Define Settings for Reporting of Operation Time on Manufacturing Order

This document explains how you define the settings that make registration of an operational stop easier.


You have defined:

  • Whether manually flagging an operation as complete should be possible
  • A default value for work type on the A panel
  • Whether it should be possible to prepare cash discount from the G panel
  • Whether the put-away panel should be displayed at goods receipt.

The settings you have defined support your company's routines for operation reporting. Your settings are saved until you change them.

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'MO Operation. Report' (PMS070/P).

  2. Select 'Activate Panel G' if you want price reporting.

  3. Specify whether the put-away panel in 'Manufact Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050) will be displayed during automatic goods receipt from operations.

  4. Specify whether the completion flag will be displayed.

    0 = Completion flag will not be displayed.

    1 = Completion flag will not be displayed for production batches.

    2 = Completion flag will be displayed.

  5. Specify whether attributes will be displayed.

  6. Enter a date format.

  7. Press Enter to finish.

Parameters to Set

Program ID/Panel Field The fields indicates…
(PMS070/P) Activate panel G … whether the G-panel should be activated or not at detailed reporting. The G-panel contains a price reporting including unit-price, setup price etc.
Reporting type

… the type of work to report and the fields to display on the E panel.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Production and setup

1 = Production

2 = Setup.

Display receipts … whether the put-away panel in (PMS050) is displayed during automatic goods receipt from operations.
Display completion flag

… whether the completion flag will be displayed.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Do not display completion flag

1 = Do not display completion flag for production lots

2 = Always display completion flag.

Display attributes … whether the attributes will be displayed.