Work Center
Work centers (PDS010) are used extensively throughout M3 to define resources such as people and machines. Work centers are part of a hierarchy consisting of department, area, and work center.
Work centers describe the availability of the work center, cost per hours, efficiency and so on.
In Maintenance, work centers are required on services, planned work orders, and work orders. They are likely to define individual groups of people such as mechanics, electricians, or operators.
It is possible to define work centers as individuals although this may be too detailed. Individuals can be assigned to work through skills.
Work centers (panel F) also define whether the work order header screen should be shown automatically when the last operation is closed, or whether it should be called manually by the user, using (MOS050).
The following MI Transactions exist for work centers:
AddWorkCenter - Creates a new work center in the Work Center table (MPDWCT). The system also may impact the following tables under certain conditions:
If work center's Resource Type (PLTP) = 1, 2, or 9 and the Included in Work Center (IIWC) field is new, this transaction impacts the Planning Group Capacity table (MPDCAP). The system reads the MPDCAP table and passes the information to the 'Recreate Capacity Records' (PDS955) program.
If the Facility APS Scheduling (APSA) check box is enabled (in other words, set to '1') and the Work Center Resource Type (PLTP) = 1 and the Operation Elements table (MPDWCS) contains the related facility and work center with a Operation Element Type (ACTT) value of '3', the MPDWCS table may be impacted by the AddWorkCenter transaction.
UpdWorkCenter - Sends updates to a work center in the Work Center table (MPDWCT). The system also may update the following tables under certain conditions:
The 'Under/Over Load' (CPS120) program displays a work center's load and capacity by week. In the UpdWorkCenter transaction, the Under / Over Load table (MCPSUM) will be impacted when the Department (DEPT) field or Planning Area (REAR) field is updated.
'Work Center Item U/M' (PDS045) program is used to create alternate capacity amount & unit of measure conversion for an item within the work center. The Alternate Capacity (ACAP) and Alternate Capacity U/M (RCUN) fields are specified for a work center in the PDS010 program. The Alternate Capacity U/M defaults for the work center in the PDS045 program. In the UpdWorkCenter transaction, the ACAP and RCUN fields can be changed and this will affect the records in the Work Center Item U/M table (MPDAUN) and overwrite the value in the 'Work Center Item U/M' (PDS045) program.
- The Planning Group Capacity / Year table (MPDCAP) is used to define a work center's annual capacity broken down for each week. If Resource Type = 1, 2, or 9 and the Included in Work Center (IIWC) field is updated, this table is impacted.
- The 'Operation Elements' (PDS025) program is initialized using the Related Options from the 'Work Center' (PDS010) program. If the Facility APS Scheduling (APSA) check box is enabled (in other words, set to '1') and the Work Center Resource Type (PLTP) = 1 and the Operation Elements table (MPDWCS) contains the related facility and work center with a Operation Element Type (ACTT) value of '3', the MPDWCS table may be impacted by the UpdWorkCenter transaction.
- The Capacity/Load per Resource and Week table (MRCSUM) will be impacted when the Department (DEPT) field or Planning Area (REAR) field is updated.
DelWorkCenter - deletes a work center from the Work Center table (MPDWCT).
The DelWorkCenter transaction must validate the following before the Work Center can be deleted:
- If the Work Center (PLGR) value exists in the MO Operations table (MWOOPE) for a manufacturing order, the Work Center cannot be deleted.
- If the Work Center (PLGR) value exists in the Product Structure, Materials and Operations table (MPDOPE) for a Product Structure, the work center cannot be deleted.
- If this Work Center (PLGR) value exists as an Included in Work Center (IIWC) in the Work Center table (MPDWCT) for the same Company (CONO) and Facility (FACI) for a different work center, this work center cannot be deleted.
The DelWorkCenter transaction also may impact the following tables under certain conditions:
- The 'Under/Over Load' (CPS120) program displays a work center's load and capacity by week. In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, then the related record in the MCPSUM table is deleted.
- The 'Costing Component' (PCS100) program for the work center is used to enter the costing component rates for the work center. In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, then the related record in the MCWCCO table is deleted.
- 'Work Center Item U/M' (PDS045) program is used to create alternate capacity amount & unit of measure conversion for an item within the work center. The Alternate Capacity (ACAP) and Alternate Capacity U/M (RCUN) fields are entered for a work center in the PDS010 program. The Alternate Capacity U/M defaults for the work center in the PDS045 program. In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, the related record in the Work Center Item U/M table (MPDAUN) is deleted.
- 'Capacity Per Day' (PDS016) program breaks down the capacity for a work center into daily amounts that can be updated subsequently. It is initiated from the 'Work Center' (PDS015) program. In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, the related record in the MPDCAD table is deleted.
- When a work center is deleted in the DelWorkCenter transaction, the related record in the Production Calendar table (MPDCAL) also will be deleted.
- The Planning Group Capacity / Year table (MPDCAP) is used to define a work center's annual capacity broken down for each week. In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, the related record in the MPDCAP table is also deleted.
- The Transport Time table (MPDTRT) is used when the Work Center (PLGR) has a Transit U/M (SLAT) not = 'blank' and the APS Scheduling (APSA) check box is disabled (in other words, set to '0') for the Facility. You have the ability to enter the time to transport a product from one work center to the next. In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, then the related record in the MPDTRT table is deleted.
- The Operation Elements table (MPDWCS) contains the related facility and work center. In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, then the related record in this table is deleted.
- In the DelWorkCenter transaction, if the work center is deleted, then the related record in the Capacity/Load per Resource and Week table (MRCSUM) also is deleted.