Deleting or Archiving Clocked Transaction History in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you delete or archive clocked transactions found in the history file.


A selection of history transactions is deleted or archived. Transactions are deleted or archived from the MTMHS1, MTMHS2, and MTMHS3 files.

You can see the results in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Display Copy' (TMS600), 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Display History' (TMS610), 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Display Daily History' (TMS615) and 'Calculated Time. Display Approved' (TMS630).

By deleting or archiving the excess history transactions, you can increase the performance of your system.

Before you start

Transactions for deletion or archiving need to be transferred to history and a payroll system with 'Approved Time. Transfer to Pay/History' (TMS800).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Delete History' (TMS690).

    The E panel is displayed.

  2. Make a selection of departments, planning areas, employees (all optional), and schedule dates (required) that the transactions must contain to be deleted or archived. Press 'Enter' to delete or archive the transactions.