Report Time, Change Cost Center and View Time Balance in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you clock in and out for normal time, overtime, planned and unplanned absence and fixed time. It also explains how an employee can clock in and out using a different cost center as well as how to view time balances.


Depending on your purpose, you will have either clocked in or out and the transaction is recorded on your regular cost center or a temporary one. You may also have viewed your time balance(s). These activities are done in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Report' (TMS001).

The MTMTTR and MTMHS3 files are updated.

If a payroll system is used, the administration gets more automatized. For example, rather than manually calculate overtime, Time and Attendance can do it automatically.

Changing cost centers enables correct allocation of expenses in bookkeeping.

The balance inquiry allows you to view for example your flex, comp and vacation balances.

Before you start

  • Basic data must be defined for Time and Attendance. See Defining Basic Data in Time and Attendance.
  • In the case that you are permitted to specify the time and date for clocking in/out (rather than using the system time), it must be specified in the 'Change time and date' field in 'Settings – Manual Reporting' (TMS955/E).

Follow These Steps

  1. Start 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Report' (TMS001).

    On the E panel, select one of the above alternatives for reporting.

    • To report in or out times, see Report In/Out Times.
    • To report planned absence, see Report Planned Absence .
    • To view your time balance, see View Time Balance .
    • To change your cost center, see Change Cost Center.
    • To report fixed time, see Report Fixed Time.
  2. To report in/out times, press the respective in/out button (In/out normal, overtime paid, overtime time off, overtime unique, overtime unique 2, overtime unique 3).

  3. Enter your card number (required).

  4. If you are clocking in/out with an absence type, fill in the absence type.

  5. If you wish to clock in/out using a cost center other than your standard one, enter a cost center in the 'Reference number – accounting dimension 2' field.

  6. Enter the clock time and date, if applicable. Press Enter.

    If left blank, the system time and date will be used.

  7. To report a planned absence, press the 'Planned absence' button and enter your card number (required).

  8. Enter the type of absence you are planning as well as the dates from and to which you will be away (these are required fields). Press Enter.

  9. To view a time balance, press the 'Balance inquiry' button.

  10. Enter your card number and the name of the balance for which you wish to view the calculated time. Press Enter.

    The balance will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

  11. To change a cost center, press the 'Change cost center' button.

  12. Enter you card number and the new cost center in the 'Reference number – accounting dimension 2' field (both required).

  13. Enter the clock date and time, if applicable.

    If left blank, the system time and date will be used.

  14. To report fixed time, press the 'Fixed time' button.

  15. Enter your card number and the fixed time's time type (both required).

  16. Enter the clock time and date, if applicable.

    If left blank, the system time and date will be used.

Parameters to Set

Button Use this button to…
In/Out normal

… clock in/out according to your schedule time.

You can also clock in/out with an absence type.

In/Out overtime paid

… clock in before or out after your schedule time. When you use this alternative, you are specifying that you want the time to be counted as overtime for which you want to receive monetary compensation.

You can also clock in/out with an absence type.

In/Out overtime time off

… clock in before or out after your schedule time. When you use this alternative, you are specifying that you want the time to be counted as overtime for which you want to take time off.

You can also clock in/out with an absence type.

In/Out overtime unique

… clock in before or out after your schedule time. When you use this alternative, you are specifying that you want the time to be counted as overtime. But the overtime that is generated here is considered unique, that is, it differs from ordinary overtime.

For example, this could mean that each hour of overtime is only grounds for one hour of comp time rather than two.

You can also clock in/out with an absence type.

You can use up to three different pair of unique overtime buttons and each of the pair will process the overtime in a unique way.

Planned absence

… clock in/out as a planned absence, that is, when you know you are going to be away from work for one or more days (vacation or planned sick leave, for example).

The absence is valid from the date you specify in the 'From clock date' field until the date you specify in the 'To clock date' field.

Balance inquiry … see your time balances (flex and overtime balances, for example). The balance shows the amount of positive or negative time for the current time type for a particular period.
Change cost center … change your cost center. This change is temporary meaning that the next time you clock out, your original cost center will be reinstated.
Fixed time … clock a fixed time/transaction. For example, if you make a record for a lunch in the cafeteria, the system can create a transaction for lunch purchases.