Connect and Define Manufacturing Settings for Item/Warehouse

This document explains how to connect an item to a warehouse and how to define the planning values for the product.


You have connected an item to a warehouse and suitable planning values have been created for the item.

The defined manufacturing settings should be connected to item/warehouse to complete the process of enabling manufacturing settings. The connected item can be used in the process of planning manufacturing and execution manufacturing.

If manufacturing settings for the company and facility have not been defined, this should be done before the settings are connected to the item/warehouse.

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002/B).

  2. Select a warehouse and click Apply.

  3. Enter the item you want to connect to the selected warehouse. Select the Create option to continue to the E panel.

  4. Enter '1' as acquisition code for the manufactured item.

  5. Enter order type and whether the item should be a part of master schedule.

  6. Check the predefined fields.

    The items are defined in the product life cycle process.

  7. To create a new planning policy, start 'Planning Policy. Open' (MMS037/E) if it is necessary to create a new planning policy.

    You can start the program by double-clicking in the 'Planning policy' field in (MMS002/E).

  8. Enter a name and description.

  9. Define the appropriate fields.

  10. Press Enter to exit. The item is now connected and defined at the selected warehouse.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MMS002)/E) Acquisition code …how acquisition is to be performed in case of requirements (immediate or planned) for each item/warehouse..
(MMS002/E) Planning method … the material planning method set for the item/warehouse during acquisition order entry. There are two basic methods (material requirements planning and reorder point planning) used to plan and create acquisition orders.
(MMS002/E) Master Schedule …whether the item is part of the master schedule. The master schedule represents what the company plans to produce expressed in specific configurations, quantities and dates. The master schedule takes into account the forecast, the production plan and other important considerations such as backlog, availability of material and capacity, management policies and goals.
(MMS002/E) Status …the two-digit status of an item/warehouse.
(MMS002/E) Order type

…the order type that is planned to be in connection with acquisition.

The order type is a group ID for a number of rules that determine how the order is processed in the order flow.

(MMS002/E) Planning policy …the planning policy which contains a number of rules, determine how the generation of planned orders, action messages and warning messages are to be applied.
(MMS002/E) Safety time

…how many days before the actual need date a planned order should be available in stock. The purpose is to protect scheduling from any fluctuations in the item's delivery time.

(MMS002/E) Supplier number …the supplier that is considered as the main supplier for an item.
(MMS002/E) MO consolidation method …the means of consolidating manufacturing orders (i.e. as process orders or pack orders) for packaged items to optimize your planning.
(MMS037/E) Default status - MO …the default status for the created manufacturing order (MO) status.
(MMS037/E) Default status – planned orders when AM=A1

…the status to be assigned to a planned order when it gets action message A1 = Release and reschedule in, during material planning.

If the status in this field is set to 60 = Released order, then the planned orders will be released automatically, provided that the auto job is activated.

Releases will be done according to the setting in the Reschedule field.

The status of an order is never lowered.

(MMS037/E) Default status – planned orders when AM=A2 … the status to be assigned to automatically created planned orders when it gets action message A2 = Release order during material planning.
(MMS037/E) Firm quantity if the planned order is within PTF

…whether planned orders within the planning time fence (PTF) are assigned status 15.

If you do not select this field, the order remains at status 10.

This makes the system less sensitive, since the order quantity is automatically locked when the order is within the PTF.

(MMS037/E) Explode planning orders for master schedule items with Ams …whether to explode planned orders with action messages.
(MMS037/E) Automatic firm up horizon

… how many days prior to the planning time fence a planned order should be firmed up automatically.

This means that the status is set to 20 and the planning date is set to the requirement date for the order.

(MMS037/E) Re-explode planned MO in status 20 … whether a new explosion should be performed on planned orders with status 20 if a change has been made in the product structure.