Order Specifications and Tests

The Quality Management System (QMS) automatically attaches specifications, tests, and quality controlled attributes to an order line whenever an item requiring specifications is added to an order based on previously defined Specification Entities. The setup of an item includes specifications, tests, and Quality Management System (QMS) Setup for Attributes with an expected range of values or target values which are copied to become a local set of quality requirements for the order.

The 'Order Specification' (QMS500) program allows you to maintain the specifications that are attached to an order line. The purpose of the 'Order Specification Test' (QMS501) program is to maintain the tests that are associated with a specification. You may add new specifications and tests, as well as view, update or delete specifications and associated tests.

Before you start

The setup conditions outlined in Managing Quality Control must be met.

In addition, the setup of Quality Tests, Sets and Specifications must be completed.

Follow these steps

Set up order specifications and tests

  1. View Order Specifications:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500). You can view any auto-attached specifications for the order line in this program.

  2. Add an Order Specification:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500).

      Adding specifications to an order line that has an in-process status is not permitted.

    2. Select the Create option to add a new specification.

    3. On the B panel, specify these fields:

      • Specification
      • Effective Date
      • Effective Time (optional)
      • Test at pre-shipment (Select check box if you want the related item to be tested before it is shipped.)
    4. Click Next.

    5. Specify the necessary details on the E panel.

    6. Click Next to save your changes.

  3. Update an Order Specification:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500).

      Updating specifications on an order line that has an in-process status is not permitted.

    2. Select the desired specification and click the Change option.

    3. Make desired changes on the E panel.

    4. Click Next to save your changes.

      Upon creating the order specification, the associated tests and quality controlled attributes are also added.

  4. Add an Order Specification Test:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500).

    2. If you want to add the specifications and/or tests, navigate to 'Order Spec Test. Open' (QMS501) from the 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500) program by selecting Related > Order Specification Test.

      Adding specifications to an order line that has an in-process status is not permitted.

    3. On the B panel of 'Order Spec Test. Open' (QMS501), select the Create option to add a new specification test.

      A prerequisite for adding a new test is that it must be defined in the Test template.

    4. On the E panel, specify the information:

      • Value setup
      • Description
      • Expected Minimum/Maximum values (if applicable)
      • Target value (if applicable)
      • Allocation attribute (Select check box if the item has an associated attribute that requires allocation.)
        Note: If the item does not have an attribute, the Allocation attribute check box cannot be selected. In addition, if the Test at pre-shipment check box has been selected, the Allocation attribute check box will not be enabled.
  5. Update an Order Specification Test:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500).

    2. If you want to update the specifications and/or tests, navigate to 'Order Spec Test. Open' (QMS501) from the 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500) program by selecting Related > Order Spec Test. Open (or CTRL+12).

      For order lines that have an in-process status, you are not permitted to update specifications.

    3. Select the Change option to access the E panel.

      If it is a Qualitative test type, update any of these fields:

      • Value setup
      • Expected value
      • Include test in QI request

      If it is a Quantitative test type, update any of these fields:

      • Value setup
      • Expected minimum value
      • Expected maximum value
      • Expected operator (i.e. '=', '=<', '=>', '<', '>')
      • Expected target value
      • Include test in QI request

      If it is a Numeric qualitative test type, update any of these fields:

      • Value setup
      • Expected minimum value
      • Expected maximum value
      • Expected target operator (i.e. '=', '=<', '=>', '<', '>')
      • Expected target value
      • Include test in QI request
  6. Delete an Order Specification:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500).

      You are not permitted to delete specifications for an order line that has an in-process status.

    2. Select the desired specification and click the Delete option.

    3. On the D panel, a warning message is issued before the deletion is processed.

  7. Delete an Order Specification Test:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related > Order Specification to access 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500).

    2. If you want to delete any associated order specification tests, navigate to 'Order Spec Test. Open' (QMS501) from the 'Order Spec. Open' (QMS500) program by selecting Related > Order Specification Test.

    3. On the B panel of 'Order Spec Test. Open' (QMS501), highlight the test to be deleted and select the Delete option.

    4. On the D panel, a warning message is issued before the deletion of the order specification test takes effect.

  8. View Order Specification and Tests:

    1. Highlight the desired line from the order (i.e. customer order, purchase order, or manufacturing order) and select Related option 12='Order Specification and Test. Open' to access 'Order Specification and Test. Open' (QMS502).

    2. On the B panel, all tests and specifications are listed for the selected order line.

QMS500Fnc function program

The Order Specification function program (QMS500Fnc) calls the logic for creating, updating and/or deleting order specifications.

The function program (QMS500Fnc) includes these operations:

  • Add/Update - this function adds or updates the order specification. The specification and associated effective dates must exist in the Quality Specifications (QMSSPE) table to be valid. In addition, the system validates that the order required date falls within the effective date range of the specification.

    When the specification is added to the order, the system adds all of the specification's tests and the associated quality controlled attribute for each test as well.

  • Delete - this function performs deletion of all specification and test records associated with the order specification, including the quality controlled attributes from the deleted tests.
    Note: The Add/Update/Delete operations are not permitted for any order lines that have an 'in-process' status.

QMS501Fnc program

The Order Specification Test function program (QMS501Fnc) calls the logic for creating, updating and/or deleting a specification test.

The function program (QMS501Fnc) includes these operations:

  • Add/Update - this function adds or updates a specification test. The test must exist in the Test template. The system validates that the order required date falls within the effective date range of the test.

    The relevant test values for each test type (qualitative, quantitative and numeric qualitative) are validated by the system.

  • Delete - this function performs deletion of the specification test. The system provides a warning that the test and associated quality attributes will be deleted for the selected test.
    Note: The Add/Update/Delete operations are not permitted for any order lines that have an 'in-process' status.

QMS502Fnc function program

The View function program (QMS502Fnc) calls the logic for viewing order specifications and tests.

MI transactions

The Order Specification includes these QMS500MI transactions:

  • AddOrderSpec - adds a new order specification into the Order Specification (QMSOSP) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS500Fnc program.
  • DltOrderSpec - deletes an order specification from the Order Specification (QMSOSP) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS500Fnc program.
  • GetOrderSpec - retrieves the details from the Order Specification (QMSOSP) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS500Fnc program.
  • LstOrderSpec - lists the order specification records.
  • UpdOrderSpec - updates an order specification in the Order Specification (QMSOSP) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS500Fnc program.

The Order Specification Test includes these QMS501MI transactions:

  • AddOrderSpecTst - adds a new order specification test into the Order Specification Test (QMSOTS) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS501Fnc program.
  • DltOrderSpecTst - deletes an order specification test from the Order Specification Test (QMSOTS) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS501Fnc program.
  • GetOrderSpecTst - retrieves the details from the Order Specification Test (QMSOTS) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS501Fnc program.
  • UpdOrderSpecTst - updates an order specification test in the Order Specification Test (QMSOTS) table. This MI transaction calls the QMS501Fnc program.
  • LstOrderSpecTst - lists the order specification test records.