Estimate Work Request Job Content - Tools

This document explains how you link required tools to a work request.

Use this instruction when you want to reserve tools for a job.


A tool requirement is defined for the work request operation. The system will create two material requirements in (MMS080), one positive and one negative. This record will have an order category of 640 for the tools issue and 650 for the tools return. The information is stored in the work request operation element (MMPOPS) file.

Performing these instructions makes sure that the required tools are available for use when the work needs to be performed.

Before you start

  • The starting conditions listed in Estimating Job Content must be met.
  • A tool must be correctly defined in 'Item. Open' (MMS001). Note that the J panel in 'Item. Open' (MMS001) defines how the tool will be processed later in the work order cycle.
  • The order type in (CRS200) must be correctly defined with the 'Type of order number check' parameter set to 6. The order type should be defaulted against the maintenance order type in (MOS120).

Follow These Steps

Connect Tool to Work Request Operation

  1. Start 'Work Request Operation. Open Op Element' (MOS172/B1).

    This panel can be reached in the following ways:

    From 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170), highlight the work order request and choose option 'Materials and operations' to display (MOS171). Highlight the operation to which the tools will be attached and choose option 'Op elements' to display (MOS172).


    From 'Work Request. Open Toolbox' (MOS197), highlight the work order request and choose option 'Materials and operations' to display (MOS171). Highlight the operation to which the tools will be attached and choose option 'Op element' to display (MOS172).

  2. Set panel sequence E and sorting order 1.

  3. Enter the element number, element type 3 and the tool item number as defined in 'Item. Open' (MMS001). Select Create to display the E panel.

    The element number is a sequence number such as 001, 002 and 003.

  4. On the E panel, enter a free text (optional field). Press Enter to finish.