Follow Up and Print Out Statistics for Separate Manufacturing Order

This document explains how you retrieve statistics for:

  • Manufacturing Orders
  • Operations
  • Materials


The statistics that you have retrieved can be used to:

  • Re-report and do cost accounting per manufacturing order
  • Follow up results and do cost accounting on the costs for a particular operation
  • Display material usage and recalculate per material in an order
  • Generate printouts on all presentations.

M3 is not affected.

For more information on usage, see Creating, Following Up, and Printing Out Manufacturing Statistics.


Function Show statistics Panels in the display program Print out statistics
Follow up statistics per manufacturing order 'MO Statistics. Display' (PMS310)

The E panel displays the number of ordered, manufactured and scraped units per MO.

The F panel displays deviations in man hours per MO.

The G panel displays deviations from the planned cost in terms of material operations, subcontracted work and total costs.

'MO Statistics. Print' (PMS312)
Follow up statistics per operation 'MO Operation Stats. Display' (PMS333)

The E panel displays weight, volume and deviations from the planned quantity per planning group.

The F panel displays deviations in the planned number of people and machines.

The G panel displays deviations from planned cost.

'MO Operation Statistics. Print' (PMS354)
Follow up statistics per planning group 'MO Material Stats. Display' (PMS343) The E panel displays deviation from planned use quantity and planned costs. 'MO Material Statistics. Print (PMS356)

Before you start

To create statistics, these activities must be performed:

  • Production statistics are generated in 'Production Statistics. Create' (PMS300)
  • At least one view is registered in 'View. Open' (CRS020)
  • At least one sorting order is specified in 'Sorting order. Open' (CRS022).

Follow these steps

  1. Select what you want to do and start the program that applies according to the table above.

  2. Select a view and sorting order.

    The fields that are displayed on the panel depends on which sorting order you select and which sorting criteria that is selected in 'Sorting order. Open' (CRS022).

  3. Limit the number of objects in the list on the B panel in the respective program by entering values in the relevant fields.

    The list will contain the object that matches the values you specify in the fields.

    If you start with (PMS315) and go on to (PMS333) or (PMS343), only operations and materials that are included in the MO you selected will be displayed.

  4. Mark an object in list and select Show.

  5. Check and analyze information on the different panels.

  6. To print out statistics, start the program that applies according to the table above.

  7. Select the information that will be included in the report by entering values in the From and To fields on the E panel.

  8. Define the order in which information will be presented by entering the sequence number in the third column on the E panel. Click Next or Enter to continue.

  9. Select the output media in 'Output. Select Media' (MNS212) on the B1 panel.

  10. Press Enter to print.