Define How to Report Times Manually in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you define the fields to be displayed when manually reporting times in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Report' (TMS001).

This document also explains in which fields in (TMS001), 'Time Activity. Clock In' (TMS002) and 'Time Activity. Clock Out' (TMS003) it is possible to select from a list of existing values.


You have, in accordance with your company's policies, defined how time is to be reported manually in (TMS001). This means that you have specified the fields to be displayed in (TMS001) and thereby defined the functionality made available to employees when clocking in/out.

You have also specified the fields in (TMS001), (TMS002) and (TMS003) in which employees can select from a list of existing values.

The definitions are stored in the CSYTAB file.

The values you have entered are automatically applied each time an employee starts (TMS001), (TMS002) and (TMS003).

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Configuring Time and Attendance and Manufacturing Order Processing must be met.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Settings – Manual Reporting' (TMS955).

  2. Enter the Fields to Be Displayed

    Enter which of the function keys (F1 – F11, F13 – F17) are to be displayed in (TMS001) on the E panel.

  3. Enter Usage of F4

    • Enter whether employees may prompt (F4) for a list of card numbers.
    • Enter whether employees may prompt (F4) for a list of absence types.
    • Enter whether employees may prompt (F4) for a list of reference numbers (IDs) for cost centers.
    • Enter whether employees may prompt (F4) for a list of balances.
    • Enter whether employees may enter the date and time for their clocked transactions.
    • Enter whether employees may move to previous panels/exit (TMS001) using F12. Press Enter.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(TMS955/E) In normal

… whether the 'In normal' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks in according to his/her schedule time.

(TMS955/E) Out normal

… whether the 'Out normal' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks out according to his/her schedule time.

(TMS955/E) In overtime paid

… whether the 'In overtime paid' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks in outside of his/her schedule time and wants it to be counted as overtime. The employee is to be compensated for overtime in money.

(TMS955/E) Out overtime paid

… whether the 'Out overtime paid' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks out outside of his/her schedule time and wants it to be counted as overtime. The employee is to be compensated for overtime in money.

(TMS955/E) In overtime time off

… whether the 'In overtime time off' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks in outside of his/her schedule time and wants it to be counted as overtime. The employee is to be compensated for overtime in time off.

(TMS955/E) Out overtime time off

… whether the 'Out overtime time off' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks out outside of his/her schedule time and wants it to be counted as overtime. The employee is to be compensated for overtime in time off.


In overtime unique,

In overtime unique 2,

In overtime unique 3

… whether the respective 'In overtime unique' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks in outside of his/her schedule time and wants it to be counted as overtime. The overtime that is generated is unique, that is it differs from normal time. An example is when every hour of overtime generates an hour of compensation time rather than 2 hours.


Out overtime unique,

Out overtime unique 2,

Out overtime unique 3

… whether the respective 'Out overtime unique' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when the employee clocks out outside of his/her schedule time and wants it to be counted as overtime. The overtime that is generated is unique, that is it differs from normal time. An example is when every hour of overtime generates an hour of compensation time rather than 2 hours.

(TMS955/E) Planned absence

… whether the 'Planned absence' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when an employee clocks a planned absence (vacation for example). The absence is valid between the dates the employee enters.

(TMS955/E) Balance inquiry

… whether the 'Balance inquiry' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when an employee wants to see his/her various time balances (flex and overtime balances for example). Balances show how much positive or negative time having the current time type has been created for an employee from a particular point in time.

Balances are created in 'Time Balance. Open' (TMS115).

(TMS955/E) Change cost center

… whether the 'Change cost center' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


The times that are created from an employee's clock ins/outs receive the cost center that was specified for the employee in the 'Cost center' field in 'Person. Open' (CRS530). This function is used if an employee wishes to temporarily change his/her cost center. The change is only valid from the time the employee starts this function until the next time he/she clocks out.


The cost center ID to which you wish to change must exist in 'Reference Number for Accounting Dimension 2. Open' (TMS130).

(TMS955/E) Fixed time

… whether the 'Fixed time' button is to be displayed in (TMS001).

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This function is used when an employee clocks a fixed time/transaction. An example of this is when an employee clocks a lunch in the personnel cafeteria and the system creates a lunch purchase transaction.

(TMS955/E) Prompt card number

… whether employees can by prompting (F4) choose his/her card number from an existing list.

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This field is valid for (TMS001), 'Time Activity. Clock In' (TMS002) and 'Time Activity. Clock Out' (TMS003).

Employee card numbers are entered in the 'Card number' field in 'Person. Open' (CRS530).

(TMS955/E) Prompt absence type

… whether employees can by prompting (F4) choose an absence type from an existing list.

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This field is valid for (TMS001).

Absence types are created in 'Absence Type. Open' (TMS105).

(TMS955/E) Reference number

… whether employees can by prompting (F4) choose a reference number (ID) for a cost center from an existing list.

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This field is valid for (TMS001).

Reference numbers for accounting dimension 2 are created in 'Reference number for accounting dimension 2. Open' (TMS130).

(TMS955/E) Prompt balance

… whether employees can by prompting (F4) choose a balance from an existing list.

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


This field is valid for (TMS001).

Balances are created in 'Time Balance. Open' (TMS115).

(TMS955/E) Change time and date

… whether employees can enter the date and time of his/her time transactions.

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.

Normally, 0 is entered in this field. This means that when the employee clocks time, the system date and time are used.


This field is valid for (TMS001), (TMS002) and (TMS003).

(TMS955/E) F12 permitted

… whether employees can by pressing F12=Previous move to the previous panel/exit the program.

The valid alternatives are

0 = No

1 = Yes.


If 0 is entered, it is not possible to exit the program (TMS001) by pressing F12. Value 0 can, for example, be used for computers that are only used for clocking time and should therefore always display (TMS001).


This field is valid for (TMS001).