Review and Approve Calculated Times in Time and Attendance

This document explains how you get an overall view of calculated times and, in necessary, change the results of a time calculation by, for example, creating new times. It also explains how you approve the calculated times.

You review and approve calculated times before transferring them to history and a payroll system.


You have gotten an overall view of calculated times. You have also:

  • Approved correctly calculated times.
  • If necessary, made a decision to review the clocked transactions that are the basis for any ambiguous calculated times.
  • If necessary, changed the results of the time calculation. This means that you have created new calculated times, copied or deleted calculated times. This also entails changes to existing times. For each existing time, you may have changed the length of the time and/or the person who approved it.

If all calculated times within a particular time period are approved, you should check that the time period does not contain any incorrect transactions before you transfer the times to payroll/history. This is done in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Update Incorrect' (TMS240).

If some calculated times seem ambiguous, you should review the clocked transactions that are the basis for the calculated times. You can:

  • Review and if necessary, adjust the clocked transactions in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Open Schedule Day' (TMS215).
  • Review the clocked transactions and calculated times per employee and seven-day period in 'Calculated Time. Approve On-screen' (TMS230). If you want to adjust the transactions, run (TMS215).
  • Review the time settings (schedule, flex schedule and time definitions for overtime, miscellaneous time and shorter work hour) for an employee in 'Clock In/Out Transaction. Display Schedule Day' (TMS310). When you do this, you can see when different types of times can be calculated for an employee.

If you have changed calculated times, the MTMTR1 file is updated.

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Checking, Adjusting and Approving Calculated Times in Time and Attendance must be met.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Calculated Time. Update' (TMS220/B1) and select a sorting order.

    For this instructions' purpose, use sorting order 1 = Employee. The other sorting orders are 2 = Department and 3 = Planning area.

  2. Select one of the following options:

    • To change settings for the display options of the calculated times, continue with instructions under Change Settings.
    • To review calculated times, specify on the B1 panel the employee and schedule date to which the times you want to review should belong. Press Enter.

      Review the displayed calculated times on the B1 panel.

      You see the employee and schedule date to which each calculated time belongs. You also see the length, from which time type the time is created and the name of the time type. If the time is already approved, you see if it was performed automatically ('Auto' is displayed) or manually (the ID of the approver is displayed).

      Times that seem ambiguous (for example if an attendance time is unusually long or if overtime has been created for someone who does not have overtime rights) should be reviewed.

  3. To change settings, enter a start panel.

  4. Specify the types of calculated times to be displayed.

    You can select to display all times, only approved times, only times that have not been approved or only automatically approved times.

  5. Specify whether time is to be displayed in hours and minutes or hours and hundredths of hours.

  6. If necessary, specify the latest date the calculated times may have to be displayed. Press Enter.

  7. To select an action over overview, select one of these options on the B1 panel:

    • To approve times, select one of the options from the B1 panel:
      • To approve times one by one, highlight a time and select 9 = 'Approve'. Press Enter.
      • To approve a group of times, Press F14 = 'Approve all' to approve all times displayed on the panel.
    • To do a further review of times,select one of the options from the B1 panel:
      • To review and, if necessary, adjust the clocked transactions that are the basis for the calculated times, Select option 11 = 'Time and Attendance' on the B1 panel for the current time. See Review and if Necessary, Change Calculated Times.
      • To review clocked transactions and calculated times for a seven-day period and if desired, approve the times, Select option 12 = 'Approval list' on the B1 panel for the current time. Press Enter.

    If you want to continue working with calculated times, continue with the following steps. Otherwise, press F3 to close the program.

  8. To review and, if necessary, change calculated times, open the calculated time that you want to review more closely on the B1 panel. Press Enter.

    On the E panel you will not only see the information shown on the B1 panel but also the details of the clocked transactions that are the basis for the calculated time. You see the time, transaction type, status and absence type, and reference number (if any) for each clocked transaction.

    For more details on Review and Change Calculated Times, see Review and Adjust Clocked Transactions in Time and Attendance.

  9. You should check any ambiguous clocked transactions.

    You can for example speak to the employee about the appearance of the transaction(s).

  10. Change, if necessary, the length of the calculated time and/or the approval on the E panel. Press Enter.

    Note that you only change the length of the time, that is the end result, not the factors that were the basis for the calculation.

    You can only specify times in hours and hundredths of hours with a period separator. For example: If you want to specify a time of 1 hour and 30 minutes, specify '1.50'.

    You can approve the time by specifying your user ID. You can also change the ID. Lastly, you can delete the time approval (in case the time was incorrectly approved).

  11. To select an action after overall review, select one of these options from the list on the B1 panel:

    • If you are satisfied with the review, press F3 to exit the program.
    • To approve times, select one of the options from the B1 panel:
      • To approve times one by one, Highlight a time and select 9 = 'Approve'. Press Enter.
      • To approve a group of times, Press F14 = 'Approve all' to approve all times displayed on the panel.
    • To create new times:
      1. Specify the employee, schedule date, and time type to which you want the new time to belong on the B1 panel. Select 'New'.

      2. Specify on the E panel the length of the new time and immediately approve, if necessary, the new time by specifying your user ID. Press Enter.

    • To copy times:
      1. Open the time you want to copy on the B1 panel. Press Enter.

        This is useful, for example, if you want a fixed time that has been calculated for one employee to be valid for other employees.

      2. Specify on the C panel the employee and time type to which the new time is to belong. Press Enter.

        Note that the information on the E panel is valid for the employee specified here.

      3. Press F12 to return to the B1 panel. See Select Action after Overall Review.

    • To delete times:
      1. Select 'Delete' for the time you want to delete on the B1 panel. Press Enter. Press Enter again to confirm the deletion.

        This can be useful if a time calculation does not need to be recalculated and the only incorrect calculated times to be removed are the ones you delete.

      2. See Select Action after Overall Review if you want to continue working with calculated times. Otherwise, press F3 to exit the program.