Transfer Approved Times to History and Payroll

This document explains how you transfer calculated and approved employee times to the transaction history and to a file that is accessible from a payroll system. This is done so that the time transactions can be included in a payroll run.


Calculated and approved employee time transactions are transferred to the transaction history and can be viewed in various display programs. The following programs can be used to view and track the history of transactions:

  • 'Clock-In/Out Trans. Display History' (TMS610)
  • from which 'Calculated Time. Display History' (TMS620) and 'Calculated Time. Display Approved' (TMS630) can be reached.
  • 'Clock-In/Out Trans. Display Daily History' (TMS615) to display the transaction history per schedule date.
  • From this program, 'Calculated Time. Display History' (TMS620) and 'Calculated Time. Display Approved' (TMS630) can be reached.

Calculated and approved employee time transactions are transferred to the CREETR file from which they can be retrieved from payroll.

The history files (MTMHS1 and MTMHS2) are updated with the transactions.

The CREETR file might have been updated. It is from this file that you can retrieve the transactions from your payroll system.

All the times transferred to history and to a payroll system are deleted from the following files:

  • MTMTTR (time transactions per clocking times)
  • MTMTR1 (calculated times per time type and schedule day)
  • MTMTR2 (temporary file for calculating times)
  • MTMDAB (absence per day)
  • MTMABS (beginning and end of absence).

The calculated and approved time transactions can be retrieved by your payroll system to be processed in the next payroll run. TMS800MI can be used for this purpose.

Before you start

The time transactions to be transferred must have been calculated and approved.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Approved Time. Transfer to PAY/History' (TMS800).

    The E panel is displayed.

  2. Specify the date to which you want the times to be transferred in the Schedule date field (required).

    Enter the date in the format you have specified for the user in 'User. Open' (MNS150/E).

    The date FROM which the times are to be transferred is determined by when the last transfer was performed. The date used is the one found for each employee in the Latest transfer date to history/payroll field in (CRS530/F).

  3. Make a selection of employees whose times you wish to transfer by entering one or more values in the Department, Planning area, Employee number and Employee group from and to fields (optional).

  4. Enter the payroll period according to year and period number (YYPPPP). This field is optional.

    The payroll period ID identifies a payroll run.

  5. Specify whether the times should be totalled per ID when transferred to a payroll system in the Sum field (optional).

  6. Select the check box 'Transfer to pay' if you want the transactions to be stored in the CREETR table, from where they can be retrieved by a payroll system.

    If you don't select the check box, the transaction will only be stored in the history tables.

  7. Press Enter twice.

    By pressing Enter the second time, you confirm that you actually want to transfer the transactions.