Data Collection for Production

Data collection is used to collect the necessary information from production for use in evaluation, decision-making and acting on situations where actual results do not meet the plan.

Data collection is often experienced as an overwhelming activity—a large volume of information must be collected to provide a sufficient basis for effective follow-up and control. This information must also be accurate and relevant. Reporting this information must therefore be organized simply so it is not seen as an unnecessary extra load which can be ignored.

Data collection includes gathering, verifying and editing information from the shop floor showing:

  • The order’s relative progress through the production flow
  • Resource status for machines, tools and material
  • Quality, quality problems and their reasons
  • Costs
  • Efficiency.

This information can be gathered using anything from manual to fully automatic methods. And this should be done frequently so the information is as current and correct as possible.

The information should be verified and edited to ensure it is correct and because some information (such as data for salary payments) must be verified before further processing. For this reason, data collection can be integrated with the time and attendance system and external systems.

Before you start

The process can be started when these prerequisites are met:


The section below describes the activities in this process.


Reporting issues to the manufacturing order (MO) is controlled by the item’s issue method. Reporting is done by either:

  • Issue against picking list
  • Issue against requisition
  • Automatic issue when operation reported
  • Automatic issue when receipt reported.


Returns are reported in program 'Manufact Order. Report Issue (PMS060)'.

A return that is handled by making a negative issue to the MO involves a return to stock in the amount that was specified for each individual component on panel E of PMS060.

You also have the ability to utilize the Sort option (‘8 – Return’) on panel B1 of PMS060 to allow returns to be processed into inventory for one or several components at a time. These components could be from one or many manufacturing orders.

Various reference fields (such as Work center, Warehouse, Location, Lot number, Container and Reservation date) are included on the PMS060 header to filter the data appearing in the components grid:

  • You have the ability to override the proposed amount for each component in the grid. The system uses the actual Report Quantity values from the grid when processing the returns.
  • The Related > Include / Exclude option (alternately CTRL + 13) provides the capability to include or exclude selected records from the return process. Using this function will either highlight a selected record or remove the highlight. A highlighted record represents a row that will be excluded from the return transaction. After the grid row is changed from included to excluded and vice-versa, the running quantity totals in the header are updated accordingly.
  • The return can be confirmed by selecting Actions > Confirm All (or pressing F14) or by selecting Related > Confirmation which is used for individual rows in the grid.
  • The recorded return transaction updates several tables including:
    • MO Header (MWOHED)
    • MO material file (MWOMAT)
    • Balance identities (MITLOC)
    • Stock transactions (MITTRA)
    • Sort MO – order materials (MPM060)

In addition, the system provides the ability to distribute a return quantity across several manufacturing orders for the same component. This is accomplished by selecting Actions > Distribute (or pressing F16) to run the distribution for all "included" rows in the grid that have quantities available for return.

Operation reporting

The operation must be reported to ensure that correct operation times and related costs are assigned to the order. This is done by reporting either the operation times or operation start/stop.

Reporting operation data

Reporting operation data involves printing a labor ticket for each operation. The manufactured quantity, hours used, employee number, scrap, etc. are noted on the ticket. The ticket then provides the information necessary to report the operation. This is done in program 'Work with Reporting - Operation (PMS070)'. See Reporting Operation Data.

Reporting operation start/stop

Reporting the start and stop of operations involves automatically calculating the hours used for an operation from the reported start and stop times. This can be done using external equipment like scanners or manual on-screen input at a terminal. See Starting, Stopping, Validating and Attesting of Operation Time.

Product receipt

The receipt of the product can be reported either manually or automatically when the last operation for the order is reported. Manual reporting is done in program 'Work with MO Reporting - Receipt (PMS050)'. See Receiving Manufacturing Orders.


Scrap is reported during operation reporting. When the cost is charged to another unit (such as a department), the appropriate work center is specified in program PMS070. The planning area and department of the work center charged are then updated. See Reporting Operation Data.

Quality inspection (using the Laboratory Inspection and Control functionality)

This is applicable only when the '407 Quality Management' field in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) is defined as 'Laboratory and inspection system'.

Quality inspection in production can be done:

  • During production without lot numbers
  • During production with lot numbers
  • Finished products with lot numbers.

Inspection is reported and followed up by lot numbers as described in Managing Laboratory Inspection. Reporting without lot numbers is done in program 'Work with MO Reporting - Inspection (PMS085)'.

Quality inspection (using the Quality Management System functionality)

If the '407 Quality Management' field in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/K) is defined as 'Quality management system', the quality inspection process is handled by of the Quality Management System (QMS). The setup of QMS is described in Managing Quality Control.

Refer to Quality Management System (QMS) and Its Impact on Manufacturing Order Processing for an overview of the quality control activities during the output reporting of both lot controlled and non-lot controlled items.