Define Maintenance Agreement Line with Service Pricing for Time and Material

This document explains how you define a maintenance agreement line for which pricing is based on the time the service takes to perform and the material that is used in the service.

Use this instruction when you want to add new service to a maintenance agreement.


A new maintenance agreement line with information about a service that is connected to and covered by an agreement.

The table with information about agreement lines, ACUAGL, is updated.

You use an agreement line with service pricing based on time and material when you do not know how much time a job is to take or what material is to be used.

Before you start

A maintenance agreement header must be defined in 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410).

Follow these steps

  1. Start 'Maint Agrmnt. Open' (COS410/B).
  2. Select an appropriate sorting order to identify the agreement in question.

    The recommended alternatives are 1-'Agreement' or 2-'Agreement lines'.

  3. Select the agreement for which you wish to define an agreement line and select option 11='Agreement lines' to display 'Maint Agrmnt. Open Lines' (COS411).
  4. Set the panel sequence to E F.
  5. On the B panel, select service price method 1 and specify the date from which the agreement is to be valid.
  6. Specify the product, product structure and the service if you do not wish to create a blank agreement line. Select 'New record' to display the E panel.
  7. On the E panel, specify the maximum material price per item, transaction and order line (optional fields).
  8. Specify warranty limits and an index (optional fields).

    Use an index if you want to add a percentage to the time reported on a maintenance customer order.

  9. Specify the maximum material cost and labor cost possible to invoice the customer (optional fields).
  10. Limit zero pricing. Specify the limit in the material currency. Any material transactions below the limit have the sales price set to zero. You can connect a charge to the agreement line. The charge replaces the sales price for the transactions below the limit with one charge.
  11. Specify the minimum number of hours allowed to report for an order line, a job and an order (optional fields). Press Enter to display the F panel.

    The field indicates the minimum number of reported hours required to be included on the invoice.

    This means that if the reported hours are less than the specified limit, they are not included on the invoice.

    If the number of reported hours exceeds this value, all reported hours are invoiced.

    For a minimum hours per job, this means that the number of hours refers to a product and MCO line. The product is indicated in the 'GSR1' field in 'Maint CO. Check Preliminary Invoice Spec' (COS071/F).

    For minimum hours per order, this means that the number of hours refers to the MCO line.

  12. On the F panel, specify whether only customer owned rotables and expendables are allowed.
  13. If applicable, specify project elements. The project elements are added to order lines by default when an order is based on the agreement line.
  14. Press Enter to finish.