Move Transactions Between Maintenance Customer Orders and Work Orders


It can be difficult to correct transactions of type time, material, miscellaneous or subcontract, reported on the wrong work order. The functionality described in this document makes it easier to successfully move transactions between different MCO lines and work orders and results in a systematic adjustment of the corresponding accounting transactions. During the process, the incorrect transaction is reversed and a new transaction is created for another work order before the MCO line is approved for invoicing.


  • Material

    Move transactions will not be performed for material transactions with transaction type '66/67' (remove/install). In this scenario, the 'remove/install' transactions must be reversed in (MOS124) and redone, and connected to the correct work order or MCO.

  • Labor

    If the 'To' operation is open and employee allocation is used, the employee on the 'From' operation must be allocated to the 'To' operation.

  • Subcontract

    Move of subcontract can only be performed if:

    • The product on the 'From' and 'To' MCO lines is the same.
    • Parameter 380 is de-selected in 'Purchase Order Type. Open' (PPS095). Scenarios where the maintenance object is moved to the supplier are not supported.
    • The 'From' and 'To' work orders are open (status less than 90).
    • Goods receiving method is defined as 'direct put-away' by setting parameter 10 = '1' in 'Goods Receiving Method. Open' (PPS345).
    • 'Material plan update' parameter (UPAV) in (PPS095) is set to '0-No' or '2-No bal upd'.
    • Modification (MOEM) parameter is set to 0 in 'Purchase Order. Enter Repair Line' (PPS202). Move of a subcon transaction with modification or exchange is not supported. Such a PO must be manually deleted and recreated from the correct WO operation.
    • Invoice matching has not been processed.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The transaction that is moved must have a blank payer.
    • Setting '49-Miscellaneous cost defined as item' must be defined in 'Settings – Maintenance 1' (CRS788). This results in miscellaneous costs being defined as items.
  • All
    • If dynamic warranty is used on either the 'From' or 'To' work order, and the service approval is performed so that a record has been created in 'Equipment. Connect Warranty' (MOS390) and 'Equipment. Open Warranty Details' (MOS393), the warranty record will not be updated by the move transaction functionality. In this scenario, approval and re-approval in (MOS180) must be performed manually to make the warranty record correct.
    • A Work order log record must be created in 'Event Log' (MOS102), for both the 'From' (MF1-MF4) and 'To' (MT1-MT4) work orders.

Follow these steps

  1. Create and process an MCO line and a connected work order.

  2. Go to the invoice specification in (COS170) and select option '7=Move transaction'.

  3. In (COS170/M), select a 'To' MCO line, work order and operation.

  4. Press 'Enter' to carry out the move.

  5. In the background, reversals will be performed on the 'From' MCO and work order, and a new transaction will be created for the 'To' MCO and work order. Stock transactions and labor transactions will also be updated. Account entries will be recreated.

Labor transactions

M3 BE performs the following events when a labor transaction is moved. The outcome is dependent on the operation and work order status, both for the 'From' and 'To' work orders.

'From' Order:

  • Reported hours on the work order are reversed in MMOOPE.
  • Reported hours in WO transaction file MMOPTR are reversed. Credit WIP.
  • Reported hours on the invoice specification are reversed in AINUPD.
  • WO account entries are created. Credit WIP in CRACTR if work order is closed.

'To' Order:

  • Originally reported hours on the work order are added in MMOOPE.
  • Originally reported hours in WO transaction file MMOPTR are added. Debit WIP.
  • Originally reported hours on the invoice specification are added in AINUPD.
  • WO account entries are created. Debit WIP in CRACTR if work order is closed.
  • A labor transaction can be moved in one of the following cases:
    • When the 'From' and 'To' MCO lines have a status below approved (50).
    • If the MCO line is approved (50): Reopen the MCO line. Move the transaction.
    • If the MCO line is invoiced (70): Create a credit invoice. Move the transaction.

    The transaction will not be physically moved. Instead a reverse transaction on the 'From' MCO line and a new transaction on the 'To' MCO line will be created.

  • You can move transactions in the following cases:
    • From a closed operation.
    • From an open operation.
    • To a credited MCO line.
    • To an operation with a different work center.
  • WIP account entries will be correct.

    If the 'From' operation is closed, the WIP account entry will be reversed on the 'From' work order.

    If the 'To' operation is closed, or the MCO line in the 'From' field is closed, a WIP account entry will be created.

    If the 'From' MCO line is closed, a "Delivery not invoiced" account entry will be created.

  • For warranties in the 'From' operation, a new transaction will be created and pass all warranty checks as it was reported.
  • For warranties in the 'To' operation, a new transaction will be created and pass all warranty checks as it was reported.
  • When moving between facilities, the 'From' operation's reported time will be reversed on the 'From' work center, and the 'To' operation's work center will be posted in the accounts for the moved reported hours. The 'From' operation's reported time will be reversed on the 'From' work center and employee work center if interdepartmental debiting was used. The 'To' operation's work center will be posted in the accounts for the moved reported hours. If the employee was from another work center then interdepartmental debiting will take place.
  • If not stated against the 'To' operation, the first operation is used.

Material transactions

M3 BE performs the following events when a material transaction is moved. The outcome is dependent on the operation and work order status, both for the 'From' and 'To' work orders.

'From' Order:

  • A material line with reversed quantity is created on the work order in MMOMAT.
  • Reported quantity in stock transaction file MITTRA is reversed via (MMS900). Credit WIP.
  • Reported quantity on the invoice specification is reversed in ACUINV.
  • WO account entries are created. Credit WIP in CRACTR if work order is closed.

'To' Order:

  • A material line with originally reported quantity on the work order is created in MMOMAT.
  • Originally reported quantity in stock transaction file MITTRA is created via (MMS900). Debit WIP.
  • Originally reported quantity on the invoice specification is created in AINUPD.
  • WO account entries are created. Debit WIP in CRACTR if work order is closed.
  • A material transaction can be moved in one of the following cases:
    • When the 'From' and 'To' MCO lines have a status below approved (50).
    • If the MCO line is approved (50): Reopen the MCO line. Move the transaction.
    • If the MCO line is invoiced (70): Create a credit invoice. Move the transaction.

    The transaction will not be physically moved. Instead a reverse transaction on the 'From' MCO line and a new transaction on the 'To' MCO line will be created.

  • You can move transactions in the following cases:
    • From a closed work order
    • To a closed work order
    • To a credited MCO line
    • To an operation with a different work center
  • WIP account entries will be correct:
    • If the 'From' work order is closed, the WIP account entry will be reversed on the 'From' work order.
    • If the 'To' work order is closed, or the MCO line in the 'From' field is closed, a WIP account entry will be created.
    • If the 'From' MCO line is closed, a 'Delivery not invoiced' account entry will be created.
  • For warranties in the 'From' MCO line, a new transaction will be created and pass all warranty checks as it was reported.
  • For warranties in the 'To' MCO line, a new transaction will be created and pass all warranty checks as it was reported.
  • When moving between facilities, the 'From' reported quantity will be reversed on the 'From' work order, and the 'To' operation's work order will be posted in the accounts for the moved quantity.

    Interdepartmental debiting will be performed according to settings in 'Internal Transfer Price. Open' (MFS001). A negative copy of the 'From' material line will be created on the work order and a new material line will be created on the 'To' work order. The issue method will be 6, the quantities will be correctly updated and the line will be closed.

Non-stocked purchases

For non-stocked purchases, the same events occur as for normal material lines. However, additional transactions are changed.

'From' order:

  • PO goods receipt - work order remains open.
  • PP10 account entry is created against the purchase order and is visible for the work order.
  • MO10 account entry is created.
  • The reference on PO line is updated.
  • MO10 account entries are reversed.

'To' order:

  • PO goods receipt - work order remains open.
  • A material line is created on the 'To' work order.
  • PO/PO line is updated with a new reference.
  • The operation is updated with data from goods receiving (PPS324).
  • New MITTRA on the 'To' work order.
  • New MO10 account entries are created.

Core transactions

For items classified as 'cores', the same events occur as for normal material lines. However, additional transactions are created.

  • 'From' order:

    The core charge amount is reversed on the invoice specification.

  • 'To' order:

    A core charge line is created on the invoice specification.

  • Core transactions (MWS090):

    The entitlement record is updated with the 'To' work order.

  • Core return transaction in (OIS390):

    The return record is updated with the 'To' work order.

Subcontract transactions

M3 BE performs the following events when a subcontract transaction is moved. The outcome depends on the operation and work order status, both for the 'From' and 'To' work orders.

  • 'From' Order:
    • Reported subcontract goods receipt on the work order operation are reversed in MMOOPE.
    • Reported subcontract goods receipt in WO transaction file MMOPTR are reversed. Credit WIP.
    • Reported price and cost on the invoice specification are cleared in AINUPD. The transaction remains in status 99.
    • WO account entries are created to reflect the reversal.
    • Goods receipt according to the PO is reversed/deleted.
  • 'To' Order:
    • A new subcontract operation is created in MMOOPE.
    • WO and operation reference on the PO is changed.
    • Service on the PO is changed.
    • Goods receipt on the PO is created and the status of the new operations is set to '90 - completed'.
    • Reported subcontract goods receipt is added in WO transaction file MMOPTR. Debit WIP.
    • The new goods receipt on the invoice specification are added in AINUPD.
    • WO account entries are created.
    • A subcontract transaction can be moved as long as the 'To' and 'From' WO’s are still open.
    • A subcontract transaction with a payer (warranty) cannot be moved. Move the original customer record instead to delete the payer record and move the original record.

      The transaction will not be physically moved. Instead a reverse transaction on the 'From' MCO line and a new transaction on the 'To' MCO line will be created.

    • WIP account entries will be correct:
      • If the 'From' operation is closed, the WIP account entry will be reversed on the 'From' work order.
      • As the 'To' operation is closed, a WIP account entry will be created.

Miscellaneous transactions

M3 BE performs the following events when a material transaction is moved. The outcome depends on the operation and work order status, both for the 'From' and the 'To' work orders.

  • 'From' Order:
    • A material line with reversed quantity is created on the work order in MMOMAT.
    • Reported quantity on the invoice specification is reversed in ACUINV.
    • Reported quantity in MCO report expenses is reversed in ACUMIS.
    • WO account entries are created. Credit WIP in CRACTR if work order is closed.
    • Mandatory approval in (COS160).
      • If mandatory approval is applied on cost type in (COS160) the reversed transaction must be approved in ACUMIS after the transaction has been moved.
  • 'To' Order:
    • A material line with originally reported quantity on the work order is created in MMOMAT.
    • Originally reported quantity in MCO report expenses is created in ACUMIS.
    • Originally reported quantity on the invoice specification is created in ACUINV.
      • If manual pricing was applied on the 'From' order in ACUMIS, the original price and cost is copied.
      • If agreement pricing was applied on the 'From' order in ACUMIS, the agreement pricing on the 'To' order is applied.
    • WO account entries are created. Debit WIP in CRACTR if work order is closed.
    • Mandatory approval in (COS160).
      • If mandatory approval is applied on cost type in (COS160) the moved transaction must be approved in ACUMIS.
    • A material transaction can be moved in one of the following cases:
      • When the 'From' and 'To' MCO lines have a status below approved (50).
      • If the MCO line is approved (50): Reopen the MCO line. Move the transaction.
      • If the MCO line is invoiced (70): Create a credit invoice. Move the transaction.

        The transaction will not be physically moved. Instead a reverse transaction on the 'From' MCO line and a new transaction on the 'To' MCO line will be created.

    • Transactions can be moved in the following cases:
      • From a closed work order.
      • To a closed work order.
      • To a credited MCO line.
      • To an operation with a different work center.
    • For warranties in the 'From' MCO line, a new transaction will be created and pass all warranty checks as it was reported.
    • For warranties in the 'To' MCO line, a new transaction will be created and pass all warranty checks as it was reported.
    • When moving between facilities, the 'From' reported quantity will be reversed on the 'From' work order, and the 'To' operation's work order will be posted in the accounts for the moved quantity. Interdepartmental debiting will be performed according to settings in (MFS001). A negative copy of the 'From' material line will be created on the work order and a new material line will be created on the 'To' work order. The issue method will be 6, the quantities will be correctly updated and the line will be closed.


In the background, reversals are performed for the 'From' MCO and work order, and new transactions are created for the 'To' MCO and work order. Stock transactions or labor transactions are also recreated. Account entries are recreated.

In addition, records are written to the work order event log that can be monitored in (MOS102).

The following new events are created, containing information about the 'From' or 'To' work order.

  • MF1-MF4 Move from line type 1-4
  • MT1-MT4 Move to line type 1-4