Search for, Review and Adjust Incorrect Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you search for incorrect clocked transactions for a selection of employees and schedule dates. You adjust any incorrect transactions resulting from the search.

This search is done before transferring calculated times to history and a payroll system to check that there are no incorrect transactions.


You have checked the reason for the incorrect transactions, if any, which you have then adjusted. You may have adjusted them as follows:

  • You have deleted the transaction(s).
  • You have created new transactions.
  • You have changed the transactions. The elements you can have changed are time, transaction type, absence type, reference number, status and terminal number.

If no incorrect transactions are found and you have completed the rest of the review of calculated times, you can transfer the times to history and a payroll system. This is done in ‘Approved Times. Transfer to Pay/History’ (TMS800).

If you have found and adjusted incorrect transactions, you must recalculate the times. For more information, see Calculating Times in Time and Attendance.

The file containing the clocked transactions (MTMTTR) is updated.

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. To enter employee and schedule dates, as well as review transactions, start ‘Clock In/Out Transaction. Update Incorrect’ (TMS240/A).

  2. Search for incorrect transactions by entering a selection of employees and schedule dates. Press Enter.

  3. Review the results displayed on the B panel.

    If incorrect transactions are found, they will be displayed per employee and schedule date. Note that all transactions, including those that are correct, clocked by the employee on the current schedule date are displayed on the B panel.

  4. Open the transaction for the employee and schedule date that you wish to review more closely. Press Enter.

  5. Review all of the transactions clocked by the employee on the current schedule date on the E panel.

    The clocked transactions can have one of the following statuses:

    • 00 = Not calculated. The transaction has not been included in a time calculation.
    • 10 = Incorrect. The time calculation has failed for this transaction because it contained incorrect times or has, for example, been clocked in but not clocked out.
    • 20 = Calculated. The transaction was included in a time calculation and times have been calculated with the transaction as the basis.

    The date, time, transaction type used, its status and absence type, reference number and terminal number, if any, are displayed for each transaction.

  6. Research the reasons behind the incorrect transactions.

    You could, for example, discuss the reasons behind his/her clocked transactions with the employee in question. Sometimes looking at the employee’s calendar can be of help.

  7. To select an action after review:

    • To create a new transaction, go to step 8.
    • To change a transaction, go to step 10.
    • To delete a transaction, go to step 11.
    • To copy a transaction, go to step 13.
    • To work with transactions that belong to another employee and/or schedule date, press F12 and Review the results displayed on the B panel.
  8. To create a new transactions, position your cursor on the topmost blank line in the transaction list on the E panel and type the values that the new transaction is to have. Press Enter.

    The date, time and transaction type are required. If necessary, you can also enter an absence type, reference number, status and terminal number.

    You can, for example, create a new transaction for an existing clocked in transaction that is missing a clocked out transaction.

  9. If you have completed your tasks, press F3 to exit the program.

  10. To change transactions:

    1. Select the value you want to change on the E panel and type the new value. Press Enter.

      You can change the time, transaction type, absence type, reference number, status and terminal number for each transaction.

    2. If you want to work with more transactions, choose Create/Change/Delete/Copy Transactions. If you have completed your tasks, press F3 to exit the program.

  11. To delete transactions, delete the transaction in question on the E panel. Press Enter.

    You can, for example, delete a transaction clocked by an employee by mistake.

  12. If you have completed your tasks, press F3 to exit the program.

  13. To copy transactions, select a transaction on the E panel. Press Enter.

  14. Enter the values for the new transaction. Press Enter.

    The employee number, time of clocking and transaction type can be changed.

    You can, for example, copy a transaction if a clocked in transaction is missing a clocked out transaction. You then create a new clocked out transaction by copying the clocked in transaction and entering a new time and transaction type (B0 = Clock out).

  15. If you have completed your tasks, press F3 to exit the program.