Issue Tools

This instruction explains how to issue the tools you need to perform a certain operation on a manufacturing order.


The tools you need to perform the operation are allocated. You can retrieve the tools when you need them.

The tools you have allocated are attached to a certain operation in M3 and cannot be reallocated until the operation has been completed.

Before you start

  • Manufacturing orders must exist, according to Creating Manufacturing Order .
  • Operation elements must have been created in 'MO Operation. Connect Operation Element' (PMS104).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Work Center Schedule. Open' (PMS230/B1).

  2. Select a work center.

  3. Select a manufacturing order or operation.

  4. Select alternative 25, 'Tool available check,' to start 'MO Operation. Check Tool Availability' (PMS233/B).

  5. Check the information in these fields:

    • Facility
    • Product number
    • MO number.
  6. If necessary, fill in the these fields:

    • Available type

      The field indicates the type of available balance with which a material requirement should be compared during inspection.

    • From operation number – To
    • From operation element – To
    • Shortage only

      0 = All material reservations are displayed. The material reservations in which the material requirement exceeds the available quantity will be indicated on the panel.

      1 = Only material reservations in which the material requirement exceeds the available quantity (which is dependent on the availability type) are displayed.

  7. Select F16 'Print picking list.'

    You have now allocated tools for the selected operation.