Redistribute Bulk

This document explains the process of bulk redistribution in Process Manufacturing.


Bulk redistribution involves apportioning bulk quantities from parent manufacturing orders to child orders for costing purposes.

Catch Weight Items

  • The redistribution process uses the quantity of the packaged items being reported to perform the receipt and issue of the bulk material. If the packaged items have catch weight sublots, the system considers the actual fill quantity to consume from the parent manufacturing order.

    See the document for more information on catch weight functionality.

    Note: A catch weight indicator column is displayed in the grid in 'Manufacturing Order. Redistribute Bulk' (PMS155).
  • As an example: For a catch weight item quantity that indicates 6 extra pounds of bulk has been consumed where the original nominal fill quantity was 480 pounds, the actual amount of bulk material is 486 pounds (including the extra 6 pounds) to be received from the parent order and redistributed through the child order(s).

    Conversely, if the catch weight item quantity were 475 pounds (5 pounds less than the original quantity), the actual amount would be redistributed.

Standard Items

  • For packaged items that are not of the catch weight type, the redistribution process considers the nominal fill quantity of those packaged items being reported to perform the receipt and issue of the bulk material. Manufacturing Order (MO) transactions posted to the Bulk Redistribution (MBREDI) table progress through various statuses to indicate the stage of redistribution. When the redistribution is in final status, no further processing is done on these table records.

The workflow of bulk redistribution for a process manufacturing order varies slightly from that of a pack MO. This diagram illustrates how bulk redistribution comes into play:

Before you start

The bulk redistribution process can be started when these prerequisites are met.

  • Create a unique receiving location in the warehouse. On the warehouse record, designate it as the redistribution location through 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005) with these conditions met:
    • The redistribution location that is selected or specified on 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005) must be an existing entry on the Locations (MITPCE) table.
    • The location's default status value in the 'Status proposal' (DEST) field on 'Stock Location. Open' (MMS010) must be '2-Approved'.
    • The redistribution location cannot be container managed, that is a location where the 'Container management' (CMNG) check box is disabled.
    • The associated 'Location characteristic' (WHLC) on 'Stock Location. Open' (MMS010) must be '0-No special characteristic', indicating the location cannot be used for lot blending.

      See the document, for details on lot blending functionality.

    • The 'Multi-storage' (SLDV) field on 'Stock Location. Open' (MMS010) must be '1-Multiple balance IDs' because multiple transactions may happen in parallel.
      Note: You can specify a qualifying location in the Redistribution location field only if the 'Process manufacturing' (PMFL) check box has been enabled in the facility (CRS008/E). If this location is not defined, the system will not perform bulk redistribution.
      Note: After a Redistribution location has been established, it cannot be deleted.
  • For a process MO:
    • Order receipts for child pack orders (where PCCO value is 5-'Child process order'), performed through 'Manufacturing Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050) and PMS050MI, are stored in the Bulk Redistribution (MBREDI) table. When Redistribution status (FRED) value is '2'-Final redistribution complete', the receipt transaction cannot be performed.
    • In the case where MOs are not in a certain state, i.e. the 'Costing performed' (PCDO) field does not equal '2' or '9' (indicating that production costing statistics exist), the system sets the Redistribution status (FRED) field for the parent order to 1-'Redistribution transactions exist' assuming there is no error in the redistribution process. In other words, the Redistribution status (FRED) is not set to a value of 9-'Redistribution error'.
  • For a pack MO:
    • Order receipts for child pack orders (where PCCO value is 6-'Child pack order'), performed through 'Manufacturing Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050) and PMS050MI, are stored in the Bulk Redistribution (MBREDI) table. When Redistribution status (FRED) value is '2-Final redistribution complete', the receipt transaction cannot be performed.
    • Issues of bulk material for a parent order (where PCCO has a value of 4-'Pack order'), performed through 'Manufact Order. Report Issue' (PMS060) and PMS060MI, are stored in the Bulk Redistribution (MBREDI) table. When Redistribution status (FRED) value is 2-'Final redistribution complete', the issue transaction cannot be performed.

Follow these steps

  1. On the B panel of 'Manufacturing Order. Open' (PMS100), highlight a row in the grid with the desired product.

    Note: To redistribute bulk material, the selected manufacturing order (MO) must be a process order or a pack order.
  2. Select Related > Bulk Redistribution (or CTRL+49).

  3. When 'Manufacturing Order. Redistribute Bulk' (PMS155) launches, these field values default:

    • Facility
    • Product
    • MO number
    • Process code
    • Current quantity (bulk quantity that is available for redistribution based on an existing MO receipt or issue transactions)
    • Redistribution status
    • Bulk equivalent received (total bulk quantity that corresponds to the pack quantities on the receipts for the related child pack order)
    • Reserved bulk (the cumulative bulk quantity for a pack MO that has been reserved for packing on its child orders)
    • Issued bulk (the bulk quantity issued for a pack MO to manufacture packs on its child orders)
    • Difference (the Reserved bulk quantity less the Issued bulk quantity)
  4. If you want to perform an interim bulk redistribution, Select Actions > Redistribute.

  5. If you are ready to finalize the bulk redistribution, Select Actions > Perform Final Redistribution.

  6. If you need to perform bulk redistribution after the final redistribution action, select Actions > Reopen.

    Note: The 'MO status' (MHST) field must be less than 90-'Order ready for cost follow-up' to reopen for redistribution.