Delete Work Orders and Work Order Operations

This instruction explains how you delete entire work orders and work order operations.

Use the instruction when a WO or some of its operations will not be performed.


Operations that are not started are deleted and removed from the system and work orders that are deleted will have their status set to 99, but will not be removed. Operations that are started will have their status set to 90.

The new WO status is saved in the (MMOHED) file.

Before you start

The work order must exist and have a status of less than 90.

Follow These Steps

Delete Work Order Operation

  1. Start 'Work Order. Open Line' (MOS101/B).

    The panel can be reached from 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100), using option 'Materials and operations', or 'Work Schedule. Open Toolbox' (MOS195), using option 'Materials and operations'.

  2. Highlight one or more work order operations and select the delete option.

  3. Press Enter to confirm and delete.

    Any unissued parts that are linked to the operation will also be removed.

Delete Work Order

  1. Start 'Work Order. Open' (MOS100/B).

  2. Highlight one or more work orders and select the delete option.

  3. Press Enter to confirm.

    The work order will remain in the system, but will be given status 99.