Balancing Manufacturing Outputs

During the transformation of planned manufacturing orders into final products for disposition, an item may be released as a bulk item and then configured into types of packs (i.e. pack variants) in which they are delivered.

Another way of describing this configuration process is to say you balance manufacturing outputs of bulk material into pack variants in which the bulk item is produced. During the balancing process, you must specify the number of packs for a particular pack variant. The system determines the output balance quantity, which represents the total quantity of the bulk item that is consumed by every pack order created through the balancing process. Output balancing requires that redistribution be performed when the proportionate quantity of the bulk item is distributed across the output balanced orders.


For quality inspected (QI) items, the system can only create manufacturing orders with a process code (PCCO) of '0-Discrete'.


There are some restrictions related to output balancing functionality:

  • If the bulk item that is being manufactured and packed through a process order is quality inspected, the system logic prevents the generation of quality inspection (QI) requests for the receipt portion of the redistribution transaction. The receipt and issue portions of the redistribution process ignores the QI aspect of the bulk item and occurs as if the bulk item is not QI inspected. See the document Setup of Quality Inspection (QI) Requests for more information on QI requests.
    Note:  The system still allows the existing QI logic for the transaction that adds inventory of the bulk to stock.
  • The bulk item cannot have a 'Lot control method' (INDI) field value of '2' (where lot control is used and lot number equals serial number). In other words, the bulk item cannot use serial numbers, but this validation is already available when the packaged item (also referred to as the item pack) is created in 'Item Pack. Connect' (MMS023).
  • If the bulk item has aging parameters, i.e. Aging days (AGDA), Aging hours (AGHO) or Aging minutes (AGMI), set up in the warehouse where it is manufactured, a manufacturing order (MO) for this item can only be created as a discrete order or a pack order.

    See the document Quality Management System (QMS) and Its Impact on Manufacturing Order Processing for more details on the aging setup for manufactured items.

  • Redistribution transactions cannot be performed on by-products and co-products.

This diagram illustrates how output balancing fits into the scheme of MO execution:

Before you start

The output balancing process can be started when the following prerequisites are met:

  • Data must be set up for packaged items (i.e. item packs) and alternate structures. Refer to these documents for more information:
  • The manufacturing order is created one of these ways:

Follow these steps

  1. On the B panel of 'Manufacturing Order. Open' (PMS100), highlight a row in the grid with the desired product.

    Note: To balance outputs, the selected manufacturing order (MO) must be a process order.
  2. Right-click and select Related > Output balancing (or CTRL+50).

  3. When 'Output Balancing. Open' (PMS150) launches, these field values default on the B panel:

    • Facility
    • Warehouse
    • Product
    • MO number
    • Finish date
    • Order type
    • Order quantity in basic U/M
    • Balanced quantity (which indicates the accumulated bulk quantity after one or more packaged items are balanced)
    • Remaining bulk quantity
  4. Select Actions > Output balancing (or F17).

  5. On the E panel, update any of these fields:

    • Item pack
    • Quantity
    • Manufacturing unit of measure (may be updated if a U/M conversion has been established)
    • Finish date
    • Process (which represents a product structure to be used in the manufacture of the packaged item).
  6. Click Next to save your changes.

    Note: Upon saving, the system verifies the entered quantity does not exceed the Remaining quantity defined on the header. In addition, the Remaining quantity on the bulk order is reduced by the quantity of the bulk item as calculated during the creation of the pack order.
    Note: This procedure results in the creation of the MO for the packaged item which is associated with its parent order. The relationships between each balanced pack order and its corresponding parent order are stored in the Order Relationship (MWPREL) table.

    Upon returning to the B panel of PMS150, the details of the newly created pack order are displayed. The value appearing in the Balanced quantity field reflects the total quantity of the bulk item consumed by every pack order that is created through the output balancing process. The Remaining quantity field value is calculated (it represents the Order quantity of the parent order less the Balanced quantity). You have the option of balancing outputs to the process order by repeating steps 4-6.

  7. If you want to undo an output balance, go to the B panel of 'Manufacturing Order. Open' (PMS100).

    1. Highlight a row in the grid with the desired product.

    2. Right-click and select Related > Output balancing (or CTRL+50).

    3. On the B panel of 'Output Balancing. Open' (PMS150), highlight the desired row in the grid.

    4. Right-click and select Related Options > Undo Balancing (or CTRL+11).

      Note: Upon undoing the output balancing, the system removes the relationship between the MO for this packaged item and its parent order from the MWPREL table. The MO itself stays intact with an updated Process code (PCCO) of '0 - Discrete'.
  8. To delete a manufacturing order associated with the output balancing, go to the B panel of 'Manufacturing Order. Open' (PMS100):

    1. Highlight a row in the grid with the desired product and right-click to select Delete.

    2. When 'Manufact Order. Delete' (PMS030/E) launches, click Next to execute the deletion.

  9. To delete a child order associated with the output balancing, right-click and select Related > Output balancing (or CTRL+50).

    1. On the B panel of 'Output Balancing. Open' (PMS150), highlight a row in the grid with the desired product.

    2. Right-click and select Related Options > Delete Child Order (or CTRL+12). Upon selecting this option, you are prompted to confirm the deletion of the selected child order.

MI transactions

The Output Balancing functionality includes these transactions:

  • BalanceBatch - balances the manufacturing outputs of bulk material into pack configurations in which the bulk item is produced
  • UndoBalancing - reverses the selected output balance
  • LstBatchBalance - lists the output balances
  • GetProcessOrder - retrieves the entire order relationship associated with the output balance, including the parent process order.