Receiving Manufacturing Orders

Receiving manufacturing orders is used to update on-hand balance and manufactured quantity, while work-in-progress is reduced and the order is closed.

Using this process can result in:

  • The manufacturing order status is set at 60, 80, or 90.
  • The on-hand balance for products, co-products, and by-products are updated.
  • Work-in-progress is reduced.
  • An LI (laboratory and Inspection) request is printed. This is applicable only when the 407 - 'Quality Management' field in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) is defined as 'Laboratory and inspection system'.
  • A Certificate of Analysis is printed. This applies only when the 407 - Quality Management' field in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) is defined as 'Quality management system'.
  • Issue of components with issue methods 3 or 5 is reported automatically.

Before you start

The process can be started when these prerequisites are met:

Follow these steps

This diagram shows the activities in the receiving process:

  1. Receive product.

    The manufacturing order receipt is reported in 'Manufacturing Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050). Any of these can be reported:

    • Stocked products
    • Non-stocked products
    • Products requiring quality inspection approval
    • Products that are either catch weight items or active items.
  2. Receive by-product.

    By-product receipt is reported in 'Manufact Order. Report By-product' (PMS080), which is usually called when reporting the operation in which the by-product is created. If the by-product is not connected to an operation, then (PMS080) is called automatically when the product is reported in (PMS050).

  3. Receive co-product.

    Co-product receipt is reported in 'Manufact Order. Report Co-product' (PMS090).

  4. Select locations.

    The put-away location can be selected if the product can be stored at multiple locations. This is reported by specifying the necessary information for the first location, then using F11='Partial Batch Delivery' to specify information for the next location, and so on.

    The location can be changed using F14='Sel location' which calls 'Movement. Change Location – Balance ID' (MMS177).

  5. Issue materials.

    The issue of materials with issue method 3 or 5 is reported automatically when the manufacturing order is reported.

  6. Close the order.

    When the order is flagged as completed, its status is set at either 80 or 90. Status 90 means closed, and status 80 indicates there are components or operations that are not flagged as completed or that the product is reported in Managing Laboratory Inspection.

    Reporting a negative quantity can be used to correct errors in earlier reporting, so the balance is reduced at the specified location.

  7. Update expiration date.

    The expiration date can be changed for products with 0 as the inspection code in (MMS001/F) and the expiration date method is greater than 0 as specified in (MMS001). For products with an inspection code greater than 0, the expiration date can only be changed after approval. For products that have quality inspect set to 1 in (MMS001/Q), the expiration date is set before quality inspection.

    See Managing Laboratory Inspection.

  8. Specify the potency, actual weight and/or manufactured quantity for active and catch weight items.

    When active items are received, the normal potency (specified in MMS001) is proposed by default. If the normal potency is at variance, the actual potency can be specified.

    Actual weight must be specified along with manufactured quantity when catch weight items are received.

  9. Manage quality inspected products.

    For products with inspection code greater than 0, the products are put away after inspection. For this, the field headings for manufactured quantity are changed to quantity received. The on-hand balance status for these is 1 - 'Under inspection' if restricted release is not activated.

    For products with quality inspect set to 1, the on-hand balance status may be set directly to 2 - ‘Approved’ and manufactured quantity is updated. Quality-inspected item putaway in (PMS130) is not needed.

  10. Print LI request.

    The LI request is printed automatically when inspection code 2 or 3 is defined for the product (in MMS001), the specification type is 1, and the request status is less than 30 (not printed).

    Note: The 407 - 'Quality Management' field in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) must be defined as 'Laboratory and inspection system' for the LI request printing function to exist.
  11. Perform quality inspection.

    When the product has an inspection code greater than 0, the balance identity status is set to 1 - 'Under inspection' when the receipt is reported. When the product has quality inspect equal to 1, the balance identity may be set to 1 - 'Under inspection', 2 - 'Approved', or 3 - 'Rejected'.

    For the Laboratory and Inspection control system, the status is raised to 2 - 'Approved' when the inspection is completed. This is done in 'Quality-inspected Item. Put away' (PMS130). The order status is then raised from 80 to 90 (closed).

    See Managing Laboratory Inspection.

    On (PMS130/A), select Actions > LI Request to generate an LI request on 'Lab Inspection Request. Open' (LIS200).

    To implement the Quality Management System (QMS), the 407 - 'Quality Management' field in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) must be defined as 'Quality management system'. On PMS130/A, select Actions > QI Request to generate a QI request on 'QI Request. Open' (QMS300).

    See Quality Management System (QMS) and Its Impact on Manufacturing Order Processing for more details on QMS.