Item Replacement on Work Orders with Kit

Where an item required for a work order (WO) is no longer carried, or a kit item number is defined on the service definition for the work order, the user will be systematically notified of this and given the option to either manually select a replacement item or use stock available for this item at an alternate warehouse. This is applicable where the material line has been added to the work order in 'Planned WO Material and Operations. Open' (MOS171) or 'WO Material and Operations Detail. Open' (MOS105).


The WO is processed with the required materials, and the item no longer carried is replaced by an alternate item/s or available stock from an alternate warehouse.


Available material from an alternate warehouse at status = 80 in 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002), will only be available to the material line if it is in status = 50 on the item register in 'Item. Open' (MMS001). Parameter 480’ in 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120) must be set for this option to be available.

Before you start

  • Standard kit control settings must be defined in 'Product Structure. Open' (PDS001).
  • The 'before you start' conditions listed in the 'Add materials to a work order operation' document must be satisfied.

Follow these steps

  1. Add material to a WO using the steps described in the 'Add materials to a work order operation' document.

  2. When creating or editing material lines for the WO in (MOS105), if the material line status = 13, indicating a conditional replacement:

    1. Select related option 30='Related item' to display a pop up window.

    2. Select the required replacement item:

      • If the replacement item is a kit, this will be systematically broken down to its included items.
      • If item status = 50, available balance is checked and user is prompted not to add more quantity than is available. In this case the outstanding quantity is added to next line.
    3. 'Add Spares to WO. Open' (MOS107) displayed where quantities can be adjusted if required. Click next.

    4. Item adjustments are then systematically updated on the planned work order or work order.

    5. Where the material is sourced from an alternate warehouse, the line status is updated to status 14 'Discontinued at WHS'.

  3. When creating a material line in 'Planned WO Material and Opertions. Open' (MOS171), if the material line status = 13, follow the steps listed from 2.a.


  • Where the kit number is pre-defined on the service agreement and the material line is updated through automatic generation of the bill of materials, if the line contains an item that is no longer carried, it will be systematically replaced according to the same rules as manually added lines. If the material line has status 13 or 14 after this process, manual intervention will be required as described in the follow these steps section.
  • The above item replacement options can also be automatically applied through API interface MOS100MI.