Define ID for Alternative Account Entry in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you create a reference number and connect it to a specific cost center.

Reference numbers are used by employees when they temporarily change departments and when the times that are created should belong to a department other than the usual one.

Note: This function is only used if Time and Attendance is connected to a payroll system.


A reference number that is connected to a specific cost center is created. Reference numbers are stored in the MTMAIT file.

Normally, the times that are created for an employee are connected to the cost center that was entered for the employee in the 'Cost center' field in 'Person. Open' (CRS530/F). If reference numbers exist, time that is created by an employee can be connected to a cost center other than the one entered in the above-mentioned field. In practice, this is done when:

  • The employee clocks time and enters a reference number in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Report' (TMS001).
  • A user enters a reference number in retrospect (retroactively) in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Open Schedule Day' (TMS215) for a time that has been created.

Before you start

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Reference Number for Accounting Dimension 2. Open' (TMS130).

  2. Enter the reference number you want to create on the B panel. Press New.

  3. Enter the accounting identity to which you wish to connect the current reference number in the 'Accounting dimension 2' field on the E panel.

  4. Enter a name and description of the reference number on the same panel. Press Enter.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(TMS130/B) Reference number – accounting dimension 2

… the current reference number. It can consist of up to 3 numbers.


In Time and Attendance, reference numbers function as IDs for the cost centers that are entered in the 'Accounting dimension 2' field on the next panel.

(TMS130/E) Accounting dimension 2

… the cost center that is connected to the current reference number.


1. An employee clocks in at 10 a.m. and enters reference number 200. He clocks out at 12 p.m.

2. The field contains '512' for reference number 200.

3. A time of 2 hours is created. This time is connected to cost center 512.