Review Automatically Generated Absence Transactions in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you review the absence transactions that are automatically generated for each day an employee is absent when time is calculated. These transactions are used as a basis for the amount of absence time to be calculated for the employee. For more information, see Calculating Absence in Time and Attendance.

You can, for example, review these transactions if you have reviewed calculated times in (TMS220) and wish to know why certain absence times look the way they do.


You learn to understand absence transactions that are automatically generated for each day an employee is absent. In other words, you understand why an employee's calculated absence time looks the way it does.

What you have learned is of use when working with reviewing calculated absence times.

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Calculating Times in Time and Attendance must be met. You must have also completed the process and calculated absence times.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Absence. Display Clock In/Out Transaction' (TMS205/B).

  2. Select an sorting order.

    Sorting order 1 is used for this instruction. This means that the absence transactions are sorted per employee. You can also select sorting order 2 = sorted per department and employee or 3 = sorted per planning area and employee.

  3. Select to display the absence transaction that you wish to review on the B panel.

  4. Review the absence transaction information on the E panel.

    The information displayed is the employee to whom the transaction belongs, the date and time the transaction was made, the current absence type and transaction type as well as the transaction's status. You can also see the work hour definition that is valid for the current day, the number of work hours, work hour period and period of validity. Lastly, you see where in the organization the employee belongs.

    If you do not want to see the length of the calculated absence time by reviewing the absence time in 'Calculated Time. Update' (TMS220), you can compare the clocked times of type A1 and B1 for the transaction for a particular day. (You must know the current work hour definition's valid break times.)


    • The clock in transaction (A1) for day 1 is at 8 a.m.
    • The clock out transaction (B1) for day 1 is 5 p.m.
    • The current day's work hour definition contains a lunch break of 1 hour.
    • The calculated absence time is 8 hours (17 – 8 – 1 = 8).
  5. Select from the following options:

    • If you are satisfied with the review, press F3 to exit the program.
    • If you wish to review more absence transactions, press Enter and select to display the absence transaction that you wish to review on the B panel.