Define New Service – Quick Entry

This document explains how you register a new service using the quick entry H-panel. Using quick entry allows you to define the basic service data and one operation in one step.

Quick entry is usually used when you define new services for plant maintenance.


You have registered a service and determined the characteristics that apply to the service. Among these are:

  • What the service is linked to, usually an equipment in a plant. It can also be blank and act as a general service, such as a check to look for a suspected defect.
  • The work center in which the service will be performed.
  • The meters that are linked to the service and the intervals at which the service should be repeated.
  • The validity dates of the service.
  • Information about the service is stored in (MPDSCF).

The service is one of the most important elements of maintenance since no actual work can be performed if services are not defined. No work order can be created without a service.

Work orders can be created in these ways:

  • Manually in 'Work Order. Enter' (MOS001)
  • Manually in 'Work Request. Open' (MOS170)
  • Manually in 'Work Request. Quick Entry' (MOS185)
  • From a complaint in 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500)
  • From an engineering order in 'Eng Order. Open' (MOS200)
  • Automatically when meter readings that exceed defined limits are reported in 'Equipment. Report Meter Reading ' (MOS160).

Before you start

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Service. Open' (MOS300/B).

  2. Set the panel sequence to H and select sorting order 1.

    The F and G panels can also be selected if additional service information will be specified. These panels are not described within this document. Refer to the document about standard service entry for more information about these panels.

  3. Specify an ID for which the service should apply, a service ID and, if applicable, a structure type. Select New to display the H-panel.

    The service can be defined as a general service. If so, no equipment should be specified for the service.

    Specify basic service information

  4. On the H-panel, specify a start and to date to limit the service validity (optional).

    If no dates are specified, the service will be valid until it is removed.

  5. Select a service status and specify a person responsible for the service and a description of the service.

    If you set the service status to 30 (mandatory), the status of the serialized item/equipment is automatically set to 80 (unserviceable) if the planned work order/request is not released before the planned start date.

  6. If applicable, specify a process type and a service group.

    A process type is used to classify a service as, for example, a statutory or non statutory service. Process types are defined in 'Process Type. Open' (CRS256).

    A service group can be specified and then used as a search key during inquiries. Service groups are defined in 'Service Group. Open' (MOS325).

  7. Specify an order type and a planning policy.

    A planning policy contains a set of rules that determine how planned work orders are generated. Planning policies are defined in 'Planning Policy. Open' (MMS037).

    A planning policy contains a set of rules that determine how planned work orders are generated. Planning policies are defined in 'Planning Policy. Open' (MMS037).

  8. Specify the event type, if applicable.

    The event type can be used to group services. Only services with the same event type can be consolidated into one work order. This is usually used for work that is not planned by M3. This includes predictive type inspections, such as lubrication.

  9. Specify an estimated downtime, if applicable.

  10. Specify how the service should be scheduled and also specify the service level.

  11. When needed, change the first meter that will be set up against a service and specify if the service requires a shutdown of the equipment on which the service is performed.

  12. Specify the accounting control object (optional) and the repeat interval.

    Accounting control objects are defined in 'Control Object. Open User-Defined' (CRS335).

    The repeat interval indicates how often a service should be repeated.

    Note: The repeat interval should be specified in the same unit as the first meter.
  13. Specify the work center that will be responsible for the operation.

    A work center must be specified. If you want to add more work centers or delete the current one, you can select the option Operations/material in (MOS300).

  14. In the 'Override W/C' field, specify where to retrieve the work center that is responsible for the operation when the work request is created in (MOS185).

    If this field is set to 1 ('Equipment/position'), no consideration will be taken to the work center defined in the 'Work center' field in (MOS300) when the work requests is created in (MOS185).

  15. If needed, specify another operation description.

    The description of the service is defaulted when the service is saved. It is possible to specify a different description.

  16. If applicable, specify the upper and lower alarm limits, a unit of measure, and a trend limit. Press Enter to finish.

    The alarm limits indicate the upper and lower limits of reported meter values. When a meter value falls outside the limits, a message can automatically be sent to a user.

    Alarm details are automatically created in (PDS041), (PDS042), and (PDS043). In (PDS043) you can define an alarm or other kind of service that will be triggered if a specific value is reported in (MOS085).

Parameters to set

Note: This table only includes fields that need further explanation.
Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …
(MOS300/H) Event type

…how planned work orders should be converted into work orders. Only services defined with the same event type are considered for consolidation. This is normally used only for services that are not planned.

Event types are defined in 'Event Type. Open' (MOS320).

(MOS300/H) Estimated downtime

…the calendar time that is expected to elapse from when the equipment or position is taken out of production until it is available again for normal production.

The downtime can include any of these: a) time for stopping and cooling down, b) time waiting for the people, tools or materials needed for carrying out work, c) time needed to carry out work, d) time for drying, hardening, warming up, and so on, and e) time for test production and trimming.

The downtime is used when queries are run to determine which services, work requests, or work orders lie within a specific time frame, for example a planned production stop. By doing so, you find out what work can be carried out during the time frame.

Note that the downtime has no effect on the scheduling of work requests or work orders.

The downtime is expressed in hours with two decimal places. (Example: 2 hours and 30 minutes is expressed as 2.5.)

(MOS300/H) Scheduled service

…how services are scheduled after the previous service is performed.

If 0 is specified, no automatic planning is done. This is used for non-recurring jobs.

If 1 is specified, all jobs up to the planning horizon are generated. This means that a weekly job is generated 52 times if a 365day planning horizon is specified. This allows resource and materials planning, although it creates a larger number of planned work orders.

If 2 is specified, the next service is generated when the previous one is completed. This is the default value. However, it permits only shortterm planning.

(MOS300/H) Service level

…how comprehensive a service is. The calculation method indicates how the current service should affect other services scheduled for the same individual item. This means that it is possible to delay smaller services if these are included in a larger service.

Service levels can be assigned numbers 1 through 9. 1 represents the highest level and 9 the lowest. This means that service level 1 will always include services with level 2 or lower.

(MOS300/H) Meter 1 …the first meter that is set up against the service. The field is defaulted from (CRS788), but the meter can be changed during entry. Once the service is saved, the field is locked. Any change must then be made from (MOS311).
(MOS300/H) Trend limit ...the maximum change that is allowed for a meter reading when inspections are reported. One example is a bearing for which you take temperature readings in order to monitor the bearing. The temperature might be expected to rise by no more than one degree per year as a result of surface wear. In this case, the service frequency would be 12 months. When the meter reading is reported in (MOS085), the reported value is compared to the previous value, and the trend is calculated. If the trend value is outside the expected values, an alarm is issued.