Capability at Repair Situation

This document explains how capability and skills are connected to the maintenance work and how capability checks are made during the maintenance process.


The purpose of Capability functions is to allow the definition of a required Capability or skill set for a specific maintenance task. By doing so, it is possible to allocate employees with the matching skills to the task. The Capability usage information is updated at this time. If applicable to the specific Capability used, the expiry date is updated.

The following M3 tables are affected:


Certain maintenance work requires specific skills to be carried out. Certain capability can also be based on the geographical location, which in field service situations allows allocation of an employee nearest to the maintenance work. The capability is checked in the following scenarios:

  • When manual or automatic allocation of employees is performed on a planned work order 'Work Order. Plan' (MOS171), a Work order in 'Work Order. Enter' (MOS101), or during release of planned Work order in 'Work Order. Close'(MOS005).
  • When labor work is reported for a work order in 'WO Operation. Report' (MOS070/MOS820).

Before you start

Basic Data must be defined. See Setting up Capability Data.

Follow These Steps

  1. Connect Default Capability to Work center

    Capability can be connected to a Capability type as operation Element type 1 or 2, to the work center in 'Operation Element. Open'(PDS025). By doing this, the defined capability is by default connected to each operation created for this work center, based on the Service definitions in 'Operation. Connect Operation Elements' (PDS027).

  2. Connect Capability to Service definition

    Capability can be connected with a Capability type as operation Element type 1 or 2, to the operation in (PDS027). If a default value is connected to the work center (see 'Connect Default Capability to Work center'), it can be amended or deleted in this step.

  3. Connect Capability to Planned Work order

    Capability can be connected with a Capability type as operation Element type 1 or 2, to the Planned Work order operation in 'Work Request Operation. Open Op Element' (MOS172). If a default value is connected to the service definition (see 'Connect Capability to Service definition'), it can be amended or deleted in this step.

    Operation elements can be automatically created if these are not predefined for the Service definition. This is controlled by settings on the 'Settings - Employee Allocation' (CBS020). Both capabilities defined as skills or as geographical area can be set.

    Another possible way of connecting capability to service definitions exists. This allows the correct capability to be automatically created for each type of maintenance object. In this case only capability type can be defined on the operation element, using a generic capability id "&CAT".

  4. Allocate employee to Planned Work order

    Allocation of employees can be done automatically or manually based on settings on the 'Settings - Employee Allocation' (CBS020) for the specific Work order type. From 'Work request. Open Toolbox' (MOS197) and 'Work Request. Open Line' (MOS171), there is an option for 'Employee Allocation' (CBS171).

    When using this option a search is performed directly to find employees who match the requested skills and present them sorted by rank according to the rules defined. From here it is possible to manually Allocate, Deallocate and check Employee load and Capability. For automatic allocation select F14=Automatic allocation. If no available employees are found, select F17=Search criteria to change the search criteria.

  5. Connect Capability to Work order

    A certain Capability can be connected to a Capability type as operation Element type 1 or 2, to the Work order operation in 'WO Operation. Open Operation Element' (MOS104).

    If a default value is connected to the service definition or planned work order (see 'Allocate employee to Planned Work order'), it can be amended or deleted in this step. From 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195) and 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101) and 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100) there is an option for employee allocation in 'Resources. Open' (CBS101).

  6. Allocate employee to Work order

    From 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195) and 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101) and 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100) there is an option for employee allocation in 'Resources. Open' (CBS101).

    Allocation of employees to a work order works in the same way as described for a planned work order.

  7. Update Capability usage

    The program 'Capability History. Open'(CBS007) is updated each time a capability is used. The update is done when Work order accounting is run based on the transactions in the work order 'WO Operation. Display Transactions'(MOS095). It is possible to analyze how often a certain Capability is used and also analyze how often a specific employee is using his or her capabilities.

    If a specific Capability has an expiry date it is defined by a setting. If this setting is on the Capability will be updated based on the expiry date criteria such as Date, Hours used, Number of times used. This is run as a night job through the Job Scheduler.

  8. Follow up Capability History

    By using the program (CBS007) it is possible to follow up the capability history. Using a specific password it is also possible to edit the history in order to incorporate history from previously used systems.