Review Individual Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you review and if necessary adjust clocked transactions one by one in Time and Attendance.

You can for example do this when you want to review the transactions that are the basis for a time calculation.

Note that you normally review clocked transactions in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Open Schedule Day' (TMS215) where you can work simultaneously with all the clocked transactions that were made for an employee on a particular schedule day. See Review and Adjust Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance.


You have reviewed and if necessary adjusted clocked transactions. While reviewing you may have:

  • Deleted a clocked transaction
  • Created a new clocked transaction
  • Changed any number of the following elements of a clocked transaction – time, transaction type, absence type, status and terminal number.

If you have adjusted clocked transactions, the MTMTTR file has been updated.

If you have made any changes, you should recalculate times. You calculate times per employee and seven-day period in 'Calculated Time. Approve On-screen' (TMS230) or by making a selection in 'Calculated Time. Generate' (TMS400).

Before You Start

The starting conditions listed in Checking, Adjusting and Approving Calculated Times in Time and Attendance must be met.

Follow These Steps

The E panel in the following program is identical to the E panel in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Open Schedule Day' (TMS215/E). Therefore, you are referred to the instruction that deals with (TMS215/E), that is Review and Adjust Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance.

  1. Start 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Open Separate' (TMS210/B1).

    The panel sequence for this instruction is E1 (1 = TMS215/E). If you do not wish to continue with (TMS215) you can:

    • Select panel sequence E.
    • Press F12 instead of Enter when on the E panel.
  2. Select a sorting order.

    Sorting order 1 is used for this instruction. This means that the clocked transactions are sorted per employee. You can also choose from sorting order 2 = sorted per departments and employee and 3 = sorted per planning area and employee.

  3. To select an action, choose one of these options on the B1 panel:

    • Review and Adjust Clocked Transactions
      1. Select to open the clocked transaction with which you wish to work on the B1 panel.

      2. Review the information displayed on the E panel.

        The employee and his/her place in the organization are displayed. You can also see the valid work hour definition, work hours per day and the work hour and validity periods of the definition.

        The information displayed for the clocked transaction is date, time, transaction type, status, absence type (if any), reference number and terminal number. You can also see whether the transaction has been accepted by the system.

      3. Change the transaction type, absence type and reference number if necessary.

      4. Press Enter. See Review and Adjust Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance.

    • Create New Clocked Transaction
      1. Enter the employee to whom the clocked time is to belong on the B1 panel. Also enter the clocked time's date and time

      2. Select 'Create'. See Review and Adjust Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance.

    • Copy Clocked Transaction
      1. Select 'Copy' for the clocked transaction you wish to copy on the B1 panel.

        Copying can be useful if you for example wish to create the same clocked transactions for a number of employees.

      2. Enter the employee to whom the transaction belongs, date and time on the C panel. Press Enter.

      3. Enter the transaction type for the clocked transaction on the E panel. Press Enter. See Review and Adjust Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance.

    • Delete Clocked Transactions
      1. Select 'Delete' for the clocked transaction you wish to delete on the B1 panel.

        Deleting clocked transactions can be useful for example when an employee has accidentally clocked a time.

      2. Confirm the deletion on the D panel by pressing Enter.

      3. Press F3 to exit the program.

  4. Alternatively: