Handling Complaints

This document explains how you manage complaints from registration to closure. Complaints are used to register abnormal events that result in an object, such as a locomotive or an aircraft, being unserviceable. The presence of a complaint indicates that an inspection or corrective action is needed in order to update the object's operational status to serviceable again.


Objects such as aircraft and other operational units are updated with technical records, where all complaints raised against the object can be viewed.


Complaints are used to control and follow up on unscheduled maintenance work on objects.

How the System Is Affected

Refer to the related instructions for information about affected files.

Before You Start

Complaints require the following information:

  • A complaint type must exist in 'Complaint Type. Open' (MOS593).
  • A complaint number series type 96 must be defined in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).
  • The object must exist as a serialized item in 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240).


Complaints are used to register and log possible defects that require corrective action.


Register a new or a subsequent complaint when a suspected or confirmed error is detected. Complaints are normally registered when the following activities are performed:

  • Operational log reporting in 'Operational Log. Open' (FLS001)
  • Work order processing in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100)
  • Maintenance customer order processing in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100).


Complaints can be registered against an operational unit or an item/serial number in 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500). It is also possible to register a complaint against a position in a specified operational unit, such as an aircraft.


The diagram below illustrates the general complaint management process.

Register Complaint/Subsequent Complaint

Complaints originate from three main sources: operational log information, ground operations or maintenance operations on the shop floor. A complaint may lead to one or more subsequent complaint records when the problem is located.

A complaint may also result in an investigation and/or a related disturbance. The operational status of the object is automatically set to 80=Unserviceable when a complaint is raised.

Subsequent complaints are registered when, for example, a malfunction has been identified. The first complaint might have been raised against the operational unit itself or against one of its major components. During investigation, it might have been determined that replacing a component will solve the problem. In this case, the original complaint is closed and a subsequent complaint is raised against the faulty component.

Subsequent complaints are registered in 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500) and can be viewed in 'Complaint. Display Subsequent/Preceding' (MOS502).

Planned WO Generation

A planned work order with a recommended corrective action may be automatically generated when a complaint is registered. The planned WO will be based on the data registered in the following programs, in the order they are listed here:

  1. 'Error Code 1. Connect to Position' (MOS449)

  2. 'Error Code 1. Open' (MOS572)

  3. Corrective action for complaints in 'Settings - Maintenance 2' (CRS789).

Warranty Message

A warranty message is displayed when a registered complaint refers to a part that is covered by a warranty. Detailed information about the warranty is available in 'Equipment. Connect Warranty' (MOS390).

Repetitive Complaint Alert

Repetitive complaint alerts are used to warn responsible parties that complaints are frequently raised for specified objects or configuration positions.

Complaint alarms are created when 'Complaint Alarm. Update' (MOS555) is run. The alarms are displayed in 'Complaint Alarm. Open' (MOS505).

Register Decision

Each registered complaint may result in several steps to solve the problem in question. This means that it is possible to register multiple decisions against each complaint. Each time a new decision is registered, the status of both the complaint and the object it is raised against is updated. In this way, the object's status is ultimately updated to serviceable.

Decisions about a complaint can be registered as long as the complaint is open.

Update Operational Status

The operational status of the object to which the complaint refers is automatically updated based on the status of:

  • The complaint itself
  • Other existing complaints, if any.

The table below illustrates the basic complaint status combinations, along with the resulting operational status.

Action Complaint Status If other complaints exist with status … Then the operational status is …
Close complaint 80 -- 20
No action 20 80
32 30
Put complaint on hold 31 -- 20
20 80
32 30
Put complaint on hold with restrictions 32 -- 30
20 80

A complaint may have any of the following statuses: 20=Open, 31=On hold, 32=On hold with restriction, 80=Closed, 90=Blocked/Deleted.