Creating Manufacturing Order

This document explains how a manufacturing order (MO) is created. A manufacturing order can be created using controls and released from a planned manufacturing order, or can be created from a directly created manufacturing order.


  • A planned manufacturing order has been checked and has then been rescheduled and/or released.
  • An order-initiated manufacturing order has been released.
  • A newly created manufacturing order has been released.
  • All released manufacturing orders have automatically been changed to manufacturing orders.

These files are affected:

  • All the planned manufactured orders, which are stored in (MMOPLP)
  • All the manufacturing order headers, which are stored in (MWOHED)
  • All the manufacturing order operations, which are stored in (MWOOPE)
  • All the manufacturing orders materials, which are stored in (MWOMAT).

Information on load and capacity is taken from and is updated in (MCPSPE), (MCPSUM), and (MWLOAD).


  • The production function can perform the operations on the manufacturing order. Start from 'Work Center Schedule. Open' (PMS230).
  • The planning function can:
    • Stage a manufacturing order in 'Manufact Order. Check Comp Availability' (PMS040)
    • Optimize resources by planning the operations in a manufacturing order in 'Work Center Schedule. Open' (PMS230).

Before you start

A complete planned manufacturing order must exist for a planned manufacturing order to be handled and released. Planned manufacturing orders have order category=100 in 'Material Plan. Open' (MMS080).

Follow these steps

  1. To create a manufacturing order from a planned manufacturing order, check the material and tools:

    Check material availability in 'Component Availability. Check' (RPS010). Start from 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).

    Check that there are tools to perform the order in 'Tool Availability. Check' (RPS020). Start from 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).

  2. Check capacity:

    Check that there is sufficient capacity to perform the order in 'Load. Display per Product' (CPS110). Pay special attention to all bottlenecks. Start from 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).

  3. Release planned manufacturing order:

    Planned manufacturing orders can be released one by one or all at once. Order-initiated manufacturing orders are released without previous controls.

    You release planned manufacturing orders in 'Planned MO. Open' (PMS170).

  4. Create manufacturing order:

    Released planned manufacturing orders (status=60) and directly created manufacturing orders are changed automatically to manufacturing orders. They receive status=20 and the order category is updated to 101.

    Planned manufacturing order information is deleted from the planning proposal file (MMOPLP). The information on the new manufacturing order is based on the information from the planned manufacturing order, and the information is created in files that include the manufacturing order's header, material and operations (MWOHED, MWOMAT and MWOOPE).

    Creation of manufacturing orders may be done in 'Entry of MO' (PMS005).

    You can also create a manufacturing order directly in 'Manufact Order. Enter' (PMS001). Directly created manufacturing orders do not go through any of the controls that are performed for planned manufacturing orders.

    In the case of directly created manufacturing orders, information serves as the foundation for the new manufacturing order that is created in files. These files include the manufacturing order's header material and operations (MWOHED, MWOMAT, and MWOOPE).

    MOs created from planned orders created with an order type that includes Dynamic aging (AGIG=2) will have a blank reclass date (MREC) and (MRCT). Optionally, a user can update these values through the manufacturing process.