Define Manufacturing Settings for Company

This document explains how you create these:

  • Product structure type
  • Number series
  • Disturbance type
  • Manufacturing order type.

This document also explains how you define settings for these:

  • Product structures
  • Capacity requirements planning
  • Manufacturing orders
  • Operation reporting.

See Create View for Work Center Schedule for instructions on how to define settings for the view.


The enabled settings are used in the process for operational and manufacturing execution. You should continue to define settings for item/warehouse.

You have defined a manufacturing order type, which is a collective ID for a set of rules that determine how a manufacturing order is processed in the order flow. You have also specified the product structure type to be automatically proposed in the planning MO and when to create a manufacturing order manually.

Finally, the possible disturbance types for production are created.

Number series are stored in the CSYNBR file.

Before you start

Define basic data for number series.

Follow these steps

Create a product structure type

  1. To create a product structure type, start 'Product Structure Type. Open' (CRS087/B).
  2. Create a new product structure, and specify a name and description.
  3. To define a product structure, start 'Settings - Product Structure' (CRS787/E).
  4. Select the 'Structure type used' check box, so that more than one product structure are defined for each product and field of activity.
  5. Specify the standard structure type to be used for products in the 'Structure type standard' field.
  6. Select the validity date.
  7. Specify the phantom values for the operation routing and operation range.
  8. Specify whether you want the opening quantity on the material lines to be automatically calculated using the field's length, width, and factor 1 and 2.
  9. Specify the alternative structure type to be used for an ATP (available-to-promise) check of included material when a customer order is specified.
  10. Specify whether you want to include by-products in the low-level calculation.
  11. Select the alternative structure types for M3 Supply Chain Planning, kit items that belong to a customer order, and for services generated in M3 Maintenance.
  12. Select Exit to finish defining the product structures.
  13. To define capacity requirements planning, start 'Settings - Capacity Planning' (CRS786/E).
  14. Specify whether you want to use bottleneck planning.
  15. Select the week in which to assign the overdue load.
  16. Specify whether the work center capacity should be created when work schedules for employees are created.
  17. Select Exit to finish defining the capacity planning.

Create number series

  1. To create a number series, start 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165/B).
  2. Activate the number series related to manufacturing orders.
  3. Define the number series.

Create disturbance type

  1. To create a disturbance type, start 'Disturbance Type. Open' (PDS044).
  2. Specify a unique name for your disturbance code on the B panel. Select Create.
  3. On the E panel, specify a name and description for the disturbance code.
  4. Specify whether a disturbance caused the production stop.
  5. Select 'Send user mail' to send a user mail to the mailbox in 'Application Message. Open' (CRS420) when a report is made with this disturbance type.
  6. Select 'Send user message' to send a user message when a report is made with this disturbance type.
  7. Select the 'Message' field.
  8. Specify values in the 'Additional user ID' field to send printouts to a predefined address list of users.
  9. Specify this information:
    • Product number
    • Structure type
    • Service.
  10. Select Exit to finish. The new disturbance type is displayed on the B1 panel.

Create manufacturing order type

  1. To create a manufacturing order type, start 'Manufacturing Order Type. Open' (PMS120/B).
  2. Specify an order type and select 'Create'.
  3. On the E panel, specify a name and description.
  4. Select the appropriate fields on the E panel.
  5. Select a view to manage the layout of the printout.
  6. Click Next to continue to the F panel.
  7. Select the appropriate fields on the F panel.
  8. Press Enter to finish. The manufacturing order type should now be completed.
  9. To define settings for operation reporting, start 'Settings - Operation Reporting' (PMS490/E)
  10. Select the appropriate fields to define the operation for your company.
  11. Press Enter to finish. The manufacturing settings for the company are now completed.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(CRS785) Create invalid components

…if components in non-approved status are added to the MO bill of material.

The status of the component is set to '00' in 'Manufact Order. Open Lines' (PMS101). An error code is also added to the component. When invalid components are added to the MO, the status of the MO is set to 25 = Short term hold. No reporting is allowed while MO status is 25 and if invalid components exist. To release the MO, all components with error codes must be managed. How to manage the error depends on the error code.

There are three error codes:

1. Invalid item status - To correct this error, the status of the item must be corrected, or the component needs to be changed.

2. Invalid item-balance status - To correct this error, the status of the item balance must be corrected; approve the component by ignoring the warning in (PMS101) or change the component.

3. Invalid product structure status - If a phantom item structure is not approved, the phantom item is added to the bill of material. To correct this, the phantom item must be deleted, and the phantom components created manually. It can also be done via 'MO for Changed Product Structure. Update' (PMS280) if system settings allow it.

Release of a held MO is done in 'Manufacturing Order. Open' (PMS100) using related option 80='Release Held MO'. If components with an error code still exist, the MO remains in status 25.

If (PMS101) with an invalid component is opened for a MO, that has been put temporarily on hold by 'Hold MO Short' option, a filtering parameter 'Only error comp' is displayed in the panel head. When this parameter is activated, only components with an error code are displayed. Operations are displayed regardless of this setting.

(CRS785) Prevent history structures

…how the structure date is set when generating manufacturing orders. The structure date is used to select which parts of the product structure must be included in an MO. The structure date is determined by the finish date or start date of the order.

If finish date is specified, the structure date is the finished date, adjusted with the standard lead time retrieved from the item/warehouse record. If a start date is specified, the start date is used as the structure date.

These are the valid alternatives:

0 = No

1 = Yes

2 = Yes, and exclude obsolete bill of material from lowest level calculation

Alternative 0 generates MOs according to the structure date. If the MOs are created for product structure revisions in past time, this alternative must be used.

Alternative 1 replaces a calculated structure date in past time with the current date. A future structure date remains as is.

Alternative 2 works similar to alternative 1 but excludes obsolete bill of material from the lowest level calculation. The material lines with To-date in past time is not considered and historical matrix lines are omitted.

(CRS785) Allow approved product structure for preliminary item

…if the 15-'Approved' status of the product structure is allowed for the item, that is, in the initial status of the item (between 10 and 14) in 'Item. Open' (MMS001).

This applies only if 'Item. Connect Warehouse’ (MMS002) has a status 20.

When the product structure is approved, this allows the item to explode to generate demand at lower levels of the product after the MRP calculation. Planned manufacturing orders cannot be released and no manufacturing order can be created until the statuses of both the item and product structure are set to 20-'Released'.

(CRS787/E) Structure types used

…if different structure types should be used. If the parameter is set, a structure type is used to define more than one product structure for each product and field of activity.

Manufacturing order is created on different structure types. The types are defined in 'Settings - Product Structure' (CRS787).

(CRS787/E) Structure type standard

…a standard which is changed in some places like cost calculation and manual creation of planned orders.

Note that certain functions can only be performed for products with the standard structure type, such as:
  • Requirements calculation
  • Lead time calculation
  • Summarized bills of material

Kit items belonging to customer orders might use another structure type.

(CRS787/E) Phantom operation routing

…how an operation in a phantom routing is processed.

1 = Only the operation time is totaled for an operation with the same operation number and the same work center. If there is no matching, it will be handled as in alternative 2.

2 = The entire operation always starts with 8xxx. The numbering sequence for added phantom operations is set in the P panel.

(CRS787/E) Phantom operation range …the range to be used when numbering the operations if more than one operation in any phantom routing is to be added to the routing on the highest level. The numbering of these operations always starts with 8XXX and continues according to the specified range.
(CRS787/E) Calculated quantity …if the opening quantity on the material lines should be automatically calculated using the field's length, width, factor 1 and 2.
(CRS787/E) Structure type critical material … the structure type to be used for an ATP check (available-to-promise) of included material when a customer order is entered. This function is only used in 'Availability. Simulate for Material' (MMS085).
(CRS787/E) Including by-products …the by-products to be included in the low-level calculation.
(CRS787/E) Structure type M3 SCP …the structure type used for Supply Chain Planner.
(CRS787/E) Structure type kit …the structure type that the kit is using when created in customer order.
(CRS787/E) Structure type maintenance

…structure type for maintenance that are generated during inspection reporting.

Note that only services with the structure type selected in this field and a blank product number is selected on 'Settings - Maintenance 1' (CRS788/G).

(CRS786/E) Bottleneck plan …if bottleneck planning will be used in the system.
(CRS786/E) Overdue load

…the week in which you want the overdue load to be assigned. (An overdue load refers to a load which exists in past time).

1 = Current week

2 = Closest previous week.

(CRS786/E) Create capacity

…whether work center capacity should be created when work schedules for employees are created.

The employee should be connected in 'Person. Open' (CRS530).

0 = No employee capacity created in 'Load. Display Total/Employee' (CPS160).

1 = Employee capacity created in 'Load. Display Total/Employee' (CPS160).

2 = Employee and work center capacity are created in 'Load. Display Totals' (CPS100).

(CRS165/B) Number series type …the purpose of each number series.
(CRS165/B) Number series …the number series. Most of the number series IDs are mandatory and are displayed in the previous field, but some are optional. They are marked with an asterisk (*).
(CRS165/E) Division …the division to which the number series applies. For manufacturing order, the number series are created on a global level and cannot be maintained per division.
(PDS044) Production stop …if a disturbance caused the production stop.
(PDS044) Product number

… the product number.

The product number is the same as the in-house manufacturing item number and is always used together with structures to describe what a product consists of and how it is manufactured.

(PDS044) Service …part of the identity of an internal or external service such as subcontract work or repairs.
(PDS044) Send user mail

…if user mail should be sent to the mailbox in (CRS420) when a report is made with this disturbance type.

Mail is sent to the user (or receivers stated in the distribution list) defined for the disturbance type.

The mail contains these parts:
  • Description from the disturbance type
  • Action date (when the report was made)
  • Message from the disturbance type.
(PDS044) Send user message

… if a message should be sent when a report is made for the disturbance type.

The message is sent to the user (or receivers in the distribution list) defined for the disturbance type.

The message contains these parts:
  • Description from the disturbance type
  • Action date (when the report was made).
(PDS044) Additional user id, part 1

… the field indicates a user ID or send list for direct distribution of a printout.

Note that user ID must be completed with an address. Normally, this is not necessary when a send list is available.

This method of distribution is only possible if the user ID and/or send lists exist in the system and it is not selected here.

(PDS044) Additional user id, part 2

…the address of the user ID entered.

The information is mandatory when distribution is applied to a user ID but it is optional when distribution is applied to a send list.

(PDS044) Additional distribution list, part 1 …the first part (out of two) of a distribution list identity. More than one list can contain the same part 1 or part 2, but the combination of parts 1 and 2 in the identity must always be unique.
(PDS044) Additional distribution list, part 2 … the second part of a distribution list identity.
(PMS120/E) Number series …the number series. The same ID may be used by other series if they belong to other types.
(PMS120/E) Set planned MO number as MO number

…if the manufacturing order should retain the same order number as the planned order.

The parameter is only relevant if the manufacturing order is created based on the planned order. Planned orders are created from the requirements calculation or from (PMS170).

(PMS120/E) Load category

…if the load category should be:

A = normal order

B = special order.

A normal order is usually similar to a stock order while a special order means a customer order unique manufacturing. The load result can be analyzed separately for the respective category.

(PMS120/E) Planned MO schedule number as MO schedule number …if the schedule no. registered for the planned order should be copied to the order when it is released.
(PMS120/E) Time on stock receipts

…if scheduled time of completion for the order should be displayed in the material plan. Time of completion is the time on the completion date when the order is expected to be available.

When this field is selected, the parameter 'Receipt priority day' defined in (CRS701) has no effect.

Note that time is calculated only when shift scheduling is activated for the facility.

(PMS120/E) Time on material reservations

…if the material reservation time for the order should be displayed in the material plan. This time is the time in a reservation date when the order is estimated to be available.

The time is calculated only when shift planning is activated for the facility, regardless of the alternative specified.

(PMS120/E) Setup time processing

…if the setup time in the current manufacturing order should be 0.

This field enables you to avoid entering records in the setup time table for all combinations that should have a setup time of zero.

(PMS120/E) Replan MO after operation report

…if the order quantity should be recalculated when the quantity that was actually manufactured and approved for the operation is different from the planned quantity.

(PMS120/E) Create product costing at MO release …if the product is defined with (actual price), costing is always performed regardless of the selected alternative.
(PMS120/E) Print product costing …if the product costing should be printed when a new order is created.
(PMS120/E) Disable work center change ...if changing work center for an operation should be disabled in case material exists on a picking list for the same manufacturing order and operation number.
(PMS120/F) Dispatch policy

…the dispatch policy. A dispatch policy contains settings for the dispatch and it is assigned to each order type.

Dispatch policies are defined in 'Dispatch Policy. Open' (MWS010).

(PMS120/F) Reschedule when preallocation supply side change …whether changing the date for the preallocation or order-initiated acquisition order line causes rescheduling of the confirmed delivery date on the preallocated demand order line. This field also indicates whether rescheduling should take place if the acquisition order line has a reference order number to the demand order line.
(PMS120/F) Preallocation maintenance on quantity change …if a preallocation maintenance program should be triggered by a change of quantity on a preallocated order.
(PMS120/F) Automatically release for order costing

…if the manufacturing order should be released automatically for order costing when it is closed (status 90).

If you do not select this field, the order is released manually in 'Order Costing. Display' (CAS310) or 'Order Costing. Release' (CAS320) for order costing.

(PMS120/F) Picking list separator …how deliveries should be created for a manufacturing order.
(PMS120/F) Color group …the color group. In M3 SWB, orders are grouped by color to make the list of orders easier to read. The color group is assigned a value between 0 and 10, where each group represents one color.
(PMS120/F) Priority

…the order priority.

The priority is automatically created on the planned order when the order is created. The priority can then be changed manually for each planned order.

(PMS120/F) Surplus distribution priority

…if the order type should have high or low surplus distribution priority.

This functionality is used only in M3 SWB.

(PMS120/F) Two step put-away …whether two-step put-away is activated. This activation occurs in two places: in the stock zone and in the goods receiving method or order type.
(PMS120/F) Check standard cost at MO receipt

... if the standard cost will be verified at manufacturing order receipt. By default, this is set to 0 but alternatives 1 and 2 will validate if a standard cost is available in (PCS300).


0 = No

1 = Yes, with warning

2 = Yes, with stop.

(PMS120/F) Default receiving quantity at MO-receipt ...if the remaining quantity of a manufacturing order is defaulted or not in 'Manufacturing Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050), Manufacturing Order. Report By-product' (PMS080), and 'Manufacturing Order. Report Co-product' (PMS090).
(PMS120/F) Aging aging is used in manufacturing. A value of 0 will disregard aging, a value of 1 will consider aging based on the aging parameters in 'Item Connect. Warehouse' (MMS002), and a value of 2 will enable the user to override the reclass date and time for a lot at different stages of the manufacturing process.
(PMS120/F) Keep expiry date decisions made on MO

...whether the expiration date on a manufacturing order (MO) should be manually maintained, during the creation and processing of a MO, and automatically calculated based on production date plus entered shelf-life days in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002).

Valid alternatives are:

0 - No, the expiry date of all products is calculated based on its respective entered shelf-life in (MMS002).

1 - Yes, manually entered expiry date on MO is kept for all products.

2 - Yes, same as 1 but for primary product only. The expiry dates for by-product and co-product are calculated based on shelf-life in (MMS002).

3 - Yes, same as 1 but for primary product and by-product only. The expiry date for co-product is calculated based on shelf-life in (MMS002).

4 - Yes, same as 1 but for primary product and co-product only. The expiry date for by-product is calculated based on shelf-life in (MMS002).

(PMS120/G) Create lot number at MO release

...whether you must create a lot number for primary product or all products which include end-products, by-products and co-products upon releasing a manufacturing order (MO).

Valid alternatives are:

0 - Yes, for all products.

1 - Yes, same as 0. The lot is also created in Lot Master for the primary product.

2 - Yes, same as 0. The lots are also created in Lot Master for all products.

3 - No, lots are not created.

When this parameter is set to 0 or 3, a lot number can still be generated at MO release in 'Lot/Serial Number. Open/Connect to Item' (MMS235), if 'QI request timing' is set to 1 on (PMS120/F) and the product(s) is quality inspected with quality request.

(PMS490/E) Automatic completion of MO at receipt

...if completion flags should be automatically set when receipt of a manufactured quantity against an order is reported.

Automatic flagging is performed when the reported quantity is equal to or greater than the ordered quantity.

(PMS490/E) Automatic completion of components

…if a completion flag should be automatically set in connection with material issues through material requisition.

Automatic flagging is performed when the reported quantity is equal to or greater than the ordered quantity.

(PMS490/E) Automatic completion of operations

…if a completion flag is automatically set when work completed on operations for an order is reported.

Automatic flagging is performed when the manufactured quantity is equal to or greater than the ordered quantity.

(PMS490/E) Allow reporting for completed MO

…if issue is permitted for a material which is already flagged as completed in an order.

This only applies when reporting occurs through material requisition.

(PMS490/E) Allow reporting for completed component

… if issue is permitted for a material which is already flagged as completed in an order.

This only applies when reporting occurs through material requisition.

(PMS490/E) Time calculation method for reporting operation …how time should be calculated when an operation is partially reported.
(PMS490/E) Allow parallel operations …if an employee may be logged on to several operations simultaneously.
(PMS490/E) Time calculation method for parallel jobs …how operations time should be distributed when multiple operations are performed in parallel. Note that machine time is always actual time.
(PMS490/E) Mandatory authorization of reported op transactions …information about each operation reporting is saved in the data collection section. This information is connected to the employees who reported the operations and is updated in 'MO Operation. Open Reported' (PMS400) for manufacturing orders. If the employees are piece-rate workers, this information is used. Here, a check is made to verify that the transactions are authorized. The authorized transactions can be transferred.
(PMS490/E) Print bar codes on MO documents …if bar codes should be printed on order documents.
(PMS490/E) Cost center source on reported …the cost center to use when piece rates are transferred to M3 Payroll Administration.