Define Work Order Type

This document explains how you define a new work order type. A work order type must be defined since it is used when you create the services for the different jobs you perform.

Follow these instructions when you need to define a work order type and when you need to make changes in existing ones.


You have defined a work order type. This consists of a set of rules that determine how M3 Business Engine treats work orders that are given a work order type during the work order flow. Among other things, you have defined how work orders should be created, how they should be numbered, how material reservations should be made, how allocation of employees should be done, and how work should be reported.

Work order type definitions are stored in the MMORDT table.

A work order type is used in the work order flow and determines what the flow looks like. A work order type is specified when you define a service in 'Service. Open' (MOS300).

A work order type can be specified for a maintenance customer order type in 'Maint CO Type. Open' (COS010). You do this to override the work order type specified in the defined service that you can use for the maintenance customer order.

Before you start

The starting conditions listed in Defining Work Order Types must be met.

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Work Order Type. Open' (MOS120/B).
  2. Specify the panel sequence.

    This instruction is based on panel sequence EFGHIT.

  3. Specify the order type and order category. Select 'New Record'.

Specify basic data for the work order type

  1. On (MOS120/E), specify a name and a description of the work order type.
  2. Select a predefined number series and specify whether the planned work order number should be used as the work order number.

    To use the planned work order number, number series type 38 must be used for planned work orders, and planned work order consolidation must not be permitted in parameter 090.

  3. Select a load category, a method for assigning schedule numbers, and whether load should be created for both planned work orders and work orders.

    Load should usually be created for planned work orders in plant maintenance.

  4. When applicable, specify how many consolidation days should be used.
  5. Specify whether a customer order line should be created automatically, how maintenance limits should affect start and finish dates, and how work orders should be created from planned work orders. Press Enter.
  6. On (MOS120/F), specify whether the maintenance object should update the material plan and whether percentage should be used for material requirements.
  7. Select order types for material issues and returns.
  8. Specify whether active shop floor management and active configuration control should be used.
  9. Specify whether the work order should be rescheduled after operations are reported, whether meter values should be accumulated automatically on machines and tools used, and whether work order documents should be printed directly after a work order is created. Press Enter.
  10. On (MOS120/G), specify whether a distribution order should be rescheduled when a work order is order initiated, as well as if and at what point workers should be allocated to work orders.
  11. Specify at what work order status the affected item should be registered as unserviceable.
  12. Select a method for authority control.

Parameters for product costing

  1. Select a method for charging work in progress and a method for printing costing results.
  2. Specify whether product costing should be made when the order is released and whether costing warnings should be issued.
  3. Select a default view if applicable. Press Enter.

Select specific requirements for work order sorting

  1. On panel (MOS120/H), specify which principles are to be used when work orders are grouped.
  2. Specify which color group is to be used for integration with M3 Scheduling Workbench.
  3. Select the priority to be given to work orders with this order type. Press Enter.

Settings for work order reporting

  1. Specify whether an employee number should be mandatory when work is reported.
  2. Specify whether an equipment number should be mandatory when work is reported.

    This is plant-specific and the field is displayed on the H panel in 'WO Operation. Report' (MOS070).

  3. Specify whether operations must be started before work can be reported.
  4. If applicable, specify which panel should be the overriding one when work is reported in (MOS070). Press Enter.

    The valid alternatives are:

    G = When a different work center price is used

    H = Plant maintenance.

  5. Specify optional information in the text panel. Press Next.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MOS120/A) 'Panel sequence' … the panel sequence for registering new order types.

The sequence should be EFGHIT.

(MOS120/B) 'Order type' … the order type to define. This is the identity of the order type.

The order type is three positions long and may contain both letters and numbers.

(MOS120/B) 'Order category' … what the work order is to be used for. The value you select determines what fields are displayed and what fields should be possible to change when you register a new work order.

The valid alternatives are:

05 = Forecast order

10 = Auto report order

20 = Normal order

30 = Claim order

40 = Project order

50 = Inspection order

(MOS120/E) 'Number series' … how work order numbers are to be assigned to the work orders.

Define a valid work order number series in 'Number Series. Open' (CRS165).

(MOS120/E) 'Use planned WO number for WO number' … whether the work order should be given the same number as the planned work order.

This is convenient if you want to keep better track of your orders. The planned order may have been created long before the work order is created. Therefore, they may be given different numbers and it may be difficult to see which planned work order goes with which work order.

(MOS120/E) 'Load category' … an order identity.

The valid alternatives are:

A = Normal order

B = Special order.

The category is used to aid work center planning. Work orders may be grouped after load category.

These programs can be used for viewing the load per work center and load category:

  • 'Load. Display Totals' (CPS100)
  • 'Load. Display Detailed' (CPS105)
  • 'Load. Display Per Product' (CPS110).
(MOS120/E) 'Create load directly for planned work orders' … whether load should be created for planned work orders as well as for work orders.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

Yes is usually selected.

(MOS120/E) 'Set planned work order schedule number as work order schedule number' … whether the schedule number of the planned work order should be used as the work order schedule number. Schedule numbers are used for production planning.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, or from the work order, if not specified

2 = Yes, or from the reference order number, if not specified.

(MOS120/E) 'Consolidation time fence when creating work order' … the time frame during which two or more planned work orders are combined into one work order.


If you specify 3 in the field, all planned work orders with a start date during a three day period are combined into a single work order.

Only work orders for the same customer, object, or facility are combined.


If you specify 0, it is regarded as 999 days.

(MOS120/E) 'Should maintenance limits affect start and finish dates' … how service start and finish dates are planned.

The valid alternatives are:

1 = Start date

2 = Finish date.

If start date is selected, the service is planned to start as soon as possible.

If finish date is selected, the service is planned to end as close to the delivery date as possible.

(MOS120/E) 'Should work order be created for each planned work order' … how work orders are to be created for planned work orders.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Always combine the planned work orders into one work order

1 = Always create one work order per maintenance object

2 = Always create one work order per maintenance object and service

3 = Always create one work order per planned work order.

(MOS120/F) 'Should maintenance object update material plan' … whether the on-hand balance should be updated when the work order is closed.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

If 0 is selected, product costing is suggested at status 20 in parameter 250.

(MOS120/F) 'Should percentage be used for material requirements' … whether the average usage percentage should be considered in the material plan.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

If 1 is selected, the average percentage used in a service is considered. This means that a historical actual usage may be used when a service is planned.


If a service is defined with a usage of ten liters of oil, but only one liter is used on average, a percentage of ten may be defined to limit the material reservation to what is actually used in the service.

Material reservations may be viewed in 'Material Plan. Open' (MMS080).

The average percentage is defined for each material in 'Product. Connect Materials/Operations' (PDS002). This may be done if you allow updating of option percentages on (PDS002/P).

The percentage may be updated based on historical usage in 'Option Percentage. Update' (MCS100).

The percentage may be viewed in 'Product Costing. Display' (PCS300).

(MOS120/F) 'Requisition order type for material issues' … which order type should be used for material issues.

Requisition order types are defined in 'Req/Distr Order Type. Open' (CRS200).

The requisition order type should be linked to transaction type 41.

(MOS120/F) 'Requisition order type for material returns' … which order type should be used for material returns.

Requisition order types are defined in 'Req/Distr Order Type. Open' (CRS200).

The material returns order type should be linked to transaction type 40.

(MOS120/F) 'Activate shop floor management' … whether the maintenance object should be moved to the next location.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

If 1 is selected, the maintenance object is always moved to the next location when a job is reported.

The location to which maintenance objects are to be moved is defined per work center in 'Work Center. Open' (PDS010).


A service may consist of several jobs, such as cleaning, inspection, repair and packing. Each of these jobs may be performed at different locations. This means that the maintenance object has to be moved after each job.

With shop floor management activated, the maintenance object is moved to the next location when each job is reported. When cleaning is performed, the object is moved to inspection. This makes it easy to track the location of all objects in a warehouse.

(MOS120/F) 'Activate configuration control' … whether 'As-Built Structure. Update Removal/Inst' (MOS125) is to be displayed when a work order is closed.
(MOS120/F) 'Accumulate planned meter load on machine/tool' … whether the meters on the machines and tools used in a service are to be updated automatically.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

If 1 is selected, the meter values are automatically updated.

If 0 is selected, 'Operation Plan. Create' (MOS370) must be run to update the meter values.

(MOS120/F) 'Manual override lead time method' … whether the lead time method should override the equipment setting in 'Item. Connect Facility' (MMS003)

If this check box is selected, a manual lead time method is used on the work order.

(MOS120/F) 'Check related services by attribute' ... whether the attribute values on the work request header are validated against the service attributes for generating related services (an additional work request).

If there is no match between the attribute value on the work request and the service attribute, the related service is not created.

(MOS120/G) 'Reschedule distribution order if WO is order initiated' … whether the order should update the requirement date on the distribution order.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

If 1 is selected, the planned start date of the work order updates the requirement date on the distribution order.

(MOS120/G) 'Material line sourcing' If this check box is selected, 'Supply Model Availability. Display' (CTS200) opens when you perform a material line entry in 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101). When (CTS200) is open, the sourcing of the material can be defined.

When editing an existing material line in (MOS101), (CTS200) does not open automatically. To change the sourcing of a material in an existing material line, you must open (CTS200) manually using related option 46='Supply Model Availability'.

(MOS120/G) 'Allow change of warehouse' If this check box is selected you can select an alternative warehouse in 'Supply Model Availability. Display' (CTS200) if the material line is not allocated. If an alternative warehouse is selected, the warehouse on the material line is updated when related orders are generated with F19='Generate supply orders'.


0 = You can only select the warehouse on the material line as the sourcing alternative in (CTS200). For example, if warehouse A01 is defined on the material line on (MOS101/E), then only those alternatives for warehouse A01 are available for selection in (CTS200), regardless of whether there are other warehouses defined in 'Supply Model. Open' (MMS056).

1 = All warehouse alternatives defined in (MMS056) are available for selection and are not dependent on the warehouse set on the material line on (MOS101/E). For example, if the warehouse on material line is A01, alternatives for warehouse A02, A03, and A04 are open for selection in (CTS200). If the full line quantity is sourced from the same warehouse, multiple options such as distribution, purchase and stock can be combined to supply the material line.


  • Only applicable for work orders. For customer order, the 'Warehouse' field remains closed and uneditable.
  • Only 'Issue Method' (SPMT) = '1 - picking list' is valid.
  • 'Dispatch Policy' (DPOL) cannot be blank in (MOS120).
  • A work order line can be sourced in multiple ways but only using one warehouse per line because a line split is not performed. It is possible, though, for different lines to have different warehouses.
  • The 'Warehouse' field is closed if the line is partly sourced because a line split is not performed. For example:
    • If total order qty = 10 and 5 of these are auto allocated from stock, the 'Warehouse' field is locked when (CTS200) is opened.
    • If total order qty = 10 and 5 of these are sourced by DO from (CTS200), the 'Warehouse' field is locked when the first sourcing decision (DO of 5) is taken.
  • Parameter 200 in (MOS120) must be set to 0. If set to 1, pre-allocation can only be performed for one alternative.
(MOS120/G) 'Automatic allocation of employees' … whether employees should automatically be allocated to work orders, and at what point, according to the parameters defined in 'Settings – Employee Allocation' (MOS992).

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, when planned WO is created

2 = Yes, when work order is created.

(MOS120/G) 'At what WO sts should S/N get sts 80' … when in the work order flow the service object should be registered as unserviceable.

The valid alternatives are:

10 = Preliminary

20 = Definite

30 = First operation started

40 = First operation reported.

(MOS120/G) 'Authorization check method' … how users' authority to create, edit, and release work orders should be checked.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No authorization check

1 = Authorization checked when the planned work order is authorized

2 = Authorization checked when work orders are created

3 = Authorization check performed according to 1 and 2 above.

(MOS120/G) 'Auto close nonstock items' If the check box is selected, the material lines with nonstock items is set to status 90-'Reported' and is flagged as completed if 'Issue method' is set to 0-'Non-stock item', and quantity and component price are specified.

If it is not selected, it must be processed further to set the status to 90.

(MOS120/G) 'Work in process method' … how work in progress is charged.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = Standard

1 = Order specific cost

2 = Actual cost.

If the order is connected to a maintenance customer order, the actual cost always updates work in progress in the financial system. You can always view the difference in 'WO Costing. Display' (CAS305).

(MOS120/G) 'Create product costing at order release (sts 20)' … whether product costing should be performed when an order is released (status 20).

Parameter 100 = 'Update Material Plan' must be set to 'No'.

If the product is defined with accounting price 3 (actual price) in 'Item. Open' (MMS001), costing is always performed regardless of the alternative you select here.

(MOS120/G) 'Create costing warning' … whether cost warning should be created for work orders with this order type during costing.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

(MOS120/G) 'Print product costing' … if and how printouts should be made after costing calculation.

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes, for selected items

2 = Yes, for all items costed.

(MOS120/G) 'Default view'

… the default view for the order type. Views are user defined and determine what fields are to be displayed and how data is to be calculated.

Define views in 'Panel Vsn – Product Costing. Open' (PCS251).

(MOS120/H) 'Sort order 1 on specific requirement category' … a sorting order used when work orders are created from planned work orders. This works in conjunction with parameter 090 on panel (MOS120/E). Some specific requirements are predefined and can be used to split work orders.

The valid alternatives are:

&TOFP = Type of process

&SRGP = Service group

&DEID = Complaint number

&AECN = EO – number

&CFGL = Position.


If you select the option to merge planned work orders (MOS120/E) and one of the above alternatives, the work orders are merged according to the specific requirement.

(MOS120/H) 'Sort order 2 on specific requirement category' … as described above.
(MOS120/H) 'Sort order 3 on specific requirement category' … as described above.
(MOS120/H) 'Sort order 4 on specific requirement category' … as described above.
(MOS120/H) 'Sort order 5 on specific requirement category' … as described above.
(MOS120/H) 'No reclass when inheritance is used on mtrl line' …an option used to skip reclassification for the material line when inheritance is used.
(MOS120/H) 'Color group' … the color group.

Color groups are used in M3 SWB. Work orders are sorted according to color in order to make the order list easier to read. The color group is given a value between 0 and 10. Each number corresponds to a color.

The relation between color and color group is defined in M3 SWB.

(MOS120/H) 'Priority' … what priority planned work orders and work orders using the order type should be given.

The priority is user defined. Define possible priorities in 'Work Order Priority. Open' (MOS165).

If the field is left blank, an order using this order type is given priority in the item record in (MMS240) or the position record in (MOS440). Which one of these depends on whether the work order is created against an item or a position.

(MOS120/H) 'Dispatch to MFS' … work order to MFS.

If the parameter is active, the work order is dispatched to MFS by getting an assignment status (STMB) on the operation.

MFS handles work orders on equipment only, but a phantom equipment that is installed in a position below a site can also be used.

(MOS120/H) 'Update rental delivery dispatch and return tech' … whether the status in (STS140) should be updated when the technician responsible for the rental service reports the dispatch by reporting operation in (MOS070) and the return by closing the work order in (MOS050).

The valid alternatives are:

0 = The status in (STS140) is updated when the dispatch and the return of the technician are reported in (STS140) by a back-office supervisor.

1 = The status in (STS140) is updated from (MOS070) and (MOS050) when the dispatch and the return are reported by the technician during the work order reporting.

(MOS120/H) 'Attribute managed' … indicates how an attribute managed product should be controlled on the order header. Alternatives:

0 = As item master

1 = Yes, the attribute panel is always displayed automatically.

2 = Yes, the attribute panel is always displayed for receipt to stock (when parameter 'Should maintenance object update material plan' is set to 1 or 2). The panel is displayed for order entry only when an attribute value is incorrect.

3 = Yes, the attribute panel is only displayed when an attribute value is incorrect.

4= No

When alternative 4 is used, no attributes are written to the MOATTR table for the order header.

(MOS120/H) 'Search sequence material address' … the search sequence to be used for address type 7-'Material address'. When a work request is created, the first address found is used and copied to the work request.

This logic is overridden if a specific address is specified in 'Maint CO. Quick Entry' (COS130), 'Maintenance Customer Orders. Open' (COS100), or COS100MI (Maintenance customer order) at order entry. The search sequence can be used for any order category. The available options can be added in any order.

(MOS120/I) 'Employee mandatory when reporting operation' … whether an employee number should be mandatory during operation feedback in (MOS070).

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

(MOS120/I) 'Equipment mandatory when reporting operation' … whether the equipment number should be mandatory during operation feedback in (MOS070).

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

If not selected, you can close operations against a position alone without any reference to the physical object that was maintained.

If selected, an equipment number must be specified.

(MOS120/I) 'Check operation start' … whether an operation must be started in (MOS820) before it is possible to report work in (MOS070).

The valid alternatives are:

0 = No

1 = Yes.

If 1 is selected, you cannot report work order operations if work is not started.

(MOS120/I) 'Overriding panel when reporting operation in (MOS070)' … which panel should be the overriding one when reporting work order operations in (MOS070).

The valid alternatives are:

G = Activate panel G

H = Activate panel H.

Use the G panel when a different work center price is used. This is convenient when, for example, you have to use a resource that is more expensive than the standard resource. The G panel is displayed after the E panel.

Use the H panel for plant maintenance.

(MOS120/J) 'Print material net change' This parameter is used as a default initial value in 'Work Order. Print Separate Documents' (MOS150).

If the check box is selected, only material lines with 'Doc printed' deselected are included in the printout of shop traveler.

If it is not selected, all material lines are included in the printout.