Creating Planned Manufacturing Order

This document explains why and how a planned manufacturing order is created.


The manufacturing process is started when the need for a product has resulted in one or several planned manufacturing orders. Planned manufacturing orders are usually created automatically, but can also be created manually.


The planning function takes into consideration the planned manufacturing order's start and finish dates, and the availability of material, capacity resources, tools, etc.

After evaluation and possible revision, the planned manufacturing order is released; that is, it is made available for the production function.

How the system is affected

These files are affected:

  • All the planned MOs are stored in (MMOPLP)
  • Information on load and capacity is taken from, and updated in, (MCPSPE), (MCPSUM), and (MWLOAD).

Before you start

To create a planned manufacturing order there must be:

  • A warehouse for the product created in 'Warehouse. Open' (MMS005)
  • An order type created in 'Manufacturing Order Type. Open' (PMS120)
  • A structure; that is, which material and which operations, as well as which tools, are necessary for the manufacturing. The structure is created in 'Product Structure. Open' (PDS001).


You can create a planned manufacturing order in one of these ways:

  • Create planned manufacturing order automatically

    The normal procedure is that planned manufacturing orders are created automatically, either on the basis of a need that is calculated forward by MRP (material resource planning), or through order initiation. Order-initiated manufacturing orders can be created from a customer order, another manufacturing order (semi-finished product), or from a distribution order.

  • Create planned manufacturing order manually

    Planned manufacturing orders can also be created manually when the planner wants to deviate from the normal procedure.

    Planned manufacturing orders are created manually in 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).