Create Time Definition for Overtime, Miscellaneous Time and Shorter Work Hour in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you create time definitions for miscellaneous time, overtime and shorter work hours in the Time and Attendance component group.

Time definitions must exist to calculate miscellaneous time, overtime and shorter work hours.


In the form of a time definition, you have defined if and when miscellaneous time, overtime or shorter work hour is to be created when times are calculated. The time definition consists of a combination of time types, work hour groups and employee groups as well as one or more time periods.

Time definitions are stored in the MTMTPR file.

When you calculate time, the time definitions are automatically applied so that overtime, miscellaneous time and shorter work hour in certain cases are created when the employee clocks in/out as overtime. Times are calculated in 'Calculated Time. Generate' (TMS400), and 'Calculated Time. Approve On-screen' (TMS230).

If you want the overtime, miscellaneous time or shorter work hour to be stored in a time balance, enter the time balance identity for the time type in 'Time Type. Open' (TMS100). See Create Time Type in Time and Attendance

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Work Hour Group. Connect Time Type' (TMS110).

  2. Enter sorting order 1 on the B panel.

    Sorting orders 2 and 3 can be used to display, change, copy, or remove a time definition.

  3. To enter the time definition combination, enter the work hour group, employee group, and time type combination for the time definition. Press New.

    The time type must be of time category 0 = 'Miscellaneous time', 1 = 'Overtime', 4 = 'User-defined overtime' or 8 = 'Shorter work hour'.

  4. To define the time interval for time definition, enter the times from and to which the time definition is valid on the E panel.

    A time definition can have a maximum of three time periods.

  5. Select one of these alternatives:

    • If the time category of this time definition is 0, go to Enter Calculation Values for Time Definition.
    • If the time category of this time definition is 1 or 4, enter whether this time definition is to be used for creating overtime from positive lunch flex in the 'Overtime lunch' field.
    • If the time category of this time definition is 8, enter, if necessary, the minimum number of hours that times created within the current time definition can receive.
  6. To define calculation values for time definition, enter how times with this time definition are to be calculated in the 'Calculation type' field on the E panel.

  7. Enter whether this time definition is to be used for creating overtime from positive lunch flex in the 'Overtime lunch' field.

  8. Enter, if necessary, the minimum number of hours that times created within the current time definition can receive.

    If the time definition is valid for shorter work hour, see the parameter table for this field for more information.

  9. Enter, if necessary, the maximum number of hours that times created within the current time definition can receive.

  10. Enter, if necessary, the priority of the current time definition.

  11. Enter, if necessary, the overtime hour from which time can be created from the current time definition in the 'From period hours' field.

  12. Enter, if necessary, the overtime hour to which time can be created from the current time definition in the 'To period hours' field. Press Enter.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(TMS110/E) From time

… the time from which the time definition is valid.

Common rules for the 'From time' and 'To time' fields

* A time having the specified time type is created when an employee clocks time within the time period specified in these fields.

* Up to three time periods can be created per time definition.

* Times are specified according to HHMM or HH, MM.

Example 2

1. The time definition is valid between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. for the 'Overtime 50%' time type.

2. The employee clocks in at 7 a.m. as overtime.

3. One hour of time type 'Overtime 50%' is created.

(TMS110/E) To time

… to which time the time definition is valid.

For more information on this field, see the explanation of the 'From time' field (TSM110/E) above.

(TMS110/E) Overtime lunch

… whether the current time definition applies when overtime can be created from positive lunch flextime.

The valid alternatives are

0 = No, not valid for lunch overtime

1 = Yes, valid for lunch overtime.

This field is displayed if

* Value 2 or 3 has been specified in the 'Flex and overtime combinations' field in 'Settings – Time and Attendance' (TMS950/E).

* The time type that is used for the current time definition has time category 1 = 'Overtime' or 4 = 'User-defined overtime'.


1. An employee has a 1-hour lunch break and lunch flex between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

2. The employee clocks lunch between 11:30 a.m. and 12 p.m.

3. Value 1 has been specified for 'Overtime 1' in this field and value 0 for 'Overtime 2'.

4. A time of 30 minutes with time type 'Overtime 1' is created.

(TMS110/E) Calculation type

… how the time definition is to be processed during time calculations for an employee.

The value in this field determines whether times within the current time definition's time period are to be created despite the discontinuation of the employee's schedule time or right to flex.

The valid alternatives are

('Time limits' refer to the employee's clock ins and outs as well as the time period of the current time definition.)

0 = Time limits always apply. The length of the created times is determined by the employee's clocked times and the current time definition's time period.

1 = Time limits apply on the condition that normal work hours exist within the specified period for this definition. No time is created from the current time definition when the employee's schedule time is exceeded.

2 = Time limits apply on the condition that normal flextime exists within the specified period for this definition. No time is created from the current time definition when the employee's right to flex is no longer valid.

This field is displayed if

The time type used for the current time definition is of time category 0 = Miscellaneous time.


1. The current time definition has time type 'Inconvenient work hours – evening' with the time interval 2:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

2. An employee's schedule time is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. He/she has flex rights between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

3. The employee clocks in at 8 a.m. and out at 6:30 p.m. as overtime.

4. The following occurs:

* Value 0: 2:30 p.m. (time period begins) – 6:30 p.m. (clock out) => 4 hour difference. A time of 4 hours with time type 'Inconvenient work hours – evening' is created.

* Value 1: 2:30 p.m. (time period begins) – 5 p.m. (employee's schedule time ends) => 2.5 hour difference. A time of 2.5 hours with time type 'Inconvenient work hours – evening' is created.

* Value 2: 2:30 p.m. (time period begins) – 6 p.m. (employee's right to flex ends) => 3.5 hour difference. A time of 3.5 hours with time type 'Inconvenient work hours – evening' is created.

Note that no consideration is taken to breaks, that is, time that is created from the current time definition even if the employee has a break.

(TMS110/E) Minimum number of hours

… usually the minimum number of hours per day that can be generated with the current time definition.

The 'Minimum number of hours' and 'Maximum number of hours' fields are displayed if

Value 0 = 'Days' has been specified for the 'Calculation type overtime' field in 'Settings – Time and Attendance' (TMS950/E).


1. The current time definition has time type 'Inconvenient work hours – evening'. It is valid between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. The value 0.5 has been specified in this field.

2. Although the employee clocks out at 5:15 p.m and therefore only spend 15 minutes within the time definition, 30 minutes (0.5 hours) are created with time type 'Inconvenient work hours – evening'.

Additional information

The field can also be used for shorter work hour. You then enter the time that the shorter work hour should generate per week for a full-time employee divided with the employee's numer of work days per week. The time is specified in hours and one houndreths of an hour. For intermittent part-time employees no regards is taken to the part-time percentage in the calculation.


1. A shorter work hour with 42 minutes (0.7 hours) should be created for a full-time employee after a completed week => Enter the value 0.14 in this field (0.7/5).

2. Results: The time 8.4 minutes (0.14 hours) is created for the employee after each completed day. If the employee is not present the entire time of the stipulated work hours, or if he/she is part-time employed, the shorter work hour is reduced with the corresponding number of minutes. (Example: If the employee works 50% the time 4.2 minutes (0.07 hours) is created after each completed day.)

Note that if the current work hour group is connected to a work hour definition with hours zero it does not matter whether the employee is present. Instead the shorter work hour is created only with regards to the employee's part-time percent. (8.4 minutes shorter work hour if the employee works 100%, according to the example above.)

(With 'present' above means all times created by time types that are affecting overtime positive.)

(TMS110/E) Maximum number of hours

… usually the maximum number of hours that can be generated per day with the current time definition.

For more information on this field, see the explanation of the 'Minimum number of hours' field above.

If the current time definition is used to create shorter work hour, the value in this field is not used. However, since the field is mandatory you have to enter a value (for example you can enter the same value as in the Minimum number of hours' field).

(TMS110/E) Priority

… in which order time definitions for overtime are to be selected if several time definitions have overlapping time periods.


* The order of priority is 1 to 9 (1 having the highest priority). For time definitions without a particular priority, this field will automatically receive value 0.

* If a value is entered in this field, you must also enter a value in the 'Maximum number of hours' field on the same panel.


1. Time definition 1 has time type simple overtime, time period 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., priority 1 and value 2 entered in the 'Maximum number of hours' field.

2. Time definition 2 has time type qualified overtime, time period 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. and priority 2.

3. An employee clocks overtime between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.

4. A time of 2 hours with time type simple overtime is created. A time of 1 hour with time type qualified overtime is created.

(TMS110/E) From period hours

… the period hour from which times can be created from the current time definition.

This field is used if overtime is to be calculated according to day or week units.

A period hour is the overtime hour for the current day or week.

Days and weeks refer to calendar days and weeks as defined in the employee's calendar (displayed in 'Employee. Connect Calendar' (CRS510)).

The 'From period hours' and 'To period hours' fields are displayed if

Value 1 = 'Weeks' or 2 = 'Months' has been entered in the 'Calculation type overtime' field in 'Settings – Time and Attendance' (TMS950/E).


1. Overtime is to be calculated according to weeks.

2. An employee's schedule time for the current week is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

3. Values 0 and 5 have been entered in the 'From period hours' and 'To period hours' fields respectively for the time definition having time type 'Overtime 1'.

4. Values 5 and 10 have been entered in the 'From period hours' and 'To period hours' fields respectively for the time definition having time type 'Overtime 2'.

5. The employee clocks in at 8 a.m. and out at 7 p.m. the entire week as overtime.

6. The following times are created:

* Monday: 'Attendance' 11 hours, 'Overtime 1' 3 hours.

* Tuesday: 'Attendance' 11 hours, 'Overtime 1' 2 hours. Then, 5 overtime hours are created during the current week. No more can be created from the current time definition. Instead, 1 hour of 'Overtime 2' is created.

* Wednesday: 'Attendance' 11 hours, 'Overtime 2' 3 hours.

* Thursday: 'Attendance' 11 hours, 'Overtime 2' 1 hour. Then, 10 overtime hours are created for the current week. No more can be created from the current time definition.

* Friday: 'Attendance' 11 hours.

Note that the above example assumes that both the time definition and time types 'Overtime 1' and 'Overtime 2' have time periods that include 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

(TMS110/E) To period hours

… the period hour to which times can be created from the current time definition.

For more information about this field, see the explanation of the 'From period hours' field above.