Create Lots and Split Ordered Quantities into Several Lots in the Manufacturing Flow

This instruction explains how to create and report lots in the manufacturing flow.


A lot number or an item with a serial number is created when the manufactured product is put into stock. A quantity is split into the created lots.

This process is used to handle lots and serial numbers in the manufacturing flow.

An item with a lot number is stored in the MILOMA table. Transaction history about a lot is stored in the MITTRA table.

Before you start

  • A manufacturing order that includes lot-handled items is created.
  • The conditions in Lot/Serial Number Settings must be fulfilled.

Follow These Steps

  1. Open 'Manufacturing Order. Report Receipt' (PMS050). Open the (PMS050/A) panel and fill in the fields.

  2. Open the (PMS050/E) panel where you can report a receipt. A lot number is either created automatically or has to be created manually. This depends on the settings in the 'Lot number method' field on the (MMS001/E) panel.

  3. You have to report the lots one by one if you want to split the ordered quantity into several lots. To do so, change the quantity to the quantity that you will connect to a lot number (less than the ordered quantity). If the product is serialized, then you can only connect one balance identity to one lot number.

  4. If the lot number is to be created manually according to the settings on the (MMS001/E) panel, then you can create new numbers on the (PMS050/E) panel.

  5. If the lot number is created automatically and you want to split the order into different lots, then you report the first lot on the (PMS050/E) panel. However, first you have to create subsequent lots in 'Lot/Serial Number. Open/Connect to Item' (MMS235). After that you can report the lots on the (PMS050/E) panel.

  6. To create a new lot, press F4 in the 'Lot number' field on the (PMS050/E) panel. This starts the (MMS235/B) panel.

  7. Select New to create a new lot number or serial number. Leave the 'Lot number' field blank and a lot number will be retrieved from the number series. Lot information is entered on the (MMS235/E) panel. Press Enter until a lot number whose on-hand and allocation net are zero is displayed on the (MMS235/B) panel at the bottom of the list. Select this lot number.

  8. The (PMS050/E) panel is redisplayed and a new lot number is displayed. Make sure that you have entered the correct manufactured quantity. Press Enter and a new lot for this order is created. The (PMS050/A) panel is redisplayed.

  9. Repeat steps in 'Lot/Serial Number. Open/Connect to Item' (MMS235) until you have reported all manufactured lots.