Estimating and Quoting against Work Order

This document explains how you estimate and create quotations for a customer against a work order.

Use this process when a customer has sent a component for repairs and wants to know what needs to be done and how much the work will cost.

Estimation against a work order is useful when you need to start working on the component before you can put together the estimate. You select whether or not to hold the work order from further processing until the quotation is approved.


  • The job is estimated.
  • One or more quotations with service price information are created and sent to the customer.
  • The customer has either approved or rejected the proposed work and the related costs.
  • Work can resume on the maintenance object.
  • Rejected work can be changed or removed.

For more information on how the system is affected, refer to the documents listed in the See Also section.

Before you start

  • A work order must exist in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100).
  • The work order should be linked to a maintenance customer order in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100).
  • You must have decided whether or not the work order should be temporarily held:
  • If it is held, you cannot continue working on the maintenance object until the quotation is approved. This alternative is selected by setting the service price method on the maintenance customer order (MCO) line to 9=Quotation in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101). This alternative is useful if the customer's response is crucial for whether or not the work should be carried out.
  • If it is not held, you can continue working on the maintenance object and even close the work order before you receive any answer from the customer regarding the quotation. This alternative is selected by setting the service price method on the MCO line to 8='Quotation, no work order flow stop' in 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open Line' (COS101). This alternative is useful if you manage a large number of work orders with short lead times where the customer usually accepts the quotations.

Follow These Steps

  1. Indicate that Estimate Is Done on the WO and Confirm Estimate

    Indicate that the job content of a work order is estimated. This is done in 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100), normally by the person responsible for estimating the job. When this is done, the work order receives status Q1='Estimation done' (for a held work order) or action message Q1 is generated (for a work order that is not held).

    Indicate that the job estimate is confirmed and approved. This is done in (MOS100) as well, normally by a manager. The approval means that it is possible for customer support to generate a new quotation. When this is done, the work order receives status Q2='Estimate confirmed' (for a held work order) or action message Q1 is generated (for a work order that is not held).

  2. Identify Estimated Work and Create Quotation

    Identify work orders that are fully estimated in (MOS100). You then need to generate a quotation to offer the requested job content and service price information to the customer.

    Create the quotation in 'Maint CO. Create Quotation' (COS107).

    You probably decide on a fixed price to offer to the customer at this point in the process. Specify this price on the MCO line and change the service price method to a fixed price total (SPM 4) on the (COS101/E) panel. It is possible to do this after the customer has approved the quotation.

  3. Print Quotation and Send to Customer

    Print and send the quotation to the customer for approval in 'Maint Quotation. Open Information' (COS115).

    When this is done, the work order will receive status Q3='Quotation printed' (for a held work order) or action message Q3 is generated (for a work order that is not held).

  4. Register Customer Response

    Register the customer's response in 'Maint Quotation. Open Information' (COS115).

    The quotation status will change to different values depending on the customer's response. The same applies to the status on the work order (for a held work order) or which action message is generated (for a work order that is not held).

  5. Modify Work Order/Perform Approved Work

    Modify the job content for rejected or partly accepted quotations.

    You can, for example, remove materials and operations to reduce the cost. This is done in 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101). A good tip is to use sorting order 19 for this purpose. This gives you a full-screen overview of the operations and materials connected to the work order, together with budget and cost values. Every change to operations and materials will update the budget and cost values.

    You can also lower the price to be charged for the job. However, this will reduce the profit.

    Jobs that are connected to approved quotations can be started.