. To prevent a quality inspection when the QI request is not reported, the system cannot allow both the manual lot number creation and a QI request call to occur in the 'Purchase Order. Quality Inspection' (PPS310) program.

Before you start

The setup conditions outlined in Managing Quality Control must be met.

Note: There is the assumption that the purchase order (PO) originates from a division where the Quality Management System setting is selected.

Follow these steps

The procedures provided are all necessary to perform the QMS setup for purchasing and process PO transactions.

Enable QMS-related Purchasing Settings:

  1. Launch 'Settings - Purchasing' (CRS780).

  2. On the G panel, select the '38 Goods receipt allowed in PO. Dsp Lines (PPS220)' check box.

    This setting is available only if the '407 Quality Management' field in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) has been defined as 'Quality management system'.

  3. Save your changes.

Enable QMS Settings on Goods Receiving Method:

  1. Launch 'Goods Receiving Method' (PPS345).

  2. On the G panel, select one of the options for the '230 - Test frequency basis for PO' field.

  3. Save your changes.

Perform Purchasing transactions based on QMS Settings:

A purchase order (PO) can be created from a proposal through the 'Planned Purchase Order. Open' (PSS170) program, or a PO can be created manually using the 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200) program. If there are quality specifications and tests, they are associated with the PO lines.

  1. Add/update Purchase Order lines:

    1. Launch 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201).

    2. On the E panel, these PO line fields have relevance to QMS functionality:

      • Company (CONO)
      • Division (DIVI)
      • Facility (FACI)
      • Warehouse (WHLO)
      • PO number (PUNO
      • PO line (PNLI)
      • PO Line Subnumber (PNLS)
      • PO status (PUSL - lowest value)
      • PO status (PUST - highest value)
      • Supplier (SUNO)
      • Item number (ITNO)
      • Manufacturer (PROD)
      • Goods receiving method (GRMT)
      • Attribute number (ATNR)
      • Lot number (BANO)
      • Country of origin (ORCO)
    3. To review the quality specifications, go to 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201).

    4. On the B1 panel, highlight the desired line and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Specification. Open' (QMS500).

    5. If you want to add/update the specifications and/or tests, go to 'Order Specification and Test. Open' (QMS501) from the 'Order Specification. Open' (QMS500) program.

      For more information on maintaining order specifications and tests, refer to Order Specifications and Tests.

    6. Save your changes.

  2. Copy a Purchase Order:

    1. Launch 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200).

    2. On the B panel, highlight an order.

    3. Select Options > Copy.

    4. On the C panel, ensure that the 'Copy ord lines' check box is selected.

    5. Click Next to go to the E panel which displays the newly copied order.

    6. To review the quality specifications, go to 'Purchase Order. Open Lines' (PPS201).

    7. On the B1 panel, highlight the desired line and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Specification. Open' (QMS500).

    8. If you want to add/update the specifications and/or tests, navigate to 'Order Specification and Test. Open' (QMS501) from the 'Order Specification. Open' (QMS500) program.

    9. Save your changes.

  3. Delete a Purchase Order:

    1. Launch 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200).

    2. Select the desired PO and Options > Delete.

    When a Purchase Order Header is deleted, all PO Lines associated to the PO Header are deleted as well. Therefore, any specification that was auto-attached or manually added to the corresponding PO line will be removed from the database tables.

  4. Attach QMS specifications and tests:

    • Specifications in QMS are used to group quality tests for an item or Quality group. One or more tests can be linked to a specification. The 'Specification Entities' (QMS210) program is used to connect the specifications and tests for associated entities.
    • The QMS701Fnc function program AutoAttachSpec operation auto-attaches specifications to the lines of purchase orders based on all valid specification entities for each requested order. Quality tests related to the specifications also are auto-attached through this operation. The other aspect of this operation is attaching the quality controlled attributes that have been associated to a specification test. See the document Quality Management System (QMS) Setup for Attributes

      Refer to Auto-attaching Specifications to Orders for more details on the QMS701Fnc function program.

    • After the specification and related tests are added to a PO line, modifications can be made to the target values and ranges for the specific item being ordered.