Consolidate and Release Planned Manufacturing Orders

This document explains how you may consolidate manufacturing order proposals (MOPs) for various order categories, including Discrete orders, Process orders, and Pack orders.

On 'Manufact Order. Open' (PMS100), a 'Process code' (PCCO) is defined. The 'Process code' field value options are: '0-Discrete', '1-Standard manufacturing order (MO)', '2-End product', '3-Process order', '4-Pack order', '5-Process child order', and '6-Pack child order'. Ultimately, the MOPs can be consolidated and released in one action on 'Planned MO. Consolidate' (PMS172).

In addition to the 'Process code' field, the system checks the 'MO consolidation method' (MOCM) field on 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002/E) when packaged items (also referred to as item packs) are part of the manufacturing planning process. These are the scenarios for each selected field setting:

  • The default value of the 'MO consolidation method' field is '0-Discrete' which indicates the planning process creates an MOP for an item as a discrete item:
    • The MOP created for a manufactured bulk item is always created with a 'Process code' value of '3-Process order'.
      Note: The MO consolidation method field is not relevant for discrete orders.
    • Packaged items with an MO consolidation method of '0-Discrete' result in an MOP for this item that can be converted directly to an MO.
  • When the value is defined as '1-Process order', this indicates that the planning process creates a MOP where the packaged item must be made in conjunction with a Process order:
    • When a MOP is created for a packaged item with a MO consolidation method '1–Process order', the 'Process code' will be '5-Process child order'.
      Note: This system logic requires that a corresponding proposal for a bulk item be created with a 'Process code' of '3-Process order'.
  • When the MO consolidation method is '2-Pack order', the created MOPs have a packaged item that can be packaged without manufacturing bulk at the time of packaging:
    • For a proposal created for a packaged item with this MO consolidation method, the 'Process code' (PCCO) value is '6-Pack child order'. This logic allows for one or more pack MOPs to be consolidated into a single pack order.


The planning process allows for the generation of consolidated MOPs, also referred to as proposals or planned orders. Proposals may be consolidated based on their 'Process code' values:

  • MOPs for packaged items with a 'Process code' of '5-Process child order' can be consolidated with a MOP for the bulk item with a 'Process code' of '3-Process order'.
  • The MOP for a bulk item is saved as a parent order and the MOPs for the packs are saved as child orders in the Order Relationship (MWPREL) table with an Order category (ORCA) of '100-Planned manufacturing order'.
  • At the time MOPs for packaged items with a 'Process code' of '6-Pack child order' are consolidated, a parent MOP record is created by the system. This parent MOP is created with a 'Process code' of '4-Pack order'. This parent MOP is stored in the MWPREL table. The MOPs for pack orders are saved as child orders in the same table.
    Note: When parent pack orders ('Process code' of '4') are created, the 'Pack order type' (PAOT) that has been specified in 'Settings - Manufacturing Orders' (CRS785) is retrieved to create a planned order for the bulk item only when the normal 'Acquisition code' (PUIT) is a value other than '1-Manufacturing'. The selected pack order type is populated into the 'Order type' (ORTY) field on 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).
  • If the demand item is an output item and the associated product structure has a 'Product structure class type' (PCLT) of '13-Bulk item product structure', then the 'Process code' of the MOP being generated is '3-Process order'. Orders with a 'Process code' field value of '3–Process order' may be consolidated with order proposals having a 'Process code' value of '5–Process child order'.

A proposal also may be created manually through 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).

If the item being manufactured in 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170) is a bulk item, then the 'Process code' for the MOP defaults as '3-Process order'.

Note: The 'Process code' may be updated to '0–Discrete' and therefore does not have consolidation capability.
  • If the MO consolidation method field is '1-Process order' in the associated warehouse:
    • For a manufactured item being planned in 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170) that is a packaged item, the 'Process code' defaults to '5-Process child order'.
    • You may change the 'Process code' value from '5-Process child order' to '6 -Pack child order' or from '5-Process child order' to '0-Discrete'.
  • If the MO consolidation method field is '2-Pack order' in the associated warehouse:
    • For a manufactured item being planned in 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170) that is a packaged item, the 'Process code' defaults to '6-Pack child order'.
    • You may change the 'Process code' value from '6 -Pack child order' '5-Process child order' or from '6-Pack child order' to '0-Discrete'.
    • A Process child order can be executed in production only if it is consolidated with a Process order code of ' 3-Process order'.
Note: When there is a planned order for a packaged item with a 'MO consolidation method' (MOCM) of '0-Discrete,' the order is converted as a discrete order with material requirement from the packaged item product structure, but no additional packs may be added to this MO.

When there is a planned bulk order, the order is converted as a process order with material requirement from the bulk item product structure, and more output items may be added to this MO through 'Output Balancing. Open' (PMS150).

See the document Balancing Manufacturing Outputs.

On the 'Planned MO. Consolidate' (PMS172) program, there is an option to consolidate and release MOPs simultaneously.

This diagram shows the MO planning flow in relation to MOP consolidation:

Before you start

The consolidation functionality can be implemented when this prerequisite is met:

  • The Process manufacturing check box on 'Facility. Open' (CRS008) is enabled.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).

  2. On the B panel, select the desired rows, with the corresponding warehouse and product data, from the grid.

  3. For order consolidation activities, right-click and select Related Options > Consolidation (or CTRL+98).

  4. On the B1 panel of 'Planned MO. Consolidate' (PMS172), define these parameters for the Demand/Supply span in days to determine the selection of planned orders for consolidation:

    1. In the Starting field, specify the number of days prior to the current date to indicate the starting point of the order date range.

    2. In the Ending field, specify the number of days beyond the current date to specify the ending point of the order date range.

  5. Click Apply to retrieve the results.

  6. Specify these options in the grid:

    1. Highlight the desired rows.

    2. Update the order quantity.

    3. Right-click and select Related Options > Select/Deselect.

    4. Select Actions > Consolidate selected orders.

      Note: Two Process-type rows cannot be consolidated in into the same order.

      If there are two identical packs, the system will not consolidate them into one pack child order. Instead, there will be two separate child orders.

    5. Click Next to save your changes.

  7. If you want to reverse the consolidation of orders:

    1. Highlight the desired row(s).

    2. Right-click and select Related Options > Select/Deselect.

    3. Select Actions > Deconsolidate selected orders.

    4. Click Next to save your changes.

      The formerly consolidated orders are deleted from the Order Relationship (MWPREL) table.

  8. To release MOPs in the grid on 'Planned MO. Consolidate' (PMS172),

    1. Highlight the rows with consolidated parent MOPs.

    2. Right-click and select Related Options > Select/Deselect.

      Note: Only parent orders may be selected for release.
    3. Select Actions > Release if you want to convert the MOPs to MOs.

      Note: If there is a failure in the release of a parent order, the system prevents the release of any associated child orders.
    4. To verify the MOs that are created, go to 'Manufact Order. Open' (PMS100).

  9. If you want to consolidate and release the MOPs simultaneously on 'Planned MO. Consolidate' (PMS172):

    1. Highlight all the rows with consolidated parent MOPs in the grid.

    2. Right-click and select Related Options > Select/Deselect.

    3. If you want to convert the MOPs to MOs, select Actions > Consolidate and Release selected orders.

    4. To verify the MOs that are created, go to 'Manufact Order. Open' (PMS100).

The newly converted manufacturing orders are stored in the Order Relationship (MWPREL) table with an 'Order category' (ORCA) of '101-Manufacturing order'.